September 3, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 487 The position in the Fife coal trade is somewhat dis- appointing, the licence question being largely responsible for the lethargic state into which business has fallen. Navigation pits are now beginning to experience idle time, some of the largest pits being idle during the last fortnight. Any lack of clearance or shortage of orders is immediately felt >at the navigation collieries, as this class of coal can not be placed to bings. A serious outbreak of fire took place at Messrs. Youngs’ Addie well Oil Works, near West Calder. The fire originated at the retorts, and in a short time a large wood platform which carries the railway from the breaking machines, was a mass of flames. The service of Edinburgh fire brigade was requisitioned. A large gas pipe burst and burned for several hours. The material damage was considerable, and it will take weeks to replace machinery destroyed. The works will be idle for some time. Several of the colliery engineering shops in the East of Scotland district are at present engaged on munition work. The work is not given out direct, but through engineering firms in the district. On the occasion of his leaving Mary Pit, Lochore, to the manager’s position at Lieven Collieries, Mr. Jas. McFarlane was presented with a roll-top desk and dressing case by his friends in Lochore district. Mr. Malcolm Douglas has been appointed under manager at Moss-side Colliery, Hill of Beath, belonging to the life Coal Company Limited, in succession to Mr. David Baird, who has gone to Glencraig Colliery in the Lochgelly district. No fewer than 450 men have enlisted from Dunnikier Colliery in the Kirkcaldy district. Not unnaturally, this particularly large exodus is seriously affecting the output of coal. At last week’s meeting of Glasgow Corporation, a letter was read from the Farme Colliery Company, stating that they had in one of their pits, in the Rutherglen district an old “ atmospheric ” engine, which was to be superseded by one of more modern construction. It was an interesting and unique relic of the early days of steam, and would no doubt be of interest to the city of Glasgow with its large engineering industry. The firm offered the engine to the Corporation on the understanding that it would be placed in one of the parks. The donors were cordially thanked for the offer, which it was agreed to accept. The “ atmospheric ” or “ Newcomen ” engine has been at work at the Farme Colliery drawing coal since it was installed in 1809, until a month ago. During that time, with excep- tion of one or two spur wheels, which were broken by accident, no part of the engine has been renewed. Until it was superseded by an engine of modern construction a month ago, it was the oldest engine at work in Scotland, and the only “ atmospheric ” engine at work in Great Britain. The .annual meeting of the Lanarkshire Medical Associa- tion for Workmen’s Dependants was held in the North British Station Hotel, Glasgow, last week. This scheme is working most satisfactorily, and during the whole year there was only one complaint lodged with the committee against a doctor. For many years the miners were denied the choice of a doctor, until the present scheme was devised. Before its inception both the doctors and the coal owners in Lanarkshire were opposed to it, but the passing of the Insurance Act brought the idea into practical operation. During the past year over .£20,000 was collected at the collieries in Lanarkshire from workmen, paid into a central fund, and subsequently disbursed amongst the doctors of the county .according to the proportion of workmen who had chosen one or other as their medical practitioner on behalf of dependants. As matters presently stand, the workmen •pay 2d. per week per person, which charge includes the cost of medicine. At the present time, arising out of a claim made by the medical profession for an increase, there is a recommendation before the miners of Scotland that the amount paid by each workman should be 2|d. per week. The executive of the Lanarkshire Miners’ Union have prepared a scheme for the representation of Labour upon local bodies, such as School Boards, Town Councils and Parish Councils throughout the county. The scheme deals with candidates nominated by the miners, and makes pro- vision for the payment of their expenses. Before being finally adopted the scheme is being sent out to the miners of Lanarkshire for their consideration. Mr. Stewart Chambers, manager of the Fauldhouse Collieries belonging to Messrs. Barr and Thornton Limited, has been appointed manager to a large colliery concern in Bristol. The employees of the Fauldhouse Collieries, as a mark of appreciation, subscribed a purse of over £20, which was presented to Mr. Chambers at an informal gathering of the men. