594 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN.. September 17, 1915. elevation of one of the heads showing the cutting hammers in the position to which they are swung by the rotation of the head; fig. 3 is an enlarged detail of the cutting hammers. (Seven claims.) 24719 (1914). A Device for Connecting or Jointing Wires, Ropes and the like. J. D. Brunton, Wire Mills, Musselburgh, Mid Lothian.—Has for its object to provide a simple, efficient and economical device for connecting or jointing wires, ropes and the like, which are intended to cross each other at right angles, or at any angle greater or less than a right angle. The device consists of a disc or piece of metal or other suitable material having a central F / G.L FIG.1* F IG.2. aperture or opening so disposed that the bight or loop of one wire can be passed through it, and the end of the other or crossing wire can be passed through said bight on the opposite side of the device, at which the bight was inserted. Fig. 1, is a plan of one example of the device, and fig. 1R is a transverse section. Figs. 2 and 3 are respectively a plan and a transverse section, whilst fig. 4 is an inverted plan of fig. 2, and fig. 5 is a transverse section of a second example.. (Two claims.) 27823 (1913). Extracting Systems Comprising a number of Conduits. L. Kreidl, of Sechskrugelgasse 14, Vienna, Austria. —The invention is based on the feature that the points situated nearest to the periphery of the fan produce a considerably suction points situated at a greater distance, and that the smallest suc- tion power is present at the centre of the fan. Exhausters with a plurality of suction throats are used for exhauster plants with a plurality of points of suction, and the dis- tant points of suction are connected with suc- tion throats of the exhauster fan, which throats are arranged further from the centre, and therefore produce stronger suction effects. Suction situated however, connected with suction throats lying closer to the centre of the fan, in which suc- tion throats a smaller suction effect is present, which latter is never- theless sufficient to effect a corresponding suction at a short dis- . tance. For this purpose a separate duct is directed to Improvements in Air, Dust and like Suction effect greater than connections closer are, ft each point of suction, NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 12756^ Manufacture of fire bricks. M. Curry and W. 0. Wood. 12776. Apparatus for charging gas retorts. H. Bird, and Robert Cort and Son Limited. 12810. Controllers for electric motors. H. E. Dey. 12814. Method of and means for securing a stop or the like to wire or other ropes. S. R. Edmond and J. Coulthard. 12895. Brake apparatus for railway and like vehicles. E. S. Luard and G. H. Willans. 12917. Indicator weighing machines.. W. A. Benton. 12936. Apparatus for use in connection with secondary storage batteries. 0. Oldham. 12950. Sinking and lining pits and shafts. F. E. Walker and J. H. Walker. 12968. Gas supply regulators or governors. J. E. Bentley. 12983. Hoisting and lowering gear. A. W. Smith and M. J. McNamara. 12993. Apparatus for determining the “ critical ” or “ con- version ’ ’ points of samples of iron or steel by measuring the electrical resistance of a test piece of such metal whilst heated to a high tempera- ture. H. J. C. Simson. (Peter Saldau, Russia.) 13040. Apparatus for igniting miners’ safety lamps. R. Lambourne. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on September 30.) 1914. 16713. Process and apparatus for distilling crude oil and other hydrocarbons. Von Groeling, and Burmah Oil Company. 20258. Utilisation of blastfurnace slag and recovery of pro- ducts therefrom. Twynam. 22611. Furnaces. Hanson. 23125. Metal rolling, forging, or swaging machines. Williams. 24749. Flexible stay bolts for boilers. Dodds. 1915. 1113. Electric switch for use with weighing scales. W. and T. Avery Limited, and Gibbs. 1700. Means for screening coke and other materials. Ordish, and Robert Dempster and Sons Limited. 2064. Stop valves. Richardson, and J. Hopkinson and Company. 2505. Apparatus for disintegrating solid substances. Barron and Barron. 2708. Substitute for asphalt. Kahn. 3283. Electric controllers. Igranic Electric Company. (Cutler-Hammer Manufacturing Company.) 8281. Water tube boilers. Soc. Anon, des Etablissements Delaunay-Belleville. Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1915. 12614. Electric signalling or distant controlling plant. Fried. Krupp Akt.-Ges. original length by rotating the button. A. Fillunger, Austria. 27496/07. Distilling, absorbing, cooling, heating, etc. Packed towers for distillation, absorption, cool- ing, and heating, in which the gases or vapours become heavier as they rise, are divided into chambers by horizontal partitions permeable by liquid and not by gases, and the chambers are connected by internal or external pipes, so that the gases pass through the chambers in a down- ward direction. The tower may be filled with coke, balls, tubes, sieves, plates, etc. The apparatus is applicable to the distillation of hydrochloric acid, sulphurous acid, benzene, chlorine, bromine, and alcoholic liquors,' and to the absorption of ammonia. K. Kubierschky, Germany (dated December 12, 1906). 27556/07. Iron, etc. Pig iron is preliminarily refined in an electrically heated mixer before final treatment in a converter or furnace. The molten pig iron is run from the blast or cupola furnace into the mixer, which is maintained at a high tempera- ture, and suitable fluxes, such as iron or man- ganese, ore, roller sinter, slag, lime, etc., are added, in order to remove carbon and silicon. H. Boehling and J. Schoenaiva, Germany. 28390/07. Purifying gases. In the processes described, the separation of one constituent of a gas, such as coal gas, is prevented by lowering the dew- point of the gas as regards this constituent by the addition of a gas having a lower dew-point. According to the present invention, the lowering of the dew point is effected by the addition of steam, or vapour, such as was not originally present in the gas, or with which the gas was not saturated. In a modification, where it is desired to separate only one constituent, the gas or vapour to be added is saturated with the vapour of the constituent. In examples, the lowering of the dew-point as regards water is effected by the addition of vapours of the tarry products from coal or brown coal, for example, benzene, or the vapours of mineral oils; or, as regards tar products in the steam, in some cases superheated, or benzene or light oil vapours. W. Feld, Germany (dated June 14, 1907). *** Copies of any of the above specifications can be supplied at the price of 1$. post free. a separate duct is directed to each point of suction, or each point of suction is directly connected with the corresponding powerful point of suction of the fan. (Two claims.) 27962 (1913). Improvements in connection with the Manufacture of Ammonium Sulphate. J. Y. Johnson, of 47, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London. (Communicated from abroad by the Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik, of Ludwigs- hafen-on-Rhine, Germany.) Ammonium sulphate, practi- cally free from calcium salt, can be obtained in a simple manner by treating calcium sulphate with ammonium car- bonate in the presence of water, and then filtering the sus- pension by means of a filter acting on the principle of a filter which has been used in the extraction of gold from its ores, the said filter being of the kind which has a permeable wall, or permeable walls, the said suspension, and subse- quently washing water, being on one side of such wall, or walls, and the other side of the said wall, or walls, being placed under reduced pressure so that the solution of ammonium sulphate passes through the said wall, or walls, and the calcium carbonate forms a layer on the said wall, or walls. (Two claims.) THE ACQUISITION OF ENEMY PATENT RIGHTS. The following list of British Patents, which have been granted in favour of residents of Germany, Austria, or Hungary, is furnished in view of the new Patents Acts, which empower the Board of Trade to confer upon British subjects' the right to manufacture under enemy patents, which right, when acquired, can be retained after the war, and is specially compiled for the Colliery Guardian by Lewis Wm. Goold, chartered patent agent, 5, Corporation-street, Birmingham. It is desirable in the first instance to obtain the latest particulars upon the Patents Register. If any patent listed has been assigned to a non-enemy proprietor, the law does not apply. 