CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXI. The Colliery Guardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades, July 7,■ 1916. PAGE Monk Bridge Iron and Steel Co. Limited... 527 Monks, Hall and Co. Limited ..........1203 Muntz’s Metal Co. Limited ............ 471 Nantygio and Blaina Ironworks Co. Lud. ... 621 Napier \J. C.) and Co. (London) Limited ... 138 Natal Navigation Collieries and Estate Co. Limited .......................... 332 National Boiler and General Insurance PAGE Thornycroft (John I.) and Co. Limited. 864 Tibbington (1916) Co. Limited ...... 864 Till and Kennedy Limited............ 527 Timms (John J.), Limited ........... 527 Topping Bros. Limited... ............332 Torbinia Electric and Engineering Co. Limited ..........:.............1056 Co. Limited .....................332, 378 National Gas Engine Co. Limited ....... 280 < ational Tar Products Limited ....... 527 New Glynea Colliery Co. Limited .......1246 New Hucknall Colliery Co. Limited....426, 819 New Monckton Collieries Limited ....... 668 New* Sharlston Collieries Co. Limited .. 234, 332 Newport-Abercarn Black Vein Steam Coal Co. Limited .................1056, 1203 Newton, Chambers and Co. Limited...... 819 Niddrie and Benhar Coal Co. Limited .1154 Nobel’s Explosives Co. Limited ..... 915 Normanby Iron Works Co. Limited ..... 332 Normanton Engineering Works Limited... 426 North Ayrshire Coal and Oil Co. Limited 188 North British Locomotive Co. Limited... 426 North Central Wagon Co. Limited....... 332 North-Eastern Steel Co. Limited....574, 819 North Kent Coal Field Limited .......1203 North Lonsdale Iron *nd Steel Co. Limited 1056 North Midland Coal Owners’ Rescue Stations Co. Limited............. 471 North’s Navigation Collieries (1889) Co. Limited................. 378, 426, 1246 Nottingham Engineering Co. Limited 471 Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Co. Limited ... 426 Oakbank Oil Co. Limited................ 915 Ocean Coal and Wilsons Limited....... 668 Oliver, Ling and Co. Limited.........1056 Ormerod (Peter) Limited............... 39 Orwin (George) and Sons Limited ...... 39 Oswaldtwistle Collieries Limited .... 188 Owners of Bentinck West Hartley Colliery Limited ......................... 39 Page (Edward) and Sons Limited ...... 527 Parkgate Iron and Steel Co. Limited... 864, 1011 Parsons Green Foundry Limited .........1107 Pa-sons and Hodges Limited .......... 188 Pearson and Knowles Coal and Iron Co. Limited ......................... 471 Pease and Partners Limited .....;..1011,1107 Peck (C. A.) and Co. Limited......... 332 Pedersen’s Gauges Limited ........... 770 Penrikyber Navigation Colliery Limited... 527 Petters Limited........................1203 Powell-Duffryn Steam Coal Co. Limited 332,426 Premier Patent Fuel Co. Limited ....... 819 Press Work Limited...................1011 Pumpherston Oil Co. Limited ..........1011 Pyewood Colliery Co. Limited.......... 668 Railway Brick Works Colliery Co. Limited 332 Rami Collieries Limited ..........770, 819 Rapid Construction and Engineering Co. Limited .........................1107 Reddaway (F.) and Co. Limited ....... 864 Redpath, Brown and Co. Limited ......1154 Regent Shears Limited ...............1107 Rhiw Manganese Mines Limited......... 864 Rhymney Iron Co. Limited........... 1056 Richards Thread Milling Machine Co. Limited .........................1203 Richardsons, West garth and Co. Limited 1056 Rickett, Cockerell and Co. Limited ...1154 Rigby’s (Wednesbury) Limited......... 574 Righton (Henry) and Co. Limited ..... 668 Rivet, Bolt and Nut Co. Limited ...... 621 Robb (Walter) Limited ............... 668 Roberts (Wm.) (Tipton) Limited.......1203 Robey and Co. Limited ............... 574 Robinson and Collins Limited ........ 332 Roper (Fred W.) Limited ............. 723 Ruston, Proctor and Co. Limited......1203 St. Helens Colliery »nd Brick Works Co. Limited ............................ 471 San Salvador Spanish Iron Ore Co. Limited 527 Sanders and Forster Limited........... 188 Sanderson Bros, and Newbould Limited ... 770 Sandwich Freeholds Limited..............39 Transvaal and Delagoa Bay Investment Co. Limited ...................... 138 Trechamn, Carrick and Co. Limited .... 622 Tredegar Iron and Coal Co. Limited... 1056,1203 Trentham Engineering Co. (Cornbrook) Limited ............................ 