September 17, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 603 Koppers’ Coke Oven Is undoubtedly the most successful Bye-Product Oven on the market. Since its introduction a little over 10 years ago there have been built 12,500 KOPPERS’ OYENS. KOPPERS’ OVENS ARE AT WORK HEATED BY ‘i PRODUCER GAS AND BLAST FURNACE GAS. KOPPERS' DIRECT RECOVERY PROCESS IS THE SIMPLEST AND MOST EFFICIENT SYSTEM OF AMMONIA RECOVERY. PLANTS ERECTED FOR THE RECOVERY OF BENZOL & TOLUOL, FOR TAR DISTILLATION & THE MANUFACTURE OF SULPHURIC ACID. — Full particulars on application to -- The Koppers* Coke Oven and Bye-Product Co 301, GLOSSOP ROAD, SHEFFIELD. HAYE YOU TRIED This BRAKE LINING SIMPLY OUTCLASSES WOOD. Sample smblcI I^xsrt; om. Request. A lk| m || A | | in British pit shafts about £1,500,000 profit >4 111 IW W X LaLi I and wages are lost, and over 500 men are injured when such loss and injuries are preventable by usage of the Hanley Patent Appliances for preventing injury to Cages and men. These appliances are Safety Belt-Rigs for shaft and scaffold workers; CAGE ARRESTERS; DETACH HOOKS; ROPE CAPPLES; GUIDE TENSION GEARS, etc. These are Simple, Practical and Commercially cheap. These appliances are recommended only to firms or officials who decide to risk the trifling cost of “proper appliances for ensuring safety” (Rule 38) rather than allow their men, cages, and the firm's bankbook to be without “ proper appliances for ensuring safety ” in the shaft. As users find them highly profitable tools their adoption is a Good Commercial Proposition MERELY — safety being an extra incidental. People give up talking about “safety” and prove their desires by adoption of things. All godds supplied on approval. Details, A. HANLEY, 2 1, Alpha Road, Bristol. CORRUGATED and FLAT SHEETS and GALVANISED GOODS; TUB & CORNER PLATES; AIR PIPES and all Colliery Requirements. J. SUMMERHILL & CO., Beaver Works, WOLVERHAMPTON. THE HERBERT FROOD Co. Ltd. CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH, and 399 Upper Rathbone Place 9 LONDON9 W» Telephone—No. 7 Aberdare. Telegraphic Address—“ Lamps, Aberdare.” “The Shipping World.” WEEKLY. ILLUSTRATED. PRICE 6d. Annual Subscription (Post Free): UNITED KINGDOM, 21s. FOREIGN COUNTRIES, 28s. PRINCIPAL FEATURES: CURRENT EVENTS, by the Editor, on Trade, Commerce, and all Shipping and Commercial Questions, especially, at this time, in connection with the War. SHIPPING in PARLIAMENT, by Special Representative. WAR RISKS, by an Expert in Marine Insurance. SHIP SALES and CONTRACTS. NEPTUNE’S MAIL, with News and Notes about the War and other matters. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES. TECHNICAL ARTICLES, by “ An M.I.N.A.” NAVAL and ENGINEERING NOTES. REPORTS from the SHIPPING CENTRES. REPORTS on FREIGHTS, whether affected by the War or not. MARINE INSURANCE NOTES (of special interest at this time). TRADE and FINANCE. LAUNCHES and TRIAL TRIPS. LAMP N»__££»:?/ Approved (Flame) Safety Lamps To meet the requirements of the new Mines Act. THE CAMBRIAN Fitted with Magnetic, Pneumatic, or Lead Locks, Electric Ignition, and Double Gauzes. Suppliers of the “ CEAG ” Electric Miners’ Lamps. Stock always kept. MAKERS OF THE NEW MAGNET UNDERGROUND PATENT SAFETY LAMP RE-LIGHTERS. ^Offices of the “Shipping World Ltd.” Effingham House, Arundel Street, Strand, London, W.C. Telegrams and Cables—“ Shipping World, London.0 Telephone—2381 Gerrard. E. THOMAS & WILLIAMS Ltd., CAMBRIAN LAMP WORKS, Aberdare, South Wales.