292 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 11, 1016. Purchasers’ Guide to Advertisers’ Specialities—(continued). Sulphur Recovery Plant—Apparent d Woupdra- tion du souffre Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld., Sheffield Copp^e Co. (Gt. Britain) Ld., Kiugsway, W.C. Daglish, Bobt., and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. Koppers’ Coke Oven & Bye-Product Co., Sheffield Superheaters—Swclumffewt Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld., Gateshead-on-Tyne Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld., Beading Surplus Steam Valves (Full Bore)—Soupapes auvapeur en trop plein Auld, D., and Sons, Whitevale Foundry, Glasgow Baldwin, James, and Co., Keighley, Yorks Hopkinson, J., and Co. Ld., Huddersfield Boyles Ld., Irlam, Manchester SURVEYING (Books ON)— Manuel d’arpentage Thomas, Wm., Cambrian Mining School, Forth Surveying ( Instruction ) — Enseignement (arpentage) Thomas, Wm., Cambrian Mining School Forth Surveying Instrument Makers — Appareiis d’arpentage Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby Harling, W. H., 47, Finsbury Pavement, London Stanley, W. F., & Co. Ld., 286, High Holborn, W.C. Thornton, A. G., Ld., King-st. West, Manchester SWITCH Boards—Tableaux de distribution Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby Haslam and Stretton Ld., Cardiff Holmes, J. H., and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne SWITCH Gear—Commutateurs tlectriques Anderson, Boyes & Co. Ld., Motherwell, Scotland British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ld., Prescot Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby Haslam and Stretton Ld., Cardiff Holmes, J. H., and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne Swivels (Ball-Bearing)—Amertiions d buies Youngs, By land-street Works, Birmingham TAN KS —Reservoirs Bagnall, W. G., Ld., Stafford Daglish, Eobert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. Goodall, Clayton and Co. Ld., Hunslet, Leeds Harvey, G. A., & Co. (Lndn.) Ld.,Woolwich-rd.,S.E. Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld., Stockton-on-Tees Isca Foundry Co. Ld., Newport, Mon. Mather and Platt Ld., Manchester Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley Ward, Thos. W., Ld., Albion Works, Sheffield Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co. Ld., Tipton Wood, John, and Sons Ld., Wigan Tachographs and Tachometers—T autogene WELL Tubes—Cuvelages d puit d’eau Bussell, John, and Co. Ld., Alma Works. Walsall Scottish Tube Co.Ld., 34, Bobertson-st.,Glasgow Spencer, John, Ld., Tube Works, Wednesbury Stewarts and Lloyds Ld., Birmingham & Glasgow Weighing Machinery—Appareiis depesage Thompson and Co., Wigan WH E E LB AR ROWS—Brouettes Allen, W. G., and Sons (Tipton) Ld., Tipton Baker, John, and Son, Thompson-st., Buston Bayliss, Jones & Bayliss Ld., Wolverhampton Hardy Patent Pick Co., Sheffield Harvey, G. A., & Co., Woolwich-rd., London, S.E Haslam and Stretton Ld., Cardiff Lewis, Wm., and Son, Bilston, Staffs Theedam, E.C., Ld., Dudley WHEELS, Axles AND TYRES-Esswm et bandages Bagnall, W. G., Ld., Stafford Bayliss, Jones & Bayliss Ld., Wolverhampton Chorley Bail way Wagon Co. Ld., Chorley Du Croo & Brauns, 53, Victoria st., London,S.W. Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Lancashire & Yorkshire Wagon Co. Ld., Heywood Lancaster and Tonge Ld., Pendleton, Manchester Moy, Thomas, Ld., Bail way Works, Peterborough Benton, B. M., and Co., Midland Works, Sheffield Thompson and Southwick Ld., Tamworth Wigan Wagon Co. Ld., Springs Branch, Wigan Wood, John, & Sons Ld., Brook Foundry, Wigaj Winches—Treuiis Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld., Gateshead-on-Tyn, Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Mining Appliances Co., 32, Church-st., Sheffield Tangyes La., Cornwall Works, Birmingham Young’s, Byland-street