188 Troup, Curtis and Co. Limited.........1246 Tweefontein Colliery Limited .......... 622 Tyneside Electrical Development Co. Ltd. 426 United Alkali Co. Limited............. 426 United British Wolfiam Co. Limited .... 471 United Collieries Limited .........332, 574 United Cornish Wolfram Properties Ltd.1154 United National Collieries Limited ...527, 1056 United States Steel Corporation Limited, 235, 574, 819 Valves Limited ...................... 138 Vickers Limited .................... 622 Victoria Drop Forgings Co. Limited..... 471 Vulcan Boiler and General Insurance Co. Limited.......................426, 1154 Vulcan Foundry Co. Limited .......... 527 Wade (F. R.) and Co. Limited ........ 188 Wagon Finance Corporation Limited... 138,1246 Waincap Collieries Limited ........... 622 Walker (C. and W.) Limited............ 574 Walker (J. G.) and Son Limited ....... 668 Walker, Maynard and Co. Limited ..... 380 Walsall District Iron Co. Limited..... 6C8 Wankie Colliery Co. Limited.......... 527 Ward (Wm.) and Son (Sheffield) Limited ...1246 Warner and Co. Limited................ 188 Waste Heat and Gas Electrical Generating Stations Limited.................. 471 Wath Main Colliery Co. Limited....... 527 Watson (A. T.) Limited ............ 723 Watson (John) Limited ................ 235 Wellington Foundries Limited ........... 85 Wells (J. and G.) Limited ......... ... 527 West London Engineering Co. Limited ... 770 Western Dominion Collieries Co. Limited... 1011 Western Wagon and Property Co. Limited 380 Whitehaven Hsematite Iron and Steel Co. Limited........................864, 1011 Whitwell Coal Co. Limited ............ 770 Wicksteed (Arnold) and Co. Limited..... 915 Wigan Coal and Iron Co. Limited ..... 280 WiUans and Robinson Limited ......... 819 Wilsons and Clyde Coal Co. Limited..... 668 Windsor Steam Coal Co. (1901) Limited ... 770 Witbank Colliery Co. Limited ......... 380 Wolverhampton Steel and Iron Co. Ltd. ...1056 Wood (Edward) and Co. Limited.......... 39 Workington Iron and Steel Co. Limited ... 426 Wright’s (Colchester) Limited......... 471 Yorkshire Electric Power Co. Limited . 234 Yorkshire Engine Co. Limited....... 574, 668 Yorkshire Iron and Coal Co. Limited .. 819 Yorkshire Railway Wagon Co. Limited ... 235 Young’s Paraffin Light and Mineral Oil Co. Limited ..................... 1154 page Transvaal Coal Fields .:........... 570 Transvaal, New Coal Seam........... 719 Transvaal Output....................1141 Aust k alia. Bureau of Science...................1235 Coke Workers ........................1141 Leases, Mining ..................... 133 New South Wales, Coal Industry in Newcastle ...................... 664 New South Wales Coal Trade ......... 812 New South Wales: Labour Unrest in January ........................ 719 New South Wales, Mineral Industry of 1141 New South Wales, Output of Coal, &c , in ............................. 911 Newcastle Coal Exports ........1141, 1235 Newcastle Steel Industry ...........1141 Queensland State Collieries ........ 570 . . Queensland, State Colliery for.... 459 State Coal Mines at Ipswich, Proposed... 767 State Coal Mine, New South Wales ...1235 State Coal Mine, Victorian ......... 811 Steel Shortage......................1235 Tasmania, Coal in Southern ......... 524 Under-Secretary of Mines (New South Wales')......................... 812 Western Australian Coal Production in 1914 ..........:................ 911 Canada. Alberta during 1915, Coal Mining in...570,1235 Alberta, Southern..............■.... 911 British Columbia, Coal Mining in ... 851 British Columbia, New Coal Mining Regulations in................... 1235 British Columbia, University of.... 459 Dominion Coal Co.’s Production......1236 Mineral Production in 1915 ......... 767 Minister of Mines, New ............. 720 New Brunswick Coal ................ 911 Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Co........123 ■> Production in 1914, Coal ........... 133 Sydney, Coal Shipments from ........ 719 India. BengalCoal Trade in April...........1141 By-Product Coking in India .. ...... 133 East Indian Railway................. 767 Electrical Plant in Indian Mines.... 459 Freight Rates on Indian Coal ....... 767 Government Coal Contracts ..........1141* Oil Fuel for Locomotives ........... 