September 3, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 463 Walter Scon Ltd. Leeds, LEEDS STEEL WORKS, England. MANUFACTURERS OF BRITISH STANDARD ROLLED STEEL JOISTS, CHANNELS, TRAMRAILS AND PERMANENT WAY RAILS, &c. Pit Head Frame, k Erected in Works for inspection. Example of 10 in. x 6 in. 42 lb, R.3. Joists curved for Framework to Roadway. ROLLED STEEL JOISTS for PIT PROPS, FRAMEWORK TO ROADWAYS. &c. STRUCTURAL STEELWORK FOR BUILDINGS, &c. Mild Steel Blooms, Billets, Slabs, Tinbars, Rounds & Flats. Rolls cut for Special Sections and to approved quantities. Books of Sections and other information on application. Keith Fans Keith Keith Mine Fan Plant. COMPLETE PLANTS ALSO FOR Dust Exhausting, Forge Blowing, Cupola Blast, Smoke Removal, &c. Induced Draught Plant. James Keith & Blackman C° Ltd 27, Farringdon Avenue, LONDON. AND AT Manchester, Newcastle, Cardiff, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, &c. THREE-THROW RAM PUMP ;.AXu'.-*s 1 For Mining Purposes, Town’s Water Supply, &c. With BELT PULLEYS for driving by “SUCTION” GAS ENGINE, OIL ENGINE, STEAM ENGINE, or with ELECTRIC MOTOR. Fitted with OUTSIDE VALVE SPRINGS for HIGH SPEEDS. Quotations on receipt of particulars of the duty. TANGYES L™ BIRMINGHAM. No. 408 D