Works, Birmingham Winding Engine Indicators — indicateurs de profondew pour les machines d’extraction Daglish, B., and Co., St. Helens, Lancashire Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby Wood, John, and Sons Ld., Wigan Wire—eh British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ld., Present Cooke, Wm., and Co. Ld., Tinsley, Sheffield Elliot, George, & Co. Ld., Westminster, S.W. Glover, Wm. Jas., and Co., St. Helens, Lancs. Latch and Batchelor Ld., Hay Mills, Birminghan Benton, B. M., and Co., Sheffield Wire Drawing Plates and Wortles—EUieres Hodgson, E. W., & Co., 24, Norfolk-row, Sheffield WIRE Mesh AND Gauze—Tissw mttalliques Ackroyd and Best Ld., Morley, near Leeds Barns, W., and Son, Holloway, London, N. Cousland, Alex., and Son, 3, Mitchell-st., Glasgow Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby Harvey, G. A.,&Co. (Lndn) Ld., Woolwich-rd.,S.E. Protector Lamp and Lighting Co. Ld., Eccles Staniar, John, & Co., Manchester Wire Works, Manchester Teale, W. E., and Co. Ld., Swinton, Lancs. Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley Wolf Safety Lamp Co., Sheffield WIRE Rope Greaser— Appareiis de graissage pour cdbles mAtalliques Mining Engineering Co T.d. Sheffield Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley Wire Rope Pulley Blocks—Paians pour cdbles en acier Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Tangyes Ld., Cornwall Works, Birmingham Youngs, Byland-street Works, Birmingham Wire Work—Treillis Barns, W., and Son, Globe Works, Holloway, N Cousland, Alex., and Son, 3, Mitchell-st., Glasgow Harvey, G. A., &Co. (Lndn) Ld., Woolwich-rd.,S.E. SMALLMAN patent HAULAGE CLIPS. New Model: Nine Sizes. Patented 1902, 1906 and 1910. Automatic Detachment. The 1911 lever has large lateral stops and a wedge-shaped head. Drop-forged shells (two sizes), levers (four sizes), catches and coupHngs. HAMON PATENT Illustrated Catalogue. Clips can be had without catches. Patentee and Sole Manufacturer:— JAMES W. SMALLMAN, Nuneaton, England. On Admiralty of Contractors. John Russell & Co. Ld OF .ALL KINDS AND FOR ALL PURPOSES. ~ ALMA TUBE WORKS, WALSALL FITTINGS Gold Medals— Paris, 1878 ; Melbourne, 1881. First-class Medals— Paris, 1885; London, 1862. “SHELTON” IRON. SHELTON” STEEL C— “GRANVILLE” PIG IRON (» STEEL PIT GIRDERS & COLLIERY RAILS a Speciality; also High-class RAR IRON for Couplings, &c. IRON & STEEL BARS, ANOLES, TEES, CHANNELS, GIRDERS, PLATES & SHEETS, STEEL BILLETS, BLOOMS & SLABS. Enquiries to— - .... THE SHELTON IRON, STEEL & COAL CO. LTD.,SrnS Or 122, Cannon Street, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address: “ Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent.” Tel. No. 11 and 253. [ Telegraphic Address : ** Sheltonian, London.” Tel. No. 886 Bank. Hamon Bros., Belgian Engineers, 94, Rue St. Lazare, PARIS. Agent— GEORGE DESCAMPS, 36, Abbeydale Rd. South, SHEFFIELD. ‘The WEEKLY. World.” ILLUSTRATED. PRICE 6d. Annual Subscription (Post Free) : UNITED KINGDOM, 21s. FOREIGN COUNTRIES, 28s. ♦ PRINCIPAL FEATURES: CURRENT EVENTS, by the Editor, on Trade, Commerce, and all Shipping and Commercial Questions, especially, at this time, in connection with the War. SHIPPING in PARLIAMENT, by Special Representative. WAR RISKS, by an Expert in Marine Insurance. SHIP SALES and CONTRACTS. NEPTUNE’S MAIL, with News and Notes about the War and other matters. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES. TECHNICAL ARTICLES, by “ An M.I.N.A.” NAVAL and ENGINEERING NOTES. REPORTS from the SHIPPING CENTRES. REPORTS on FREIGHTS, whether affected by the War or not. MARINE INSURANCE NOTES (of special interest this time). TRADE and FINANCE. LAUNCHES and TRIAL TRIPS. Offices of the “Shipping World Ltd.” Effingham House, Arundel Street, Strand, London, W.C. Telegrams and Cables—“ Shipping World, London.” Telephone—2381 Gerrard.