October 29, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 897 New Methods of Washing and Distilling Liquids (Neuere Arbeitsmethoden zum Waschen und Destillieren von Fliissigkeiten). —. Borrmann. “ Z. angew. Chem.,” Sept. 14, pp. 377-80; illus. (New method of refining vaseline oil from brown coal tar distillates.) XAitf.—Fuels, Testing, etc. New Method of Furnace for the Determinaton of Coal Ash under Fuel Bed Conditions. A. C. Fieldner and A. L. Field. “JI. Ind. Engg. Chem.,’’ Oct., p. 829. The Composition of Coal—Part III. D. T. Jones and R. V. Wheeler. “ JI. Chem. Soc.,” Sept., p. 1318. (Distillation products of Durham bituminous coal.) Maximum Content of Hydrocarbons in Producer Gas (Die Maximalgehalte des Generatorgases an Kohlen- wasserstoften). —. Hoffmann. “ Feuerungstechn.,” Sept. 15, pp. 295-97. Some Problems in Burning Powdered Coal. “ Iron Age,” Sept. 16, p. 632; 5 fig. The Combination of Mixtures (Mischungs ver brennung). —. Dosch. “ Feuerungstechn.,” Oct. 1, pp. 1-3. (Simultaneous combustion of solid and gaseous fuels.) Gas Producers at Collieries for Obtaining Power and By-Products from Unsaleable Fuel. M. H. Mills. “ Colliery Guard.,” Sept. 24, p. 617; Oct. 1, p. 669; 13 fig. (Abst. paper read before Inst. Min. Engin.) Gaseous Combustion at High Pressures. W. A. Bone. “ Phil. Trans. (A), 1915, pp. 275-318; 13 fig. Improvements in Coal Dust Firing (Neuerungen in Kohlenstaubfeuerungen). “St. u. E.,” Sept. 23, pp 965-70; illus. XX Y.—Steam Engines and Boilers : Gas Engines. Wood and Coal as Fuel for Steam Boilers. H. B. Reynolds. “ Sibley J. Engg.,” Oct., p. 14; 5 fig. Pipes for Superheated Steam (Ueber Heissdampf- Rohrleitungen fiir Dampfkraftanlagen). —. Menk. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” Sept. 10, pp. 305-8. (General arrangement, valves, compensation, flanges, lagging). Sept. 24, pp. 321-23. (Economy of good lagging with superheated steam; emergency valves, steam traps, etc.) Employment of Mechanical or Artificial Draught in Boiler Practice (Die Anwendung mechanischen oder kimstlichen Zuges im Dampfkessel- und Feuer ungs- betrieb). —. Dosch. “ Braunk.,” Sept. 10, pp. 279-81; Sept. 17, pp. 291-93; Sept. 24, pp. 303-6; Oct. 1, pp. 315-17; illus. Firing with Coal Dust. E. B. Wilson. “ Coll. Engin.,” Oct., p% 125; 1 fig. Boiler Economy. C. E. Stromeyer. Memorandum by Chief Engineer, 1914, Manchester Steam Users’ Assoc. The Mechanical Handling of Coal and Ashes in the Power Plant. C. C. Brinley. “ Engineering Mag.,” Oct., p. 65; 15 fig. Recording Power Plant Operations—II. : CO2 Recorders, Draught Gauges, and Blonck Efficiency Meters. J. C. Smallwood. “ Engineering Mag.,” Oct., p. 33; 21 fig- Saving Locomotive Coal. “ Railw. Gaz.,” Oct. 8, p. 348. Fuel Waste in Railway Stationary Plants and Locomo- tives. J. W. Hays. “ Coal Tr. Bull.,” Sept. 15, p. 43. (Continued.) Stress Distribution in Engineering Materials. “ Engi- neering,” Oct. 8, p. 379; 11 fig. (Report of Brit. Assoc. Committee.) Construction and Operation of Non-return Valves in Positively-operated Compressed Valve Gear (Wirk- ungsweise und Konstruktion der Ruckschlagklappen von zwanglaufigen Kompressorsteuerungen). —. Kasten. “ Z. komp. Gase.,” Aug., p. 113-17; illus. High-Power Gas Engines (Ueber Grossgasmaschinen).— Schapira. “ Oel. u. Gasmasch.,” Sept., pp. 41-45; illus. (Erhardt und Sehmer and Elsassische Masch- inenbaugesellschaft engines.) Construction and Operation of Modern Boiler Plant (Ausfiihrung und Betrieb von neuzeitlichen Dampf- kesselfeuerungen). —. Stauf. “ Z. Bayer Rev. V.,” Sept. 15, pp. 141-44; illus. (Travelling grates.) XXYI.—Compressed Air. Compressed Air for Coal Cutters. S. Mavor. “ Colliery Guard.,” Sept. 24, p. 622; Oct. 1, p. 673; 14 fig. (Abst. paper read before Inst. Min. Engin.) Motor Driven Air Compressors for Colliery Work. “ Colliery Guard.,” Oct. 22, p. 824; 1 fig. Test of the Largest Air Compressor. G. M. Clark. “ Joum. S. Afric. Inst. Engin.,” Sept., p. 47; 1 fig. (Author’s reply to discussion.) XXYII.—Electricity. Permissible Explosion—Proof Electric Motors for Mines; Conditions and Requirements for Test and Approval. H. H. Clark, Washington, 1915. (U.S. Bureau of Mines, Techn. Paper 101.) The Control of Alternating Current Motors for Industrial Work. F. Walker. “ Beama Journ.,” Oct., p. 187; 19 fi?