1190 THE • COLLIERY GUARDIAN December 10, 1915. CONTENTS. Editorial Articles:— page Fuel Economy in Power Supplies ............. 1191 Explosions in Mines Committee: Seventh Report 1191 Articles:— Explosions in Mines Committee: Seventh Report 1181 South African Miners'’ Phthisis Prevention Com- mittee ...................................... 1184 Studies of the Geology of the Kent Coal Field: Parti. 1185 Coal and Pitwood Requirements of the United Kingdom................................... 1186 The Convoys of Motor Ambulances Supplied by the Coal Owners and Coal Workers of Great Britain 1187 The German and Austrian Coal and Iron Trades ... 1188 Triple Trade Union Combine................... 1189 Trade and the War............................ 1196 The “Diamond ” Coal Cutting and Conveying Machines.............................. ... 1197 Obituary..................................... 1198 The Concealed Oxfordshire Coal Field ........ 1199 Labour and Wages............................. 1201 Open Contracts .............................. 1202 The Freight Market .......................... 1202 Coal and Coke Exported from Ports in England, Scotland and Wales ...................... 1203 Coal and Coke Shipped for London and Other Ports in the United Kingdom ................1203 Exports of Coal, Coke, and Manufactured Fuel from the United Kingdom ................... 1204 Abstracts of Patent Specifications Recently Accepted................................. 1206 New Patents Connected with the Coal and Iron Trades..................................... 1208 Government Publications ..................... 1208 Catalogues and Price Lists Received.......... 1208 Law Intelligence ............................... 1196 Current Science and Technology.................. 1188 Notes from the Coal Fields ..................... 1200 Coal, Iron and Engineering Companies ........... 1203 The Coal and Iron Trades....................1192—1196 The By-Products Trade ....................... 1195 The Tin-plate Trade ........................ 1196 The London Coal Trade ....................... 1196 Report of Meeting :— South Staffordshire and Warwickshire Institute of Mining Engineers .......................... 1189 Miscellanea :— The Institution of Mechanical Engineers—Hull Coal Exports—Important W agon Owners'5 Meeting in London ................................. 1184 Exports and Imports of Coal Tar Products... . 1187 Imports of Pit Props in November—Hull Coal Imports ................................... 1195 Shipments of Bunker Coals—War Bonus Calculator —Exports and Imports of Mining Machinery... . 1196 Grimsby Coal Exports—Russian Coal Production... 1202 Mining Institute of Scotland—North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers ... 1204 The London Coal Exchange Ambulance Car ...... 1208 ADVERTISEMENTS. Offices for ADVERTISEMENTS and PUBLICATION- 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address—“Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.” Telephone—1354 Holborn. CONTRACT ADVERTISEMENTS : Prices for SPECIAL POSITIONS on application. Prices for ORDINARY POSITIONS Single Column (3 inches wide) : For 52 inaertiona 2b. 6d. } insertion for each „ 13 „ 3s. 6d. ) luch ln dePth- Double Column (6 inches wide), double the above rates. Three Columns (9 inches wide), three times the above rates. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS : Advertisements are inserted on the last white page or leader page at the following rates :— One insertion ... 10s. 6d. per inch per insertion. Three insertions 9s. 6d. ,, ,, Six insertions .,. 9s. Od. ,, ,, A reduction of 25 per cent, is allowed on advertisements of second-hand machinery. Situations Vacant and Wanted : One Penny per word, minimum 2s. 6d. (which must be prepaid). Can be received up to TEN o’clock on Friday morning. (A Classified List appears on page 1210). SUBSCRIPTIONS. The Colliery Guardian, published at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, can be supplied direct from the Publishing Offices, post free for twelve months, at the following rates, payable in advance:— For the United Kingdom........... £13 6 For Foreign Countries and Colonies £17 6 When foreign subscriptions are sent by Money Orders, payable through the Post Office, advice should be sent to the Publishers. Offices for Advertisements and Publication :—30 and 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address, “Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.’’ Telephone—1354 Holborn. Established 1866. PATENTS, DESIGNS, and TRADE MARKS. TTARRIS AND MILLS, Chartered Patent Agents, 34 and 35, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.O. Telegraphic Address—“ Privilege, London.” Tel. No.—Holborn 2763. VENTILATING FANS AND ENGINES. See Advertisement appearing on f ront Cover of alternate weeks, THE WADDLE PATENT FAN AND ENGINEERING CO. LTD., Llanmore Works, Llanelly TjrXTJTjlTTfAT F0R MINERALS, water and brine Boreholes for Prospecting in Underground Workings a Speciality. VIVIAN’S BORING COMPANY, PARKSIDE, CLEATOR MOOR. OVER 84 MILES OF BORINGS COMPLETED. Established 42 years. Largest experience. Telegrams—“Vivians, Parkside. Cleator Moor.” BORING fob MINERALS, &c. Solid Specimens of the Strata obtained. Established 1888. Work guaranteed. J. S. DAVIDSON & SON, St. Bees, CUMBERLAND. STEEL Rails Roof Bars Pit Props Arches For COLLIERIES V V and WORKS. TH(JS W. WARD Ltd., Albion Works, SHEFFIELD. TRY US, ------ “CROWN” BOILER COVERINGS of Outstanding Superiority. 96°/. SAYING Intensest Heat cannot Impair. Union Works, Cooley, nr. Manchester. SUTCLIFFE BROS. Expert Advice on all questions arising: out of INCOME TAX, “EXCESS” PROFITS TAX, RELIEF to“CONTROLLED” ESTABLISHMENTS, LOCAL RATES, etc. THE MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION LTD., 110, Cannon-street, London, E.C. 47 th Year of Publication. NOW READY. THE COLLIERY MANAGER’S POCKET BOOK, ALMANAC & DIARY - - For 1916. - - Edited by HUBERT GREENWELL, F.S.S., Assoc.M.I.M.E- PRICES. s. d Cloth ............... 2 0 Roan (Gilt) ... 3 0 Calf (Gilt) ... 4 6 Postage extra.—Copies are sent by Parcel Post: One copy 4d., and Id. for each additional copy up to 11 lb. London: THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, E.C. UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD. GAS TESTING AND AIR MEASUREMENT. A Course of ten classes will be held on Saturday afternoons, commencing January 15th, at2 p.m. Minimum number of students, six. Applicants must have a competent knowledge of Elementary Arithmetic. For further particulars apply to the SRORETARY, Applied Science Department, St. George’s-square, Sheffield. TO COLLIERY PROPRIETORS AND OTHERS. rphe Corporation of Birkenhead are pre- JL pared to receive TENDERS for the supply of ROUGH SLACK (Washed) delivered at the Corporation’s Electricity Generating Stations,' situate in Bentinct-street, Craven-street, and New Chester-road respectively, and/or delivered at Hinderton Yard Railway Siding, Birkenhead, for a period terminating June 30th, 1916. Forms of tender and specification, together with any further information, may be obtained from Mr. G. P. Shallcross, Borough Electrical Engineer, Craven street, Birkenhead. Tenders, stating the price per ton delivered, sealed and endorsed “ Tender tor Fuel for Electricity Works,” must be sent in so as to reach me not later than 9 a.m on Monday, the 20th day of December, 1915 All deliveries must be made from time to time according to the require- ments of the Borough Electrical Engineer. The person or firm whose tender may be accepted will be required to enter into a contract containing a clause as to the payment of the rate of wages and the observance of the hours of labour and conditions recognised and agreed upon between the trades unions and the employers in Birkenhead or in the locality in which the work for carrying out the contract is executed, as the ca^e may be. The Corporation do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender, and reserve to themselves the right of accepting the whole or any portion of a tender, and will not make any allowance for or in respect of any expenses incurred by the parties tendering. Town Hall, By order, Birkenhead, JAMES FEARNLBY, December 7th, 1915. Town Clerk. “PARTNERSHIPS