October 8, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 755 POWDER NO TH A WING NECESSARY. FIRST CLASS PERMITTEDS FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. No. 2 with Charge Limit of 'ounces. . with Charge Limit, of • 26 ounces- iff VIKING NOBEL'GLASGOW GERMAN MADE GOODS. We invite Buyers of goods, formerly procured from the Continent, not now obtainable, to favour us with particulars of their requirements. We have completed arrangements under which we can give early •delivery, and would be glad to quote competitive prices. ROWLAND G. FOOT & CO., 11, Queen Victoria St., LONDON, E.C. SUTCLIFFES Patent Universal CONVEYOR For Underground or Surface. SIMPLE, EFFICIENT nnd UNIQUE -- Illustrated in next Issue. - RICHARD SUTCLIFFE, Universal Conveyor Works, HORBURY, WAKEFIELD STEAM PIPES and CONNECTIONS. ALL KINDS OF MACHINE AND -------- GENERAL CASTINGS. -------- Quick Deliveries. WM. GREEN & CO. (Ecclesfield) LTD. BCCLBSFIBLD, near BHEFFIBT.D. COLLIERY REPORT ROOKS & FORMS Issued under the Goal Mines Act. All Books, Forms, Statutory Rules and Orders required under the Coal Mines Act are kept in stock and can be supplied on receipt of order. Our list includes a number of Unofficial Forms which are supplementary to the Prescribed - - Forms, and have been found exceedingly useful by many collieries. COMPLETE LIST AND PRICES FREE ON APPLICATION. MANY COLLIERIES, for their own purposes, keep records and books other than those prescribed. A large number of these are produced by the Colliery Guardian Co., who will be pleased to furnish estimates for any Report Books and Forms or other General Printing or Stationery. The COLLIERY GUARDIAN COMPANY LIMITED, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holbom, London, E2.C.