* Installing and Operating Mine Power Plant Generators in Parallel. W. Aikens. “ Min. Eng. Wld.,” Sept. 11, p. 399; 4 fig. 1,250 kw. Mixed Pressure Turbo-Generator at the Neu- Iserlohn I. Pit (Mischdruck-Turbogenerator fiir I, 250 K W der Zeche Neu-Iserlohn I. der Harpener Bergbau A.G.). —. Schulte. “ Z. d. Ing.,” Sept. 25. pp. 785-90. XXYIII.—Surface Transport and Storage. The Panama Canal; Cristobal Coaling Plant. “ Engineering,” Oct. 8, p. 357; 19 fig. Correct Tipple Design—I. M. L. Hyde. “ Coal Age,” Sept. 18, p. 450; 2 fig.; II., Sept. 25, p. 502; 7 fig. Colliery Motor Tipping Wagons. “ Colliery Guard.,” Oct. 8, p. 737; 1 fig. Handling Heavy Material with Cable ways. C. A. Tupper. “ Coal Age,” Sept. 18, p. 446; 1 fig. Railway Coal Storage Plants. “ Coal Age,” Oct. 16, p. 626; 2 fig. Vital Facts on Coal Storage in Three Sections. “ Black Diamond,” Sept. 11, p. 201. (Part of report by Stdg. Committee of Intern. Railw. Fuel Assoc.) XXIX.—Sanitation, Diseases, etc. Nystagmus and Allied Conditions. J. A. Wilson. “ Lancet,” Oct. 23, p. 913; 2 fig. Recent Investigations on Dust in Mine Air and the Causation of Miners’ Phthisis. J. Moir. “ Journ. Chem. Metall. Min. Soc. S. Africa,” July-Aug., p. 1; 7 fig. Welfare Work of the Frick Coke Company. “ Coll. - Engin.,” Oct., p. 117; 7 fig. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Baldwins Limited.—In their report for the year ended June 30 last, the directors state that the profits amount to £260,237 10s. lid. Against this sum the following charges have been made :—£31,253 13s. fid. for manage- ment expenses, including income-tax, directors’ and trustees’ fees, solicitors’ and auditors’ charges, etc.; £14,532 5s. 9d. for expenditure on alterations, improvements, and develop- ment of mines, and £45,000 for depreciation. The payment of premiums on sinking funds for the redemption of lease- holds and debenture stock absorbs £11,357 7s. Id., and pay- ment of the debenture interest £22,500. The amount required for the preference dividend is £13,750, which includes the dividend payable on August 1, 1915. To the balance thus left of £121,844 4s. 7d. has to be added the sum of £69,888 15s. brought forward from last year, making a total of £191,732 19s. 7d. From this sum £13,750, being an interim dividend on the ordinary shares of 2J per cent, paid on April 7, 1915, has to be deducted, leaving £177,982 19s. 7d. The directors have appropriated £50,000 to reserve, leaving a balance of £127,982 19s. 7d. They recommend that a final dividend of 7| per cent., free of income-tax (making 10 per cent, for the year), be paid on the ordinary shares; this would require £41,250, leaving £86,732 19s. 7d. to be carried to the credit of next year’s account. The taking over of the Port Talbot Steel Company Limited led to the appointment of Mr. Richard Vassar Vassar-Smith, Mr. E. L. Evan-Thomas, and Viscount Quenington as directors of the company. Horden Collieries Limited.—The directors have declared a final dividend of 5 per cent., making 7 per cent, for the year. Lancashire Wagon Company Limited.—The report for the half-year ended September 30, states that the revenue account shows a profit of £3,195, to which must be added the balance brought forward, £850, making £4,046. The directors recommend dividends for the half-year at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, less income-tax, on the preference shares, and 10 per cent, per annum, free of income-tax, on the ordinary shares, adding to the reserve fund £1,500, and carrying forward £1,087. New Hucknall Colliery Company Limited.—The directors have declared a third interim dividend of 2| per cent., less tax. Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Company Limited.—The directors recommend a dividend of 13 per cent, (actual), making 25 per cent, for the year. After providing for depreciation, etc., transferring £14,360 to experimental and pioneer work account, writing Consols down to £66§ per cent., and making provision against special pending claims affecting the war period, there remains £19,687 to be carried forward. Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Company Limited. — The directors announce a further call on the new ordinary shares of 10s. per share (5s. in respect of capital and 5s. premium), making a total of 30s. per share (of which 15s. is capital), payable on November 30. Walker Maynard and Company Limited.—The report for the year to June 30 last, states that the loss for the period has been £8,494, and the loss brought forward, £6,945, makes £15,440. To this is added provision for income-tax, £1,168; bad debts written off, £298; and directors’ and managing directors’ remuneration, £900; making the loss carried forward £17,807. The directors state that owing to the high cost of coke it was impossible to manufacture pig iron without loss, and the furnaces were blown out in July. Wilsons and Clyde Coal Company Limited.—The report for the year to August 31 last states that after providing for depreciation, and allowing for the interim dividend on the preference shares at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum, and of Is. per share on the ordinary shares, paid in April last, amounting to £10,750, there remains the sum of £72,408, from which the directors recommend payment of a further dividend at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum on the pre- ference shares, and 3s. 6d. per share on the ordinary shares (both less income-tax), which will absorb £33,250, leaving a balance of £39,158 to be carried forward to next year. Up till the end of last year, owing to the great war and the entire dislocation of the export trade, especially in Fife, there was a very indifferent demand for coal, but by the beginning of 1915 a keen demand gradually set in, which could not be met by the greatly reduced outputs, and thus prices rose considerably for whatever limited amount of uncontracted coal was available. All charges for oncost, pumping, and mining materials, especially pit wood, have been greatly increased. To these charges have been added repeated advances of wages to the miners, amounting in all to 37| per cent, on the basis rates, so that the 4s. per ton of advance allowed by the Government has been fully absorbed. What with the Government restriction of export to certain countries, high freights, indifferent service of wagons and haulage by the railway companies, overburdened with Government work, it is becoming very difficult to carry on operations regularly, and the outlook is not promising. During the past year Douglas Castle Colliery has been still further developed, and is now capable of a considerable output if only additional workmen could be obtained. The Law coal field, for which a new lease has been fixed, is also in process of further opening up, and recent developments there have resulted in the company obtaining an area of good house coal. Yates and Thom Limited.—The net profit for the year ended August 8, after providing for depreciation of plant and machinery, interest on debentures, and writing down invest- ments to market value, is £36,553. There was brought for- ward from last year £8,428, making a disposable balance of £44,981. A dividend of 10 per cent, (less tax) is declared on the ordinary shares, £20,000 is placed to reserve (making £52,033), and £8,437 is carried forward. NEW COMPANIES. Algerian Exports Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 2, Talbot-court, Gracechurch-street, London, E.C. Registered October 21. Engineers, owners, exporters, quarriers, quarry masters, mine owners, coal masters, builders, importers, exporters, manufacturers of and mer- chants and dealers in all kinds of merchandise. Nominal capital, £5,000 in 4,000 8 per cent, cumulative participating shares of £1 each, 1,000 ordinary shares of £1 each. Anglo-American Metals Syndicate Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered office, Trafalgar House, Waterloo-place, London. Registered October 19. To enter into an agree- ment, and to carry on business of metal merchants, steam and other engine manufacturers, brass, gunmetal, and iron founders, galvanisers, cable makers, tin-plate makers, elec- trical engineers, tool makers, mechanical engineers, metal and general dealers, etc. Nominal capital, £3,000 in 2,750 £1 “A’’ shares, 250 £1 “ B ’’ shares. First directors and subscribers (one share each) :—S. A. Yorke, Trafalgar House, Waterloo-place, S.W., electrical