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Cortonwood Collieries Limited. — The directors have declared a further interim dividend of 2j per cent. (6d. per share), less tax. Davis and Timmins Limited.—The directors announce an interim dividend at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, less income-tax, on the ordinary shares for the half-year. Fairbairn Lawson Combe Barbour Limited.—On account of the conditions prevailing owing to the war, the directors deem it advisable not to declare an interim dividend on the preference and ordinary shares for the half-year to June 30. Lothian Coal Company Limited. — Including £4,539 brought forward, the profits, after providing for depreciation, etc., amount to £47,136. The directors have allocated £12,000 for special expenditure, and placed £10,000 to reserve fund. They recommend a dividend of 5 per cent, on the ordinary shares, leaving £4,786 to be carried forward. Manvers Main Collieries Limited.—The usual dividend has been paid on the preference shares, and a final dividend of 2s. 4d. per share on the ordinary shares issued prior to June 30 last. In January last an interim of Is. per share was paid, making 3s. 4d. for the year, compared with 4s. for the previous year. Marsden (Samuel) and Son Limited.—The accounts for the year ending June, after providing for depreciation, debenture interest, etc., and including £1,450 brought forward, show an available sum of £6,643. The directors recommend a divi- dend of 8| per cent, on the preference shares on account of arrears, leaving £3,343 to be carried forward, subject to directors’ fees. North British Locomotive Company Limited.—Dividend on the preference shares of 2| per cent, actual declared for the half-year ended June. Scottish Tube Company Limited. — The directors have resolved that the dividend on the 5 per cent, cumulative pre- ference shares for the half-year ended June 30 be paid on September 30. Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Company Limited. — The directors recommend a final dividend of 10 per cent, on all shares, less tax, making 15 per cent, for the year ended June 30 last. Staveley Coal and Iron Company Limited.—The directors recommend a final dividend of Is. 6d. per share on the fully- paid, and Is. l|d. per share on the partly-paid ordinary shares, making 12| per cent, for the past year, free of income- tax. It is also proposed to capitalise the reserve fund, by the distribution of one new ordinary share for every three £1 paid and one for every four 15s. paid shares now held. The present paid-up share capital of the Staveley Company is £1,100,250, of which £25,000 is in 5 per cent, preference shares, and the remainder in ordinary. Steel Company of Scotland Limited. — After writing off special expenditure and depreciation amounting to £37,356, the directors recommend that £40,000 be added to the reserve fund, and that a dividend of 7J per cent, be paid, leaving about £40,000 to be carried forward. Summerlee Iron Company Limited. — The directors have declared a final dividend on the ordinary shares of 20s. per share, or 10 per cent., free of tax, leaving £17,656 to be carried forward. Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Limited. — The directors announce an interim dividend of 6d. per share, less income-tax, on the ordinary shares for the half-year. NEW COMPANIES. Baddeley and Company Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered August 27. To acquire, take over and carry on business of ironmonger and mill furnisher, now carried on as Baddeley and Company, at 8, Lancaster-road, Preston, Lancaster. Also electrical engineer and iron and steel converters, mechanical engineers, brass founders, etc. To enter into an agreement. Nominal capital, £6,200 in 1,350 £1 preferred shares, and 4,850 £1 ordinary shares. First director, Alfred Chapman, 4, Queen’s-road, Fulwood, Preston, ironmonger and mill furnisher. Davies (J. L.) and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 71, Pancras-road, N.W. Registered August 21. To enter into an agreement, and to carry on business of wholesale and retail coal and coke merchants and factors, carmen, and cartage contractors, van, wagon builders, and any other business which may be deemed likely to develop the property of the company. Nominal capital, £16,000 in 16,000 £1 shares. First director : John L. Davies, 71, Pancras-road, London, N.W., coal and coke merchant and factor. Felix and Rozella (Engineers) Limited.