August 20, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 395 ________ Mining BOOKS At Tremendous Reductions ! New Books at 25 per cent. Discount! Books on Mining, Technical and all other Sub- jects. Sent on Approval. State Wants. Send for Lists. Books Purchased. W. & G. FOYLE, 121*123, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C. ______________________________ OXYGEN. The BRITISH OXYGEN Co. Ld. The oldest and most extensive Oxygen producing and distributing business in the World. Factories in all industrial Centres equipped with modern plants producing Oxygen of unrivalled quality for use with RESCUE APPARATUS. ADDRESSES OF THE COMPANY’S WORKS: LONDON _____ BIRMINGHAM ... WOLVERHAMPTON CARDIFF ______ MANCHESTER___ BIRKENHEAD___ SHEFFIELD ___ NEWCASTLE-ON- TYNE ______ GLASGOW_____ SYDNEY _______ Elverton St., Westminster,S.W. Tunnel Avenue, East Greenwich, Saltley Works. [S.E. Lower Walsall Street. East Moors. Great Marlborough Street. Bromborough Port. Celtic Works, Savile Street. Walker Gate. Rosehill Works, Polmadie. N.S.W. THE SOUTH WALES COALFIELD. PART II. By Henry K. Jordan, F G.8. (Past President and first- Gold Medallist of the South Wales Institute of Engineers). This Paper, which deals with the western part of the Coalfield, has just been published by the South Wales Institute of Engineers. It consists of 81 pages of printed matter with sections and diagrams. The large drawings are issued separately and comprise 1. A Horizontal Section across the anthracite region of Llandybie and Pant-y ffynnon, and via the Dulais Valley to the sea at Swansea. It is drawn to a scale of six inches to one mile, is 8 ft. in length, monntad on linen, and geologically coloured. 2. Comparative Sections of the Lower Measures in the following areas (A) Neath Valley. (E) Ammanford. (B) Swansea Valley. (F) Loughor Valley. (C) Brynamman District. (G) Gwendraeth District. (D) Amman Valley. (H) Gwendraeth District. These are drawn on one sheet, about 35 by 30 in., mounted on linen, to a scale of 200 ft. to 1 in. 3. A Map of Swansea District, on a scale of 6 in. to one mile, showing the outcrops of the coal seams. A limited number of the above are for sale, and may be obtained from The Secretary, The South Wales Institute of Engineers, CARDIFF. Price £1 is., Postage Extra. ** The South Wales Coalfield,” Part I., by Mr. H. K. Jordan, published in 1908, price £2 2s , dealt with the eastern half of the Coalfield, and may lx obtained from the Secretary. Indian Mines Act, 1901, with a Digest of the Act, a reprint of the Act with explanatory notes^an appendix coi taining forms, a model code of Special Rules, &c., by W. H. Pickerin? Chief Inspector of Mines in India, and W. Graham, Barrister-at-Law.- ?rice 10s. post free from Colliery Guardian Office. 30 & 31, Furnival-street Holborn, London, E.O. T YIH OS. “Bitromarc” Solution A highly efficient Bituminous, Anti- < < Corrosive Black Enamel Paint for Iron and Steel Structures, Corrugated Iron,. > >' v’ Chips’ Holds, ^Bunkers, &c. '*.. SOLE PROPRIETORS: S. T. TAYLOR & SONS, ; Tynos Works, SC0TSW00D-0N-TYNE. No.v»' 65 Central.-- ,; Tel. Address:'/**Compo,' Scot, wood.” British Manufacture Best Quality at Lowest Prices Every description either separate or in cases. SPECIAL 12 in. CARDBOARD PROTRACTOR, reading to i°, at 2s. Od., postage 6d. illustrated catalogue on application. Wil II ARI IN 12 Mathematical Drawing and Surveying ■ n. nWRUIIW, Instrument Manufacturer, 47, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C. Established 1851. Factory—HACKNEY, E. British Insulated & Helsby Cables Ld., ELECTRICAL CABLE MAKERS & ENGINEERS. REGD. TRADE MARK. Works: Prescot, Helsby, & Liverpool. SEE LARGE ADVERTISEMENT EVERY FOURTH WEEK. _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ekllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llliillilliiiiillllillliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii!^ Elliptic Full-way Cock costs no more than an elongated- way cock, and is equal in service to a round-way full-bore cock. AV. H. WILLCOX & CO. LTD., 32 to 38, Southwark Street, London. “ CLEAR-FLOW BORE.” Write TO-DAY for detailed particulars and prices. __________________________ Semet-Solvay Coke Ovens ^IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIUIIIIIIIII111111111lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11111= SECTION OF OVEN SHOWING SOLID CONSTRUCTION. Strongest in Design. Separate sets of flues to each oven. Very low Maintenance Cost. ________________________________________ “DIRECT” AMMONIA RECOVERY PLANT, giving increased yield of Sulphate, with less Labour, and a saving in Steam consumption. THE COKE OVEN CONSTRUCTION CO. L! Howard Chambers, 155, Norfolk Street, SHEFFIELD.