25313/07. Dynamo-electric machines; sparking, preventing. To reduce the number of leads in alternating current commutator machines of the type described, one terminal of the auxiliary com- mutating winding is connected to the stator winding, and the other terminal is connected to the exciting transformer, a potential propor- tional to the armature potential in the exciter axis being impressed upon the auxiliary com- mutator winding. Allgemeine Elektricitats- Ges., Berlin (dated November 15, 1906). 26075/07. Miners’ safety lamps. The kindling device com- prises a steel milled edge wheel, which is mounted on a rotatable spindle and against which is pressed, by means of a spring, a block of pyrophoric material, such as an alloy of iron and cerium. In operation, the button is drawn downwards, and rotated so as to lengthen the spindle temporarily, its travel being limited by means of a pin working in a slot. The whole device can then be pushed upwards to raise the wheel to the level of the top of the wick tube. If the wheel is then rotated by means of a button, a shower of sparks is emitted to ignite the wick. The device is then withdrawn from the flame, and the spindle is brought to its GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. ***Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. MINES AND QUARRIES REPORTS, 1914 : Midland and Southern Division, Is.; South Wales Division, lOd. Boiler Explosion Report : (No. 2373), Baker’s Steam Heated Oven at Grantham, 2|d. Merchant Shipping : . List of Acts, Regulations, Orders, and Instructions Now in Force, 3Jd. Meteorological Committee Report, 1914-15, 7Jd. Munitions of War Rules, IJd. Board of Education : General Report on Elementary Education in Lancashire and Cheshire. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. “ Annual Report of Council and Accounts for the Year 1914-15, and List of Members for Year 1915-16, of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers”; ‘‘The Journal of the Franklin Institute” (Vol. 180, No. 3), September, price 50c.; “Bulletin of the American Institution of Mining Engineers ” (No. 105), September; “ Transactions of the Manchester Geological and Mining Society” (Vol. 34, Part 5); “Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers ” (Vol. 49, Part 5), price 6s.; “ Prospectus of Part-Time Courses in Mining at the Manchester Municipal School of Technology, Session 1915-16.” German Mine Explosion.—According to an Amsterdam message, a serious explosion occurred on Saturday morning at the Burghstrasse Colliery at Langendreer, near Dortmund, Westphalia. Eight miners were killed. Nine severely injured have been removed to hospital, and a number of men are still in the mine. Hull Coal Exports.—The official return of the exports of coal from Hull to foreign countries for the week ending Tuesday, September 7, 1915, is as follows :—Amsterdam, 1,044 tons: Alexandria, 1,790; Buenos Ayres, 4,616; Boulogne, 813; Calais, 906; Dunkirk, 2,505; Deanville, 714; Dieppe, 2,190; Fecamp, 935; Gothenburg, 4,141; Gefle, 1,979; Harlingen, 2,639; Havre, 1,156; Honfleur, 3,303; Kallundborg, 1,416; Palermo, 399; Rouen, 52,059; Rotter- dam, 1,069; Stege, 1,361; St. Nazaire, 1,262; Treport, 1,170—total, 87,467 tons. The above figures do not include bunker coal, shipments for the British Admiralty, nor the Allies’ Governments. Corresponding period September 1914 —total 38,229 tons. “SHELTON” IRON. “SHELTON” STEEL C=J “GRANVILLE” PIG IRON STEEL PIT GIRDERS & COLLIERY RAILS a Speciality; also High-class RAR IRON for Couplings, &c. IRON & STEEL BARS, ANOLES, TEES, CHANNELS, OIRDERS, PLATES & SHEETS, STEEL BILLETS, BLOOMS & SLABS. Enquiries to— —_______ THE SHELTON IRON, STEEL & COAL CO. LTD., ZffiK Or 122, Cannon Street, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address: “ Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent.” Tel. No. 11 and 253. | Telegraphic Address : " Sheltonian, London.” Tel. No. 886 Bank. First-class Medals— Paris, 1885; London, 1862. Gold Medals— Paris, 1878 ; Melbourne, 1881. 47th Year of Publication. Ready November 1. THE COLLIERY MANAGER’S POCKET BOOK, ALMANAC & DIARY - - For 1916. - - Edited by HUBERT GREENWELL, F.S.S., Assoc.M.I.M.E. PRICES. ADVERTISEMENTS. r. d s d Cloth 2 0 Whole Page .. 60 0 Roan (Gilt) 3 0 Half Page .. 35 0 Calf (Gilt) 4 6 Quarter Page .. 20 0 London: THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, E.C.