538 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN September 10, 1915. EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, AHO MANUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM Daring August and the First Eight Completed Months of 1913, 1914 and 1915. To August, 1915. August. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value (£L Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1913. 1914. 1915 1913. 1914 1915 Russia — — 1,398 1,170 4,525 ! 4,781 769,794 169,353 5,923 559,455 119,732 5,951 Sweden 18,243 12,401 1,461 1,310 116,171 i 107,793 379,475 198,347 135,875 254,696 128,693 121,534 Norway 96,637 73,356 22,880 17,769 150,295 140,809 154,887 253,467 260,812 97,671 151,235 231,934 Denmark .. 75,467 65,969 105,199 80,963 140,088 • 120,953 248,746 243,019 320,754 165,482 155,634 267,885 Germany — — — — — • — 798,177 132,026 — 477,690 75,816 Netherlands 31,447 23,540 128,990 86,141 51,944 45,648 168,862 1 165,296 212,381 108,271 98,649 155,329 Belgium — — — 148,132 | 31.727 —• 87,884 17,574 France 626,127 531,300 442,772 342,804 473,631 466,546 946,378 562,783 1,542,530 595,867 329,844 1,340,650 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 17,630 17,951 22,124 19,094 31,363 34,568 95,924 77,729 71,117 72,764 53,287 71,613 Spain and Canaries 25,029 21,995 64,389 46,943 73,382 83,333 259,847 172,578 162,800 188,748 118,871 152,271 Italy 38,656 28,039 132,823 99,861 247,831 249,604 665,618 444.779 419,810 470,248 298,548 377,504 Austria-Hungary — — — — — — 64,286 17,602 — 43,279 12,545 — Greece 1,262 1,830 — — 8,557 9,787 36,080 29,353 9,819 28,436 19,699 11,617 Roumania .... — — — 1 — 23,283 14,437 — 18,867 11,763 — Turkey — — 3,767 5,650 24,787 41,456 3,767 22,282 32,511 5,650 Algeria 15,470 13,603 25,978 21,889 14,635 15,970 116,754 28,647 56,083 79,255 18,892 51,462 Portuguese West Africa — — 2,865 1,862 5,816 5,679 13,390 15,013 8,681 11,691 11,791 7,541 Chile 631 1,326 — — 1,980 2,732 21,039 17,720 2,611 16,870 14,366 4,058 Brazil 8,744 9,601 4,796 3,027 38,889 42,579 111,504 48,983 52,429 99,498 40,158 55,207 Uruguay 1,959 1,751 — — 17,165 16,852 72,006 39,103 19,124 62,201 31,681 18,603 Argentine Republic 13,868 17,692 4,456 4,678 112,252 117,014 290,741 98,344 130,576 244,077 81,108 139,384 Channel Islands — — 3,086 2,459 9,912 9,211 16,004 11,354 12,998 11,456 7,873 11,670 Gibraltar 4,618 3,516 22,117 19,064 13,034 12,477 29,161 15,544 39,769 19,772 . 10,379 35,057 Malta 2,343 1,901 4,537 3,610 2,350 2,409 39,292 19,418 9,230 28,703 13,948 7,920 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 10,665 7,981 ; 30,182 23,390 99,615 99,609 196,796 161,645 140,462 146,969 113,535 130,980 A den and Dependencies — — —■ — — — 17,684 — — 14,899 — British India 5 — — — — 10,057 1,646 5 8,658 1,190 11 Ceylon — ! — — — 1 — 7,037 5,232 — 6,333 4,578 — Other countries 2,854 3,876 130 181 21,432 | 21,802 93,421 54,141 24,416 76,403 44,521 25,859 f Anthracite 76,494 83,849 — — 60,669 63,788 231,590 106,210 137.163 184,299 82,308 147,637 1 Steam 776,279 637,792 302,916 251,652 1,437,463 1,426,417 4,197,809 2,078.754 2,516,658 2,951,073 1,393,274 2,315,861 Total < Gas 47,554 35,006 608,441 440,858 54,517 47,270 962,574 668,454 710,512 608,155 411,776 523,134 Household .. 43,071 42,651 — — 82,399 76,093 137,375 85,660 125,470 91,913 54,662 118,744 t Other sorts 48,257 38,341 108,826 83,735 3,586 2,238 289,814 131,664 160,669 182,985 76,431 124,314 Total .. . 