August 20, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 397 YOU WANT to SAVE TIME & PREVENT ACCIDENTS “CAMEL HAIR” BELTING. “FASTGRIP” FILE & TOOL HANDLE. Fits any kind of file. Cuts its own thread on tang. Removed and replaced instantly* Prevents accidents “FASTFIT” WRENCH. ( FASTFITL. No. 1 takes every shape of nut from 3 16 — % bolt 3/- (REGISTERED TRADE MARK) ? * 3 R 0 The Strongest, most Flexible, and most Durable Belting obtainable. £1000 WII.I. EE PAID to an. one showing us a nut that CAN get LOOSE through vibration, where the FASTNUT is . . properly applied Instantaneous self adjusting & Ratchet “FASTNUT” SPANNERS. Does the work of six spanners and five times as fast. Take eight sizes. Self adjusting and Ratchet. ENGLISH MAKE. 40 YEARS Unblemished Repu- tation as a power transmitter of highest efficiency. Ail genuine belts bear our registered trade mark. SOLE MANUFACTURERS: F. REDDAWAY & Co. Ltd., PENDLETON, MANCHESTER. London : 5 0/Sl, Lime Street, E.C. SHOWING INSIDE WORKING PARTS. SAMPLE FASTNUTS TO TEST FREE. In use on 40 Railways & over 60 COLLIERIES. •abour Drop Forged Steel. AGENTS WANTED. Full particulars— “FARTNIIT ” ■ MO I 11U I j 115, Newgate St., London E.C. .aving rpm i,’•phone—Central 12214. -L ajIuIjgrams—Fasnut, Cent. London. .evices. TURBON. The LATEST THING in FANS. Equally suitable for Mine Ventilation, forced and induced draught, or any other purpose. Great strength, simplicity and silence. Highest efficiency. Perfect balance at all speeds. Suitable for all pressures. Resists high temperatures without distortion. No rivets in blades. Manufactured by THE WADDLE PATENT FAN CO. LTD.. ---- FOR THE---- TURBON PATENT FAN CO. LTD., LONDON Address- LLANELLY. 3- ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL SIGNALLING (To comply 'vvri.tlx Home Office Regulations, Rule 95). This System is Simple and Effective. collieries INDICATING SIGNAL BELLS. ALSO SOLE MAKERS OF Linneker’s and Adams’ Patent MECHANICAL PNEUMATIC SINGLE WIRE. SIGNAL CANCELLING APPARATUS PATENT CONTACT BOX TO WORK WITH INDICATOR. Write for prices and references. i <» cj Theedam’s Patent Electrical Indicating Signal Apparatus Mechanical or Electrical CANCELLING GEAR Our Signal Apparatus & Bells have been sub- mitted to the Home Office, and we are permitted to say they are of the opinion that they carry out the requirements of the Coal Mines Regu- lation Act. This is the utmost that the Home authority for any maker to state. at the owned by one firm. and full information to E. C. THEEOAM Ltd., DUDLEY. for Visible and Audible Signalling in Mines and Collieries. I Hli) Water Tube Boiler, “Woodeson” Patents, fitted with Patent Superheater and Stoker of the Underfeed Type. CLARKE, CHAPMAN & CO. LTD Victoria Works, GATESHEAD. GENERAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS — AND — BOILERMAKERS. Specialists in Colliery Power Plant, Haulage and Winding Gears, Water Tube Boilers (“ Woodeson ” Patents), Pumps for all purposes (steam and electrically driven). Sectional view of Boiler showing Superheater in position. Telep hones— 1070-1073 Central, Newcastle. 137, City. Telegrams— Cyclops, Gateshead. Cyclops Fen, London.