—Private company. Registered August 24. Nature of business indicated by title. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 ordinary shares. Sub- scribers (one share each) : Julie M. de Grey, 35, Gray’s Inn- road, London, W.C., married woman; L. Meyer, Went- worth, North End-road, Hampstead, N.W., merchant. Greenhaugh Mining Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 1, Princes-street, Harrogate, Yorkshire. Registered August 25. To purchase, take on lease, or other- wise acquire, explore, work, develop, and turn to account mines, mining rights, and metalliferous lands. To search for, win, raise, get, quarry, crush, smelt, etc., and refine for market produce of any mines, and to carry on other metallurgical operations, etc. Nominal capital, £7,500 in 7,500 £1 shares. First directors :—R. T. Murray, Branton Court, Farnham, Knaresborough, Yorkshire; T. L. Shamm, Farnham, Knaresborough, gentlemen; and two others, who shall be appointed by a majority of the subscribers. Milton Accumulators Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered office, 84, Milton-street, London. Registered August 27. To carry on in the United Kingdom and elsewhere business of manufacturers, constructors, designers, aeronautical, mechanical, electrical, and motor engineers, iron founders, brass founders, machinists, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 ordinary shares. Permanent directors and sub- scribers (250 shares each) :—Maurice Wolff, 9-15, Whitecross- street, London, E.C.; A. J. Mardlin, 84, Milton-street, E.C., merchants. Qualification of directors, 100 shares. West Bromwich Munitions Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, 77, John-street, West Bromwich, Staffordshire. Registered August 24. To carry on business of mechanical engineers, iron founders, and manufacturers of agricultural implements, and other machinery, tool makers, brass founders, metal workers, builders, water supply engineers, gas makers, iron and steel converters, etc. Nominal capital, £100 in 100 £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each), S. A. Hill, 6, Beeches-road, West Bromwich; E. L. Jacobs, 113, Hands- worth Wood-road, Birmingham; G. H. Whitehouse, Gilvern, Phoenix-street, West Bromwich, manufacturers.’ Westwood Electrical Company Limited.—Private company. Registered office, Lawdon-road, Brondesley, Birmingham. Registered August 25. To manufacture, sell, or purchase electrical and general fittings and accessory parts thereof; to carry on business of electrical and general engineers, and to do all such things as are conducive to the above. Nominal capital, £4,000 in 4,000 £1 shares. Directors and subscribers (one share each) :—F. West wood, 37, Lawdon-road, Birming- ham; E. M. Westwood, 14, Park-road, Sparkhill, Bir- mingham, directors. Qualification of directors, 500 shares. Whipp and Bourne Limited. — Private company. Regis- tered August 27. To acquire and take over business now carried on at Switch Gear Works, Castleton, Rochdale, Lancaster, as Whipp and Bourne. To enter into an agree- ment and to carry on business of switch gear makers, electricians, mechanical engineers, manufacturers, workers and dealers in electricity, etc. Nominal capital, £35,000 in 35,000 £1 shares. Permanent directors and subscribers (one share each), S. Whipp, Derrynane, Castleton, Rochdale; C. W. D. Bourne, Sparthfield-avenue, Rochdale; F. Whipp, Bamford Cottage, Bamford, Rochdale, electrical engineers. Qualification of permanent directors, 5,000 shares; other than permanent directors, 100 shares (ordinary). This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Wakefield.—Tenders are invited by the Yorkshire (West Riding) Electric Tramways Company Limited, Belle Isle, Wakefield, for the supply of all coal required for above work. 130 to 150 tons slack, through 1 in. to 1| in. screen, is pre- ferred, but alternatives through larger or smaller screen will be considered. Coal to be delivered in barges to Belle Isle Wharf, Wakefield, and price to include delivery into crane buckets. The contract will be for one year from October 9, 1915. Tenders to H. England, general manager, Belle Isle, Wakefield. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Colchester, September 6.—House, steam, and kitchen coal for the Roads and Drainage Committee. Forms from H. Collins, borough engineer and surveyor. Edinburgh, September 6.