991,655 837,639 1,020,183 776,245 1,638,634 1,615,806 5,819,162 3,070,742 3,650,472 4,018,425 2,018,451 3,229,690 Total (August 1914 746,731 389,778 807,920 489,257 1,516.091 1,139,416 — — __ — — — Total (August 1913/ 1,457,554 829,238 1,190,371 743,497 3,171.237 2,445,690 — — -- —- — Coke — — — ' — — — 113.423 68,498 89,574 101,988 53,356 117,236 Manufactured fuel ■. — — — — — — 140,278 70,159 113,748 121,968 60,522 125,064 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - — — — — — 6,072,863 3,209,399 3,853,794 4,242,381 2.132,329 3,471,990 First eight months of 1915. First eight months. C Anthracite 698,882 658,452 1,036 544 643,325 629,638 1,934,680 1,722,152 1,343,243 1,537,429 1,327,931 1,288,634 1 Steam , 6,336,014 4,472,559 2,251,746 1,740,907 12,698,010 11,753,298 35,288,362 31,926,928 21,285,770 24,969,704 22,204,080 17,966,764 Totals Has ’ 365,455 231,760 4,281,958 2,798,058 347,797 299,856 7,587,554 7,535,840 4,995,210 4,625,791 4,703,925 3,329,624 Household 139,005 127,080 1,121 1,252 603,310 518,998 1,160,811 975,974 743,436 728,511 636,467 647,330 L Other sorts 461,985 313,697 683,134 462,555 9,401 7,427 2,349,201 2,096,267 1,154,520 1,458,524 1,253,610 783,679 Total 8,001,341 5,803,548 7,218,995 5,003,266 14,301,843 13,209,217 48,320,608 44,257,161 29,522,179 33,349,989 30,126,013 21,016,031 Total for eight months of 1914 10,526.196 6,588,416 9,500,354 5,856,541 24,230,611 18,681,056 — — — — — — Total for eight months of 1913 11,493,917 6,546,593 9,787,451 5,964,740 27,039,240 20,839,056 — — — — — — Coke — — — — — — 712,698 694,061 576,218 686,363 585,851 590,313 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 1,363,324 1,324,937 864,503 1,165,114 1,151,760 848,355 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — — — 50,396,630 46,276,159 30,962,900 35,201,466 31,863,624 25,454,699 Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and cer.ain other shipments. Sudd Fuel (Suddite) Limited. — The appointment of a receiver for the above company has just been announced. The undertaking was formed in 1912 for the purpose of acquiring a concession granted by the Soudan Government, conferring the right to manufacture solid fuel from papyrus um soof, or “ sudd,” and to take and cut sudd from a specified area. The, company also acquired the exclusive right to use in Egypt and the Soudan the special machinery and process for the manu- facture of solid fuel designed by Prof. Dr. Paul Hoering, of Berlin. Subsequently it was proposed that the company should manufacture paper in addition to fuel. The original nominal capital was £250,000, of which £150,000 was in 7 per cent, cumulative participating convertible preference shares, and £100,000 in ordinary shares of £1 each. The whole of the ordinary shares were taken by the vendors, who also received £18,500 in cash, and of the preference shares, in the first instance, 120,000 were offered to the public. The public issue was not fully subscribed, the balance-sheet made up to March 31, 1913, showing that £80,000 of the preference shares had been issued. In October 1913, 3,859 shares, called ” paper ” preference shares, were issued, but these were afterwards converted into preference shares. The accounts made up to September 30 showed that ’89,395 preference shares had then been issued, while there were also outstand- ing £20,000 5 per cent, convertible debentures, which were issued in July 1914. The accounts to September 30, 1914, showed the following debit balances of development account : Expenditure in London, £9,280; expenditure in Soudan, £5,884; preliminary expenses and underwriting commission, fees, and brokerage, £32,062. Also creditors, £3,470; debtors, £101; cash, £752; calls in arrear, £5,608, of which £5,566 was in respect of debentures. NEW COMPANIES. Arundel Smelting Company Limited. — Private company. Registered office, Challenge Works, Denby-street, Sheffield. Registered September 1. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £2,000 in 2,000 £1 shares. First directors and subscribers (one share each) :—E. N. Horton, 259, Ellesmere-road, Sheffield, metal merchant; S. Walton, 73, Sandford-road, Bradford, metal merchant. Biggs, Wall and Company Limited. — Private company. Registered August 31. To acquire and take over business now carried on as Biggs, Wall and Company, at 13, Cross- street, Finsbury Pavement, London, and New Southgate, Middlesex. To enter into an agreement and to carry on business of motor engineers, iron and brass founders, boiler