459 Transport Difficulties ..............1235 Miscellaneous. Almanacs and Calendar - f- r 1916.42, 88,173 American Anthracite in 1915.......... 378 American Coal Cargoes ............... 904 American Coal Trade Conditions....... 705 Association of Mining Electrical Engineers 122 Belgian Output of Coal, Coke and Briquettes in 1915.......................... 474 Benzol Production at American Coke Plants 364 Blasting Gelatine and Gelignite, Tests of 561 Brazil, Coal Shortage in ..............1107 Briquette Industry in the United States... 1092 Briquettes in 1914, American-Made . ... 364 British Columbia, New Transport Facilities in ............................. 1189 Honours for the Coal and Allied Trade, PAGE New Year ........................... 84 Hull Coal Imports .......284, 464, 722, 913, 1092 Iceland, Coal in .................... 918 Import Restrictions, New Department of... 574 Income Tax for Wage Earners.............. 901 Indian Resources Commission ........... 561 Injunction Against Colliery Company ...1237 Institution of EI ectrical Engineers: Grants for Research Work.................. 173 Institution of Mechanical Engineers.... 413 Institution ot Mining Engineers .......1060 Institution of Mining and Metallurgy .. 554 Institution of Petroleum Technologists, 70, 284, 619 Irish Charter Party and Submarine ......1206 Iron and Steel Institute ............"26, 860 Italian Gas Works, Supply of Coal to .. 327 Italy and Coal Freights ............... 918 Japan, Mineral Production of .......... 703 Japanese Coal Trade.................... 890 Lancashire Coals for Newcasl le .......1004 London Countj’ Council’s Coal Supplies ... 408 Manchester Geological and Mining Soci ty, 39, 233, 456, 664, 860, 1108 Medals for Mineis .......................1233 Medical Scheme for Scottish Miners......1252 Merchants Complain about Factors ......1044 Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers ............138, 523 Military Service, Miners and .......... 224 Mine Air, Use of Birds in Testing...... 39 Mineral Resources of Great Britain, Special Reports on the..................... 334 Mineral Valuations, Estate Management and ............................. 521 Miners’ Federation of Great Britain ... 471 “ Miners in Motor Cars ” .............. 859 Miners’ Permanent Relief Societies ... 993, 1040 Miners’ Wages, English .................. 908 Mining Machinery, Exports and Imports Mongolian Coal ......... .......;... 719 Monmouthshire Colliery Officials’, Associa- Moscow Basin Coal ................... 859 Motor Spirit from Coal ..........:... 751 New South Wales, Permitted Explosives for Mines in ........................... 238 Nigerian Coal Field, A................ 12C6 North of England Institute of Mining and North Staffordshire Colliery Managers’ Association .......................... 898 North Staffordshire Institute of Mining ___4I TVT1______TH______•_____ -A KO9 KCQ Scott Electrical Co. Limited.......... 332 Scott, Kirk and Co. Limited .......... 426 Scott (Walter) Limited................ 234 Scottish Australian Mining Co. Limited ...1011 Scottish Iron and Steel Co. Limited ... 380 Scottish Tube Co. Limited............. 471 Scottish Wagon Co. Limited............ 234 Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Co. Limited... 426 Shenton (F. J ) and Co. Limited........1011 Shotts Iron Co. Limited .............. 915 Silkstone Main Colliery Co. Limited....1154 Skinner and Holford Limited ......... 723 Smeeton and Brewer and Co. Limited ... 668 Smerdon (A. C.) (1916) Limited........ 426 Smith (James) Hoisting Machinery Co. Limited .......................... 723 Smith and McLean Limited ............. 668 Soho Iron Forgings Co. Limited ....... 471 Continental Notes. Austria. Austrian Coal Output in 1915 .... 364 Austrian Output for the First Quarter of 1916 ......................1045 Austrian Iron Distribution in March.1045 Iron Output in 1915, Austrian ..... 568 Germany. Brown Coal Market in Mid-Germany...1234 Coal and Iron Market in Upper Silesia, 364, 511, 568, 764, 852, 1234 Coal Market, Ruhr..........364, 510, 764 Coal Market in South Germany ..460, 764 Company Reports..........36, 219, 317, 511 Fuel Prices in Germany, Maximum . 852 Fuel Traffic on the Rhine-Herne Canal, 36, 219, 364, 568, 852, 1045 South Durham Steel and Iron Co. Limited, 668, 962 South Hetton Coal Co. Limited........332, 962 South Wales Basic Slag Co. Limited ....1056 South Wales Electrical Power Distribution Co. Limited ..................39, 85, 770 South Wales Colliery Co. Limited .... 