or DIRECTORSHIPS REQUIRED by JL the following investors, viz.: Capital available. Experience. Business Required. ■ <£5,000 <£5,000 <£5,000 <£3,000 <£3,000 <£3,000 <£2,500 £1,500 £1,000 £1,000 Owne should ( COOK Merchants ... Motors Brewery Chemicals ... Textile ... ... Commercial... Manufacturing Soft Goods ... Ironmongery Accountancy rs of established jail upon or com; E & BYRNE Directorship in sound Manufg. Co. Engineering or Manufacturing. Coal. Chemicals or Allied. Manchester Heavy Goods preferred. Directorship, Devon preferred. Manufg. has export connections. Coal. Wholesale Hardware. Manufg., Wholesale, or Agency. . sound businesses requiring capital municate confidentially with Messrs. I 60, Harcourt St., Dublin. | Geo. N. Dixon & Co., 43, Cattle Street, Liverpool, Auctioneers and Valuers, COLLIERIES, Brickworks & Mining Plant. 'or Sale, 100 10-ton Wagons, with side and end doors.—Apply, GREGORY & OO. LTD., Brislington. VV7 anted, Second-hand Air Compressor, V V single stage, capable of delivering about 3,000 cubic ft. of free air per minute, raised to a pressure of 60 lb., steam pressure 70 lb.—Full par. ticulars and price to Box 6253, Colliery Guardian Office. 30 &31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London. E.C. Mr. E. H. Wrigglesworth, Colliery Agent, Hull, has large and small collieries for sale.—Full particulars to Principals or their Solicitors. 1 fif) 12-ton Wagons for Sale, side and _JL_Vx end doors, quick delivery.—Box 6252, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. MAXAi MAXA LTD., 43, Cannon St., London, E.C. J. W. BAIRD AND COMPANY, PITWOOD IMPORTERS, WEST HARTLEPOOL, YEARLY CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO WITH COLLIERIES. OSBECK & COMPANY LIMITED, PIT-TIMBER MERCHANTS, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. SUPPLY ALL KINDS OF COLLIERY TIMBER. Telegrams—“ Osbecks, Newcastle-on-Tyne.” *** For other Miscellaneous Advertisements see Last White Page. W (Mienj Guardian AND Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades. Joint Editors— J. V. ELSDEN, D.Sc. (Lond.), F.G.S. HUBERT GREENWELL, F.S.S., Assoc.M.I.M.E. (At present on Active Service']. LONDON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1915. The London market continues firm. Only small quantities of house or steam coal are being offered on the open market. Prices are stationary, but buyers are keen. The shortage of wagons and the difficulty of cartage are most difficult problems. Freight rates are still on the increase. During the week the restrictions regarding the exportation of coal have been especially severe, and business in consequence has received a check. On the Tyne and Wear, the effect of this has been apparent; business has been very small for prompt loading. The forward enquiry, however, has been of a brisk nature. The markets throughout Lancashire, York- shire and Derbyshire continue to be very active in regard to enquiry, but the supply in each case is inadequate to meet the heavy pressure. At Cardiff, the tonnage shortage has been accentuated, and rates have risen higher, but, despite this, a hopeful feeling for the future prevails. Prices for prompt shipment vary greatly. A firm tone pervades the Scottish coal trade, and the outlook is distinctly promising. A paper on “Forming a Shaft Pillar in Thin Seams” will be read to-morrow (Saturday) by Mr. James Black at a meeting of the Mining Institute of Scotland. The North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers will hold a general meeting to-morrow at Newcastle-on-Tyne. The Seventh Report of the Explosions in Mines Committee, containing a report by Dr. J. S. Haldane on the effects of inhaling dusts applicable for stone dusting in coal mines, has been issued. A deadlock has arisen in South Wales on the question of fixing the coal-selling price equivalent to the 10 per cent, minimum of the new Conciliation Board agreement. A protest was registered yesterday by the execu- tive committee of the Miners’ Federation of Great Britain against the proposal of the Government that employers should deduct income tax from workmen’s earnings.