394 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. August 20, 1915. coloured, for example, red. Conversely, when a suffocating gas is present, for example, carbon dioxide, a decrease of pressure is produced in the space 4, which sucks up the liquid so that again the rays of light from the lamp are coloured. (Six claims.) 25301 (1913). Improvements in Ropes or Cables. A. Erbe, of Alsterdamm 16/19, Hamburg, Germany. — The object is the production of a wire rope or cable consisting of a hemp core and a number of non-circular strands. The cores of these strands are composed of circular wires and specially shaped wires (called profile wires) laid or twisted round one another, and the shape of their cross section is a trapezoid or trapezoid-like figure. Fig. 1 QdL^Py> shows a rope with strands RAPScp oE&rAxO having 7-wire trapezoidal cores; fig. 2 a trapezoidal core with four circular wires and three profile wires; fig. 3 a trapezoidal core with five circular wires and ^MJcP two profile wires; fig. 4 a 7-wire circular strand. The r_____ trapezoidal stranded cable \JA/ CPD \ JJ / is specially suitable for use 'O~C/ 0-0 \>