—Gas coal yielding a satis- factory quality of coke, for the Edinburgh and Leith Corporation’s Gas Commissioners. Forms from Mr. Alexander Masterton, engineer and manager of the Com- missioners, Calton Hill, Edinburgh. Edinburgh, September 15.—Coal and coke for H.M. Government, at the various stations in the Scottish Com- mand. Forms from Headquarters, Scottish Command, 28, North Bridge, Edinburgh. Goole, September 14.—Coal for the Education Sub-Com- mittee. Particulars from E. L. Harrap, Education Offices, Goole. Keighley, September 6.—Coal for the Education Com- mittee of the Corporation. Forms from H. Midgley, secretary, Education Offices, Town Hall Square. Lisnaskea (Ireland), September 23.—140 tons of best Scotch coal (screened), and 20 tons of best Irish coal, for the Guardians. Tenders to Chairman. London, S.E., September 6.—Steam coal : Donisthorpe best steam coal (Leicestershire), Nailstone double screened nuts, small steam nuts from Moorgreen Colliery, Notts. House coal : Manners’ Kilburn large nuts, Manners’ Rutland large nuts. Bakers’ coal : Eureka nuts. Coke : Best gas coke (broken), best gas coke (unbroken), for the St. Giles, Camberwell, Guardians. Forms from the Guardians’ Offices, 29, Peckham-road, Camberwell, S.E. London, N.E., September 13.—House and steam coal, coke and coke breeze, for the Bethnal Green Guardians. Forms from Mr. D. Thomas, clerk to the Guardians, Administrative Offices, Bishop’s-road, Bethnal Green, N.E. Maldon (Essex), September 14.—Coal for the Rural Dis- trict Council. Forms from Mr. Wm. Almond, engineer, 6, Market-hill, Maldon, Essex. Maryborough (Ireland), September 8.—Best Whitehaven coal, to the Maryborough District Asylum, for the Committee of Management. Forms from Mr. Wm. C. Meeham, clerk, Asylum Offices. Middlesbrough, September 11.—From 400 to 500 tons of treble-screened nut coals, also gas coke and screened coke breeze, for the Education Committee of the Corporation. Tenders to Mr. J. S. Calvert, secretary, Education Offices, Middlesbrough. Newark, September 9.—Coal and coke for the Education Committee. Forms from H. H. Osborn, clerk, Magnus- buildings, Newark. Newport (I.W.), September 16. — Fuel for the Isle of Wight County Council. Particulars from J. Dufton, clerk, Newport, LW. Omagh (Ireland), September 9.—600 tons English steam coal; 500 to 1,000 tons Scotch splint; 200 tons English house coal; 400 tons South Wales coal, to the Omagh District Asylum, for the Joint Committee of Management. Forms from Mr. Robert J. Creery, clerk of Asylum. Stockbridge.—Nottingham hard steam coal tor the Rural District Council. Particulars from W. J. Ayles, district surveyor. Broughton, Stockbridge. Tiverton, September 6.—About 30 tons of Foxe’s Bridge Forest of Dean rubble coal for -the Tiverton Joint Hospital Board. Tenders to C. M. Hole, clerk of the Board. Trim (Ireland), September 6.—40 tons house coal, best Wigan, Whitehaven, or Workington; 14 tons best Scotch hard Ayr (bakers’ coal), large; 50 tons best Cumberland steam coal, shipped at Maryport, for the Board of Manage- ment of Trim District School. Tenders to Mr. M. E. Malone, clerk to the Board. Widnes, September 6.—Coal for the Corporation. Forms from J. S. Sinclair, borough surveyor, Town Hall, Widnes. York, September 6.—About 15,000 tons of either unscreened beans, pea slack, rough slack, or small peas, for the Corporation. Forms from J. W. Hame, engineer and manager, Electricity Office, Clifford-street, York. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Adelaide (Australia), October 6.—Engine.—Portable direct coupled internal combustion engine and dynamo, for the Central Postal Exchange, Adelaide.* Edinburgh, October 4.—Shaft and Tunnel.—Shaft and tunnel for obtaining sea water for condensing in connection with the new electricity generating station at Westbank, Portobello. Specification from the engineer, Dewar-place Station, Edinburgh, on deposit of two guineas. Kinsale (Ireland). September 6.—Pipes.—About 250yds. of 6 in. cast iron pipes, for the Urban District Council. Specification from Town Clerk, Court House, Kinsale. London, S.W., September 8.—Wrought Iron Bar.— Wrought iron bar, locomotive duplicate parts, and steel, for the South Indian Railway Company Limited. Specifica- tions from R. White, 3, Victoria-street, S.W. Melbourne, September 14.—Steel Rails.—1,350 tons of steel rails, and 200 pairs of fishplates; 400 steel spare poles; and 20 steel anchor poles, for the Prahran and Malvern Tramways Trust. Specifications from the Trust, 59, William-street, Melbourne, on deposit of two guineas. * Specifications, particulars, etc., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C.