makers, wheelwrights, builders, general merchants, etc. Nominal capital, £6,000 in 3,000 £1 preference shares, and 3,000 £1 ordinary shares. Directors : John H. Wall (chair- man); Hy. C. Wall, Lyndale, 33, Parkhurst-road, New Southgate, N., engineer; Wm. W. Wall, Challacombe, Wellhouse-lane, Barnet, engineer. British Ropeway Engineering Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 34, Fenchurch-street, London, E.C. Registered September 3. To carry on business of engineers, manufacturers of and dealers in aerial ropeways of all descriptions, cable and other ropes, tool makers, brass founders, millwrights, builders, electrical and mechanical engineers, etc. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 10,000 £1 shares. First directors shall be appointed by subscribers. Qualification of directors, £100. Subscribers (one share each) :—R. H. Pearson, 89, Stretton-road, Croydon, engineer; H. E. Ratuage, 11/12, Clements-lane, E.C., law clerk. Hamilton (A.) and Sons Limited. — Private company. Registered August 30. To carry on at Cardiff or elsewhere business of contractors, iron masters, iron, brass, and other metal founders, smelters, mechanical and general engineers, boiler makers, millwrights, coal merchants, ship owners, etc. Nominal capital, £5,500 in 5,500 £1 shares. First directors : Albert Hamilton, senr. (permanent director and manager), 9, Despenser-gardens, Cardiff, ship owner; Richard Hamilton, no address given; Albert Hamilton, junr., 9, Despenser- gardens, Cardiff, secretary. Qualification of directors, 100 £1 shares. Penrhys Colliery Company Limited. — Private company. Registered September 2. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. First directors shall be appointed in writing by the subscribers. Qualification of directors, £50. Subscribers (one share each) : — D. Lewis, 11, Devonshire-place, Port Talbot, colliery owner; A. G. Whatley, 1, Pentyla, Aberavon, colliery owner. Richards (Charles) and Sons Limited.—Private company. Registered September 3. To acquire, take over and carry on business of screw, bolt, and nut manufacturers, now carried on at the Imperial Bolt and Nut Works, Darlaston, Stafford, as Charles Richards and Sons. To enter into an agreement and to carry on business of bolt, screw, and nut manufacturers, mechanical and general engineers, iron and steel founders, electrical engineers, tool makers, motor accessories, etc. Nominal capital, £60,000 in 60,000 £1 shares. First permanent directors and subscribers (one share each) :—C. Richards, Victoria-terrace, Walsall, Stafford, screw, bolt, and nut manufacturer; A. Richards, Wood Green, Wednesbury, Stafford, screw, bolt, and nut manufacturer. Qualification of permanent directors, 1,000 ordinary shades; ordinary directors, £250. Riaaiestone Limited. — Private company. Registered office, Wellington Works, 25, Wellington-street, Sheffield. Registered August 30. To carry on business of general merchants, traders, brass founders, gas, electrical, general, and mechanical engineers, iron founders, jewellers, watch- makers, builders, and decorators, haulage contractors, etc. Nominal capital £100 in 100 £1 ordinary shares. First directors : H. Horton, Wood House, Wilson Wood, Batley, consulting engineers; A. E. Trenery, 15, Victoria-road, Sheffield, consulting engineer. Seear, Scott and Company Limited. — Private company. Registered office, 51a, St. Peter’s-street, South Croydon. Registered September 1. To carry on business of mechanical, electrical, telegraphic, and general engineers, manufacturers and builders, model makers, tool makers, founders, metal workers, import and export merchants, etc. Nominal capital, £3,000 in 2,250 £1 preference shares, and 750 £1 ordinary shares. First directors and subscribers (one share each) :—J. Scott (chairman), 17, Lismore-road, Croydon, engineer; C. C. Seear, 16 and 17. Devonshire-square, London, E.C., electrical engineer; R. H. Yuile, 24, Moreton-road, South Croydon, draughtsman. Qualification of directors, £50.