October 1, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 701 “CAMEL HAIR” BELTING. To Colliery Proprietors, IMPORTANT Engineers and ■ Contractors, &c. To secure dependable winding and absolute safety, all gear brakes should be fitted with Cresswells’ “CHEKKO” Semi-metallic Asbestos Brake or Clutch Linings. Their grip is firm as a rock, yet responsive and pliant as a hand grasp. “ CHEKKO " provides instant and perfect retardation at all speeds and under all loads. “ CHEKKO ” is a great precaution against overwinding. We make no brakes of cotton fabrics or other than of pure Asbestos. CHEKKO ” Brake Linings easily outlast many times all others, and are, therefore, not only the best in quality, but also far the cheapest. Write for Samples, Diagrams and Prices, to : (REGISTERED TRADE MARK) ; A .. \ f ■ ■ Z V r The Strongest, most Flexible, and most Durable Belting obtainable. 40 YEARS Unblemished Repu- tation as a power transmitter of highest efficiency. All genuine belts bear our registered trade mark. CRESSWELLS’ Limited, Asbestos Spinners & Manufacturers, Wellington Mills, BRADFORD (Yorks). Telegrams: “ Asbestos, Bradford.” Phone: 950 Bradford. SOLE MANUFACTURERS: F. REDDAWAY & Co. Ltd., PENDLETON, MANCHESTER. London : 5 0/5 1, Lime Street, E.C. i- I ■ I w IZ i’ll I Ig J ■ fl • • y'. ' t-J-AW Hl|l| SHOWING INSIDE WORKING PARTS. ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL SIGNALLING Rule 95). Theedam’s Patent Electrical Indicating Signal Apparatus Mechanical or Electrical CANCELLING GEAR. Our Signal Apparatus & Bells have been sub- mitted to the Home Office, and we are permitted to say they are of the opinion that they carry out the requirements of the Coal Mines Regu- lation Act. This is the utmost that the Home Qfficejvill authority for any maker to state. This System is Simple and Effective. /t T (E.C.THEEDAM I?) DUDLEY a I PATENT CONTACT BOX TO WORK WITH INDICATOR. Wof these signal sets are in use collieries at the owned by one firm. Write for prices and references. zii 1<'"Z. yxSTop 0Nli| J SSv1 J \ * ytarm INDICATING SIGNAL BELLS. ALSO SOLE MAKERS OF Linneker’s and Adams’ Patent MECHANICAL PNEUMATIC SINGLE WIRE SIGNAL CANCELLING APPARATUS Send for illustrated list lizr* FBUKLUT F Fli "Tfl TW/T TF and full informations A Tllli DUDLEY for Visible and Audible Signalling in Mines and Collieries. FOUNDED 1895. The QUARRY. Price— 6d. monthly. Annual Subscription, 7 s. 6d. post free (payable in advance). Offices— 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 1200 V* Established 1800. — BRASS TIME CHECKS CORRUGATED and FLAT SHEETS and GALVANISED GOODS; TUB & CORNER PLATES; AIR PIPES and all Colliery Requirements. J. SUMMERHILL & CO., Beaver Works, WOLVERHAMPTON. Telephone No. 577 JOHN LAWSON A SONS Manufacturers of every kind of STEEL STAMPS, LETTERS FIGURES, BRANDS, STENCIL PLATES, Ac. Roebuck Letter Works, 26, Carver Lane, SHEFFIELD. YOU WANT to SAVE TIME & PREVENT ACCIDENTS “FASTCRIP” FILE & TOOL HANDLE. Fits any kind of file. Cuts its own thread on tang. Removed and replaced instantly* Prevents accidents “FASTFIT” WRENCH. No. 1 takes every shape of nut from 3 16—i bolt 3/- 2 ............... „ 16 ..3 ., ,. „ 114.. 15/- £1000 WILL BE PAID to anvone showing us a nut that CAN get LOOSE throueh vibration, where the FASTNUT is . . properly applied. Instantaneous self adjusting & Ratchet “FASTNUT” SPANNERS. Does the work of six spanners and five times as fast. Take eight sizes. Self adjusting and Ratchet. ENGLISH MAKE. Drop Forged Steel. Full particulars— U I SAMPLE FASTNUTS TO TEST FREE. In use on 40 Railways & over 60 COLLIERIES. Lo ACENTS WANTED. ill paiLiLuiaia— riQTMIIT JJ ^kdabour Sl aving I Au I II U I j its, Newgate St., London E.C. TELE^S CA.e vices. Central 12214. i grams—Faanut, Cent. London.