380 Standard Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Limited ...................... 819 Star Engineering Co. Limited ........ 668 Staveley Coal and Iron Co. Limited .. 188 Steel Belts Limited ................. 668 Steel Company of Canada Limited ... 621, 819 Steel Developments Limited .,........ 574 Stephenson (Robert) and Co. (1914) Limited 864 Stewarts and Lloyds Limited ......... 527 Stockport Furnaces Limited........... 622 Stockton-on-Tees Chemical Works Limited 39 Storey Machine Tool Co. Limited ..... 962 Strand Electric and Engineering Co. Limited ...........................1056 Summerscales Limited.................1203 Sutton and Ash Limited............... 39 Swan, Hunter and Wigham-Richardson Limited.......................380, 819 Swansea C< al Breaking and Sizing Co. Ltd. 471 Swindell and Co. Limited ........... 770 Taylor (W^ A.), Limited.............1107 Temple Brothers Limited ............. 39 Theakston Limited ................... 380 Fuel Traffic in Ruhr Harbours, 364,510, 996, 1140 Hibernia Company’s Output in 1915 ...1140 Iron Market in Rhenish Westphalia, . . 219, 460, 1044 Iron Prices, German Hoop............. 317 Iron Ore Prices, Increase in German... 460 Output in 1915, German Coal ......... 317 Pig Iron Output. German, 764, 852,1140,1234 Pig Iron Union, German:............. 568 Pig Iron Union, German: New Price List ........................... 364 Rolling Mill Products in 1915, Produc- tion of..........................1045 Saar Coal Prices, New................ 510 Siegerland Ore and Iron Market, 73, 511, 996 Steel Works Union, Deliveries by the. 317, 460, 656, 852, 1140,1234 Steel, German Production of Medium 317, 510, 656, 949 Syndicate Report for November 1915, 36; December, 317; January 1916, 510; February, 656 ; March, 949; April, 1234 Syndicate Report for 1915, Coal ..... 317 Indian and Colonial Notes. Africa. Cape Coal Trade.................... 524 Coal Imports in 1915...............1235 Coal Production in January ........ 767 Lourenco Marques, Coal Trade of ... 811 Natal Coal Trade .................. 459 New Coal Field ....................1141 Nigeria, Coal in .................. 911 Output in 1915, Coal............... 851 Railway Rate to Cape Town, Overland... 524 South-west Africa, Coal in......... 767 Railway Trucks, Shortage of........ 719 South African Coal ................ 664 South African Coal Trade .......... 133 Sulphate of Ammonia Industry ......1141 British Firm and German Patents........1234 British Industries Fair, 1917 .......... 657 Bunkers, Contraband, More About ......1009 Bunker Coal Dispute .................... 454 Bunker Coals, Shipments of 68, 276, 464, 705, 961, 1100 Bunker Coal Contract: Special War Clause 413 Canadian Mining Institute .............. 267 Carnegie Research Fund, Cleveland and the 511 Caucasian Coal Bed, New ................ 527 China, (,oal Output of................1100 China, Foreign Enterprise in ......... 375 Coal and Coal Smoke .................. 476 Coal, Conservation of ................1153 Coal Exchange Fund for Belgium .......1206 Coal Prices, State Control of.........1192 Coal Mines Act Questions .............1248 Coal Shipped from Ports in the United Kingdom.....142, 320, 527, 615, 763, 958, 1139 Coal Prices, Question of .............1052 Coal Shipment Licences ’.............. 992 Coal Supply, The Nation’s...... i...... 860 Coal Tar Products, Exports and Imports of 142, 272, 530 Coal Trade Benevolent Association ...... 915 Coke Restrictions in Aberdeen.........1154 Colliery, An All-Electric............. 822 Compass Construction, Iron in.........1232 Contract Awarded to a German Firm, Coal 375 Contract Dispute, Coal..............233, 416 Contract and Strike Clauses, A Coal.... 461 Contracts, Effect of War on .......... 853 Conveyors, Belting for Powers and...... 572 Damage of Vessel during Coal Loading... 190 Daylight Saving Bill.................. 860 Diary, Blotting-Pad .................... 142 Dutch East Indies Coal ................. 325 Egypt, Coal in........................ 915 Egyptian Customs Duties ..............1045 Enemy, Trading with the ................ 714 Examinations, Mine Managers’........229, 46' Explosions in Mines, Coal Dust ......... 