December 31, 1915 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1367 VIKING POWDER with No. 1 > .• .? , • A'?' A V. ’ < > 1 Charge Limit of Ounces. NO TH A WING NECESSARY. No. 2 with Charge Limit of f '/■/.’ : A-’ *.z/ /,'«’/*■ * «‘»*A. i'-'/ L// . /? , , <>6 ( 1( .. ‘ • ‘y < ( , ■ . . FIRST CLASS PERMITTEDS FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. NOBEL GLASGOW WIRE SCREENS r-.’. ' > -rf— flu ii kinds! WIRE I screens! i fill I MESHES I OF ANY i GAUGE I OF. L WIRE ALEX.COUSLAND & SON 3. MITCHELLS: GLASGOW CEMENTATION Shaft Sinking and Drift Driving through any kind ot Water-bearing Measures, by Improved Patent Cement- ation and Chemical Processes. Concrete Lining a speciality. Feeders of water existing In Shafts or Levels treated. Seventeen Shafts already cemented In England In the last two years. Complete Estimates given on application. ALBERT FRANCOIS, Whitehouse Chambers, DONCASTER. Founded 189 9. WATER AND WATER ENGINEERING. Price 6d. monthly. Annual Subscription, 7/6 post free (payable in advance). Offices— 30 & 31, Furnival Street, JIolborn, London, E.C. FOUNDED 1895. THE QUARRY The Organ of the Stone, Marble, Slate, Lime, Clay and Cement Trades, Price— 6d. monthly. Annual Subscription, 7 s. 6d. post free (payable in advance). Offices— 30 A 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, EX. To Colliery Proprietors, IMPORTANT Engineers and ... ............ 11 iw ■ Contractors, &c. To secure dependable winding and absolute safety, all gear brakes should be fitted with Cress wells’ “CHEKKO” Semi-metallic Asbestos Brake or Clutch Linings. Their grip is firm as a rock, yet responsive and pliant as a hand grasp. “ CHEKKO ” provides instant and perfect retardation at all speeds and under all loads. “ CHEKKO ” is a great precaution against overwinding. We make no brakes of cotton fabrics or other than of pure Asbestos. “ CHEKKO ” Brake Linings easily outlast many times all others, and are, therefore, not only the best in quality, but also far the cheapest. Write for Samples, Diagrams and Prices, to : CHECKS \ ’ 1 BRASS / " > JABELS fly2§g CRESSWELLS’ Limited, Asbestos Spinners & Manufacturers, Wellington Mills, BRADFORD (Yorks). Telegrams: “ Asbestos, Bradford.” Phone: 950 Bradford.