October 8, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 715 A FEW USERS: The Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Co. Ltd. Hill’s Plymouth Co. Ltd. Bolckow, Vaughan & Co. Ltd. The Hamsterley Colliery Co. Ltd. Sherwood Colliery Co. Ltd. J. & G. Wells Ltd. Further names on application. SULLIVAN MACHINERY CO. (Established 1850), SALISBURY HOUSE, LONDON, EC. --- Write for Catalogue 3063K. - DISTRICT AGENTS. North of England— Swinburne & Hardie, Milburn House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. South Wales— F. J. Lyons-Davis, 23, Victoria Avenue, Cardiff. Midlands— Robert Laverick, 2, Claremont Gardens, Nottingham. Scotland— Archibald Baird & Son Ltd., Hamilton. combined are invited. Years. References to Users Established 50 We have Specialised in this class of Machinery, and have designed and made more than all other firms BREAKING SIZING AND WASHING PLANT ‘ANTHRACITE COAL" LTD BRIDGEND, TH WALES THE BEST PROTECTIVE FOR COLLIERY PLANT IS BITUMASTIC” Solution WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET TO ---0--- View of large Colliery showing 4 Head Gears, Corrugated Iron Buildings, -------- &c. --- Coated 7 Years ago and STILL IN GOOD CONDITION. ---o--- SOLE MANUFACTURERS— WAILES DOVE BITUMASTIC LT.° n— And at London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Cardiff, Birmingham, Leeds, &c. 'Phones in every office. Telegrams—“ Bitumastic.” QUALITY m SWITCH GEAR. LIQUID SWITCH GEAR of HIGH- CLASS MAKE and GOOD DESIGN. WRITE for LIST No. 60 with PRICES and OUTPUTS J. H. HO LIVIES & CO.? Newcastle-on-Tyne.