engineer; J. 0. Lawson- Johnston, Trafalgar House, Waterloo-place, S.W., stock- broker. Harvey and White Limited. — Private company. Regis- tered office, 10, Union-passage, Birmingham. To carry on, purchase, or acquire businesses of iron, brass, or general iron founders and casters in cast iron or other metal manufacturers of ventilators and sanitary castings. Nominal capital, £100 in 100 £1 shares. First director, H. C. Harvey, 42, Upper Thomas-street, Aston Manor, iron merchant. Jones Brothers (Preston) Limited. — Private company. Registered October 21. To acquire, take over, and carry on business of engineers and boiler makers now carried on as Jones Brothers, at Bold-street, Preston, Lancaster; to enter into an agreement, and to carry on business of iron founders, smiths, machinists, iron and steel .merchants, etc. Nominal capital, £4,000 in 4,000 £1 shares. First directors and sub- scribers (one share each) :—H. Jones, 60, Ho ward-road, Walthamstow, boiler inspector; J. H. Jones, 7, Rose-terrace, Ashton, Preston, engineer and boiler maker; J. Jones, 29, Waterloo-terrace, Ashton, Preston, engineer and boiler maker. Rowhill Engineering Company Limited.—Private company. Registered October 19. To acquire and take over and carry on business of mechanical engineer now carried on as F. Sharman, at 171, Lower Clapton-road, London. To enter into an agreement, and to carry on business of iron founders, mechanical engineers, tool makers, brass founders, builders, electrical and water supply engineers, gas makers, etc. Nominal capital, £500 in 500 £1 shares. First governing director : F. Sharman, The Haven, Village-road, Enfield, Middlesex, engineer. Stainless and Rustless Steel Company Limited.—Private company. Registered October 19. Nature of business indi- cated by title. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. First directors :—R. Armitage; H. Brearley, Old Whithing- ton, Chesterfield, metallurgist; M. Mainprice. United Tube Corporation Limited.—Private company. Registered October 18. To carry on business of manufac- turers of and dealers in munitions of war, and solid drawn, lap welded, and other tubes of all kinds, iron masters, iron founders, smelters, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, gas makers, water supply engineers, tool makers, etc. Nominal capital, £150,000 in 1,500 £100 shares. First directors :— Col. J. R. Wright, Hindrefollan, Sketty, Glamorgan, steel manufacturer; S. Baldwin, M.P.; J. C. Davies, The Mount, Gowerton, steel manufacturer; G. Hethey, 19, Chartfield- avenue, Putney, S.W., tube manufacturer; H. W. Dunn, 46, Queen Victoria-street, London, E.C., chartered accountant; A. Hethey, no address given. Qualification of directors, £1,000. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Atherton (Lancs.), November 1.—About 1,500 tons of engine slack, for the Leigh and Atherton Joint Sewerage Board. Tenders to Mr. D. Schofield, clerk, Town Hall, Atherton. Downpatrick, November 3.—Best household coal and steam coal, for the Down County Council. Tenders to the secretary. Long Lawford, November 20.—£30 worth of good house coal, named, free from slack, for the Trustees of the United Charities of Sir Edward Boughton and others, Long Lawford. Tenders to Mr. E. Wright, clerk to the Trustees. Newport (Isle of Wight), November 2.—100 tons best quality steam coal and 25 tons house coal, also for 10 tons coke, for the Committee of the Isle of Wight County Asylum. Forms from Mr. J. H. Green, clerk to the committee, Whitecroft, I.W. Thurlaston, November 3.—About 80 tons of best coal or cobbles, free from slack (Moira and Donisthorpe), for the Trustees of the Thurlaston Poor Plot Charity. Tenders to Mr. W. D. Barnwell, Dunchurch. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Edmonton, November 9.—Boiler.—Vertical steam boiler, for the Urban Distict Council. Particulars from C. Brown, Town Hall. Southampton, November 12.—Steelwork.—About nine tons of rolled steel tees, channels, etc., for the Corporation. Particulars from Waterworks Engineer, 33, French-street. Swansea, November 3.—Water Mains.—New water mains across River Tawe, for the Corporation. Specifica- tions from Waterworks Engineer, 13, Somerset-place, on deposit of £5.