October 8, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 753 ORMEROD’S IMPROVED PATENT SAFETY LINKS For the effectual prevention of Accidents front Over- winding. THE BEST AND MOST RELIABLE SAFETY DETACHING HOOK YET INVENTED. Advantages and full particulars on application. Sizes up to 10 Tons working load in Stock or Progress. DIPLOMAS OF HONOUR AWARDED TORONTO, LONDON & OTTAWA, CANADA, August, September and October, 1898. Illustrated Catalogue. The 1911 lever has large lateral stops and a wedge-shaped head. Drop-forged shells (two sizes), levers (four sizes), catches and couplings. Clips can be had without catches. Patentee and Sole Manufacturer:— JAMES W. SMALLMAN, Nuneaton, England. SMALLMAN patent HAULAGE CLIPS, New Model: Nine Sizes. Patented 1902, 1906 and 1910. EVER’S PATENT ATTACHMENT PATENTEE £ SOLE MANUFACTURER— EDWARD ORMEROD, Atherton, nr. Manchester. 5th Edition Revised «/- 30 Maps and Plans. DARLINGTON’S HANDBOOKS. “ Nothing better could be wished for.”—British Weekly. “Far superior to ordinary guides.”—Daily Chronicle. Visitors to London (and Residents) should use DARLINGTON S “ Very emphatically tops them all.*’—Daily Graphic. “A brilliant book.”—The Times, “ Particularly good.”—Academy. By E. C. COOK and Sir EDWARD T. COOK. ENVIRONS. “ The best Handbook to London ever issued.**—Liverpool Daily Post, 60 Ulus Maps and Plans, 5s. “NORTH WALES. 50 Ulus., 6 Maps, 2s. 6d. N. DEVON and N. CORNWALL. 100 Ulus. Maps and Plans, 5s. DEVON and CORNWALL. 50 Ulus., 6 Maps, 2s. 6d. S. DEVON and S. CORNWALL. 100 Ulus. Maps & Plans, 3s. 6d. PARIS, LYONS, & THE RIVIERA. agono—Wagons basculants Allen, W. G., and Sons (Tipton) Ld., Tipton Bagnall, W. G., Ld., Stafford. Bute Works Supply Co. Ld., Bute Docks, Hawii* Chorley Bail way Wagon Co. Ld., Chorley, Lance Du Croo & Brauns, 53, Victoria-st., London, S.W Goodwin and Co., Queen-street, Sheffield Rakes (Pit)—Kratzen—Ratios Baker, John, and Son, Bilston, Staffs REDUCING Gear—Zentratorkupplungen^Engronagos d reduction de vitesse Brown, David, and Sons (Hudd.) Ld., Huddersfield Coventry Chain Co. Ld., Coventry Reducing Valves (Full Bore, Standard, &o.) —Reduktionsventile—Dttendeurs Auld, D., and Sons, Whitevale Foundry, Glasgow Baldwin, James, and Co., Keighley, Yorks Hopkinson, J., and Co. Ld., Huddersfield Boyles Ld., Irlam, Manchester Refrigerators — KVhVmaschinon—Jjppsrriia firi- gonfiques Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld., Heeding