663 Explosions, Stone Dusting and Mine..... 372 Explosives and the Supply of Nitro- glycerine.......................... 182 Explosives Used in 1914 ................ 171 Exporter, Charge Against a Coal....... 668 Exports, Prohibited........755, 815, 901, 1103 Fires, Extinguishing Small Petroleum Spirit, &c....................... 650 Flow of Air Through Nozzles, The...... 284 France, English Coal for..............1105 France’s Coal Deficit ................1096 Freights to Italy, Coal............... 324 Freights, Mr. R. P. Houston on .......1000 Freights, A Question of .............. 668 French Coal Taxation.................. 995 Fuel Economy.......................... 616 Genoa, Coal Imports at ............... 426 Geological Society Award .............. 86 German Coal for France................ 952 German Coal Liable to Seizure ........ 772 Holland’s Coal Imports and Exports in 1915 664 Norway, Labour Trouble in ............. 804 Norwegian Freights.....................1202 Norwegian Ships and Maximum Freights 1155 Output of Coal in the United Kingdom...80, 707 Panama Canal Coal Supplies.............1156 Patents and Designs Act, 1907: Diamond Coal Cutter Co. v. Mining Appliances Co. Limited ..................... 173 Peat v. Coal in Finland .............. 530 Pig Iron Production, 1915, American.... 569 Pit 'Props in 1914, Imports of ........ 66 Pit Props, Imports of.. 279, 471, 706, 907, 1092 Pit Timber^ Newfoundland and ......... 863 Pit wood Freight Rates .............. 1235 Prices for Scotch Bar Iron, Maximum .. 769 Prices in Various Countries, Coal .... 622 Rainfall, Statistics of ............... 68 Railway Wagons Pooled, Scottish ......1107 Ready .Reckoner, Miners’ .............. 328 Research in Engineering, Scientific .. 860 Research in Mining and Metals ........ 561 Research and the Steel Trade ......... 918 Research, Scientific ................. 235 Rolling Stock, The Utilisation of .... 328 Russian Coal and Coke Production, South 409 Russia’s Coa1 and Coke Imports ....... 166 Russian Coal Industry in 1915 ........ 576 Russian Coal Mines and War Prisoners ... 217 . Russian Coal: Proposed Monopoly ..... 238 Russian Coal Resources ............... 238 Russia’s Mineral Resources ........... 653 Sale of Coal in London; New By-Laws.... 276 Science, Business Side of ............ 714 Science, Neglect of................... 800 Science, Organisation of.............. 604 Shaft at Wortley, New. .•............ 815 South Staffordshire and Warwickshire Institute of Mining Engineers ..... 726 South Wales Agreement, Non-Unionist ... 521 South Wales Institute of Engineers ...180, 568 Spain, Coal Production of ............. 459 Spain, Coal Shortage in ............. 664 Spanish Miners and Military Service.... 718 Spanish Ore Carrying in War Time ..... 668 Spitzbergen, Coal in.................. 718 Spitzbergen, Mining Progress in....... 944 Staffordshire Iron and Steel Institute, 664, 817, 849 State Regulation for Coal Contract ....1246 Strike Agitator Sentenced..............1004 Supplies, The Government and Coal...... 217 Supply, Gas Company and its Coal....... 324 Supply Question, The Coal ............ 180 Surveyors’ Institution and Mining Sur- veyors ............................1060 Swedish Iron Trade in 1915 ............. 707 Tar Products, The Future of .........1135 Tin-plates, Enquiries for ........... 766 Tonnage, England and Dutch .......... 757 Tool Steel Alloy, A New......;.......1014 Trade Openings Abroad ...............1235 Trading with the Enemy ................ 134 Turf, Utilising Danish ................ 822 United States during 1915, Coal and Coke Production in the ................. 238 United States and Foreign Coal Markets 457 United States Imports and Exports of Coal ..........................331, 574 Wages and Labour Shortage........... 765 Wages,Mineis’: Lord Coleridge’s Decision 668 Wagon Owners, Meeting of.............1243 Wagons, The Pooling of ....187, 372, 420, 609 War Time, Coal Cargoes in..... ...... 331 Wastage of Coal in Transit ........ 712 West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute 173 Women’s War-Time Employment .........1248 Printed and Published by the Proprietors, The Colliery Guardian Company Limited, 30 & 31, Fuamival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Friday, July 7, 1916.