December 31, 1915 PRINTED ON THIN PAPER FOR FOREIGN CIRCULATION. Cnllimi... ®nnrii ia11 Registered as a Newspaper. J JOURNAL OF THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. OFFICES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS AND PUBLICATION, 30 & 31, FURNIVAL STREET, HOLBORN, LONDON, E.C. Telephone—1354 HOLBORN. Telegraphic Address—“COLLIERY GUARDIAN, FLEET. LONDON.” Vol. CX.—No. 2870. LONDON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1915. SINGLE COPY, Fivepence. I Foreign, 27s. 6d. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION, 23s. 6d., PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ; Special Arrangements for Colliery Under-Officials at Reduced Rates. SAFE ! RIPPING AMMONITE. (RELIABLE] SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR TUNNELLING. No Poisonous Fumes. Do not Freeze. Cartridges made any I weight or diameter. Contain no Nitro-Glycerine. CANNOT BE FIRED BY CONCUSSION OR FRICTION. ON SPECIAL NEW PERMITTED LIST. AMMONITE '.W./ AMMONITE MV 4 Put up in Patent Metallic Cartridge Cases. With or without Nipples. No deterioration during storage. Tests and Samples free on application. A Pamphlet treating upon these Explosives may be obtained on application. <1 The MINERS’ SAFETY EXPLOSIVE CO. LTD., Offices : 1 6, Great George St., Westminster. THE WADDLE PATENT FAN can be easily arranged for Reversing the Ventilation. FOR ALL TYPES OF BRICK MACHINERY WRITE TO CWHITMEHk Accrington. ,—-—' THE WADDLE PATENT FAN AND ENGINEERING CO. LTD. LLANELLY. KENNICOTT WATER SOFTENER Co. WOLVERHAMPTON. ROBT. DAGLISH & GO. Ltd., "SY- Largest Makers of Water Softening Plant in the World. Specialities OUR APPEARS ANDERSON, BOYES & Co. Ltd. COALCUTTER SPECIALISTS. MOTHERWELL. See page 3 of Cover of last issue for Larger Advt. LEAD SEALED PELICAN BRAND OF EARLE’S CEMENT. Manufactured by G. & T. EARLE (1912) LTD., Established 1811. WILMINGTON, HULL. Patent Simplex & OVERSPEEDER. COAL WASHING. If you wish CLEAN COALS, CHEAP WASHING & NO REPAIRS with MINIMUM INITIAL COST, apply to— GOODWIN, BRUCE & GOVAN LTD., Engineers. Blantyre, near GLASGOW. All sizes of Flat & Conical Winding" Drums, Pit-Head Pulleys, Cages and Chains. The PEARN PUMP. I.HHMMnMUini^KaKXX3niiaEI All Classes of PUMPING MACHINERY. Telegrams— “ Pumps, Manchester.” National Telephone— No. 2289 Central. Horizontal Treble Ram Pump, driven by Electric Motor. FRANK PEARN & Co. Ld., Manchester, S.E. GEORGE FLETCHER & Co. LD. Specialists in— DERBY. COLLIERY, MINING, AND CEMENT WORKS EQUIPMENT. “NOTA NOS” COAL WASHER PATENTEES AND MAKERS— HEAD, WRIGHTSON & CO. LTD. The All-Important Question of Price. L"'VERY business man knows how the war has affected the manu- facturer. Our labour costs have ad- vanced 20°/o) and the price of some material has doubled. In the cir- cumstances N.C.S. instruments can- hot be supplied much longer at the old prices, and we do not consider it necessary to ask the indulgence of our clients when we find ourselves com- pelled to announce a general increase. Nalder Bros. & Thompson Ltd., 9 7a, Dalston Lane, Dalston, LONDON, N.E. Telegrams—“Occlude Kinland, London.” Telephone—2365-6 Dalston. Scale of Charges for Advertisements appears on Page 1342 For Literary Contents see Page 1342 For Classified List of Advertisers see Page 1358