THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN AND . JOURNAL OF THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Vol. CXI. FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1916. No. 2879. The Campine Coal Field. Its Relation to the other Coal Fields of Belgium and North=western Europe. P. KRUSCH, “ Gluckauf.” (Continued from page 358.) Stratigraphy and Petrography of the Cover Rock. ’ All the -strata of 'the cover rock aire practically horizontal, and, as revealed by the borings, comprise, in addition to marine alluvial sands, clays, iron ores, etc., diluvium, tertiary, chalk and permo-trias. In respect of the diluvium and tertiary, the conditions differ in the eastern, Meuse district and the Western Valley of the Campine, for whilst both mostly overlie the chalk, they also; in the east, lie immediately above the carboniferous.. Diluvium..—^This formation comprises Flandrian, Hesbayan, Campinian and Mosean. From the data obtained from the different boreholes, it would, appear that the section of -the diluvium is very patchy, as the result of-extensive abrasion, the Flandrian having been found in only 10 holes, and the Hesbayan in two, though the Campinian and .Mosean are more frequent. No definite increase or decrease in the thickness of the diluvial strata can be traced from east to west, though an irregular increase is observed from south to north. Tertiary. — This plays an important ' part in the Campine, its thickness determining that of the cover rock as.a whole.' In the western portion of the Campine the deposits are entirely marine, but round the Meuse they are brackish and with brown coal. Of the various stages, Pliocene, Miocene, Oligocene, Eocene, ■■ and Palasocene, the last-named only occurs in one borehole. In the eastern section of the Campine the Eocene is entirely absent. The most frequent series encountered Fig. 4. Turnhout 0 Rethy 58 oSanthoven Moll rfferenthaw' 37 38 Hechte! Maeseyck’ ^6 *31 • 55 .29 19 Herssefi 23 .22 EXPLANATION 60 Borehole number. Zones I.—V. (Fourmarier and Renier.) Barren Middle Measures of the Campine. Reserved by the State. Permo-Triassic boundary Fault. 17 16 MAASTRICHT^ ■A g 1— 'TO11 w"-- V'K • 48 '28\ ^Diest V • lA- 13. 47 B \ Ghee! x’ 756 • 69\ 8ee • 4 Boreholes. | Tertiary. ' - • .9. . Permo-trias. Coal measures . (final depth of borehole). Gas consent (percentage). Dip of strata (degrees). Boreholes. Tertiary. Chalk. Permo-trias. Coal . measures (final depth of borehole). Gas content (percentage). Dip of strata (degrees). Boreholes. Tertiary. | Chalk. ~ Permo-trias. . Coal . measures (final depth of borehole). Gas content (percentage). Dip of strata (degrees). Metres Metres Metres Metres Metres Metres Metres Metres No. 48 Metres Metres Metres Metres ■, 7—10 No. 1 . ’ 374. 532 649 38—35 2—3 No.26 250 496 . — ... '685 .. 18—17 ■7 360 609 ; ■. : 906... ? 8—29 2 • 447. 521 613 32-38 3 ■33 458. • 527 . —■ . . E003 26—18 10 „ .4.) 137 , 383 . 535 6 - 35 539 . — 621 45—35 3 33 28 . 332 ' 557 ' . — 1,022 . 24-17 5—8 33. 50 3Q5 ' 418 . 650 40—33 5—10 33 ° .4 290 . • 501 631 37 - 31 3 33 29 500 605 — • • . 922 28—19 3 ,, 51 130 • 372 —- 571 16—10. 25 ” 5 353 569 _ 654 38-35 ■. • ■ 33 ^0 412 670 — ■ 997 40—32 14 >, 52 192 373 — 769 39—-32 -— 6 392 671 713 • _ 33 31 448 627 878 879 — — 53 170 392 — 554 29—24 22 7 370 555 679 31—25 10 33 32 192 413 — ■ 800 17—16 20 „ 54 390 526 — 726 37—30 3—6 • 8 300 520 ■ 704 43—33 1 ■33 33 310' 446 — ■ 808 24—23 5 ,, 55 425 642 —- 787 36—28 11 ” 9 • 337 568 720 42—36 . 4 33 34 484 707 — • 889 33—26 12—60 ,3 56 520 778 — 1,116 33—31 12 C io 401 658 ■ . 947 39—34 2 33 35 523 775 1,244 27—20 0 33 .57 619 896 — 1,028 13—12 ■ — 11 352 489 <.. _ 592 25—24 15 33 36 455 623 — ■ 806 25 -— ,, 58 470 854 — 1,014 ■ — 16 12 316 456 ■ ■ 600 25-23 17—28 33 475 . 633 — 995 25-17 — 33 59 571 733 — 936 22 — 7, 13 14 484 350 530 605 609 902 ' 40-35 42—31 33 38 350 573 ■ — ( 622*) I 704f 5 — 33 60 „ 61 410 ■ 280 713 422 888 1,111 885 - 43—31 4—5 9—11 15 286 466 600 30—25 2 ,3 39 511 711 - 851 20—19 33 62 431 693 . — 888 36—22 7 • - ” 16 268 474 ■ 717 21—15 6—12 33 40 432 710 838 — ■ — 3 . ,, .63 ■ 202 450. -— 1,000 28—15 12—23 33 17 330 548 710 35—26 6—8 33 41 152 .. — — .— — —. „ 64 495 535 1,183 1,211 41—39 — 33 ‘ 18 . 288 472 ■ • 775 22—12 10—12 33 42. 229 373 — 592 27—20 12 „ 65 324 598 — 715 44—37 . — 33 -1-0 33 19 20 350 260. 641 529 844 810 46—35 41—32 5—10 33 43 74 272 — C277 1 1278*5 — . — „ 66 „ 67- 355 . 353 525 520 — 979 828 ■ 34—29 36—29 3— 15 4— 17 33 AV 33 21 22 202 290 450 505 1,000 752 28—15 23—20 12—23 4 : z£z£ 30 — ■ — . — — .33 69 „ 72 332 351 498 593 ’— ■■ 1,050 1,195 28—17 35—18 3 3 23 400 611 838 36—27 6-10 33 45 250 440 — 514 39—36 15—20 „ 77 390 619 1,491 — — 33 AO 21 300 552 • 686 32-15 10—17 33 46 276 492 ■ — 702 42—37 8—10 „ 81 222 467 1,026 7—12 33 At .. 25 420 645 ■. — 951 25—21 3—4 47 333 ’ 587’ — 887 40-32 10—14 „ 84 " 429 J 702 1,262 1 33—23 — * Carboniferous limestone. f Devonian. J Siluro-Cambrian.