August 13, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 339 Vauxhall Metal and Machine Works Limited. — Private company. Registered office, 28, Albert-embankment, S.W. Registered July 30. To acquire the business now carried on as the Vauxhall Metal and Machine Works at 28, Albert- embankment, Vauxhall, and to enter into an agreement; to carry on business as iron founders, mechanical engineers, metal workers, boiler makers, builders, farmers, carriers, etc. Nominal capital, £2,000 in’1,000 £1 cumulative preference shares, and 1,000 .£1 ordinary shares. Directors and sub- scribers (one share each) :—H. J. Way, 2, Powis-square, Bayswater, manufacturer; C. Westell, 30, St. Charles-square, North Kensington, W., manufacturer. Wave Transmission (British Empire) Syndicate Limited.— Private company. Registered office, 3, St. Bride’s House, Salisbury-square, E.C. Registered July 30. To purchase, take on lease, or otherwise acquire any lands, patents, mines, buildings, etc., and to develop, turn to account, and otherwise deal in same; to carry on business of engineers, tool makers, metal workers, iron and steel converters, manu- facturers of engines, etc. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. Directors : W. Haddon (chairman), 132, Salis- bury-square, Fleet-street, E.C., merchant and manufacturer; G. Constantinesco (no address given). No qualification of above directors required. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Army Contracts.—Sealed tenders for supplies of coal and coke for Military Services at stations in the under-mentioned Commands for the period ending June 30, 1916, will be received shortly by the Officers Commanding the Army Service Corps in the under-mentioned Commands or Districts :—Aidershot command, Aidershot. Eastern com- mand : Dover Garrison, Dover; Colchester district, Colchester; Chatham district, Chatham; Woolwich district, Woolwich; Shorncliffe district, Shorncliffe; Harwich dis- trict, Harwich; Brighton district, Brighton. Irish Command:—Gurragh district, Curragh; Queenstown' district, Queenstown; Belfast district, Belfast; Dublin district, Dublin; Fermoy district, Fermoy; Lough Swilly defences, Buncrana; Athlone district, Athlone; Bere Island. London district, Horse Guards, Whitehall, S.W. Northern command, York. Scottish command, Edinburgh. Southern command:—Salisbury Plain district, Bulford; Portsmouth district, Portsmouth; Devonport district, Devonport; Southampton district, Southampton; Wylye Valley district, Warminster; Fovant district, Fovant; Larkhill district, Larkhill. Western command, Chester. Guernsey and Alderney district, Guernsey. Jersey’district, Jersey. Form of tender, conditions of contract, date for receipt of tenders, and any further information may be obtained on application at Horse Guards, Whitehall, by letter addressed to the Officer Commanding Army Service Corps, or in person between the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. Liverpool, September 1.—The directors of the Liverpool Gas Company are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of 80,000 tons of coal, and 20,000 tons of cannel, to be delivered at the various works of the company, during the period of nine months between October 1, 1915, and June 30, 1916. Tenders will be received for the whole or any portion of the above quantity. The directors reserve the right to accept tenders for the whole or any portion of the quantity offered, and do not bind themselves to accept} the lowest or any tender. Full particulars and printed forms of tender can be obtained on application to the undersigned. Sealed tenders (on the printed form only), addressed to the Chairman of the Company, must be delivered at or before 10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 1, 1915, endorsed “ Tender for Coal.” By order, R. E. Gibson, engineer, Gas Office, Duke-street, Liverpool. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Blackrock, September 1.—Best screened Wigan coal, best steam coal, Kilkenny coal and coke for the Urban District Council. Forms from Town Clerk, Town Hall, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Bradford, September 1.—Best screened gas coal, cobbles, nuts and cannel, for the Corporation. Forms from C. Wood, gas engineer, Town Hall. Clacton, August 18.—About 5,000 tons of best screened gas coal for the Urban District Council. Forms from S. Francis, Town Hall Buildings, Clacton-on-Sea. Dublin, August 16.—About 60,000 tons of best quality locomotive coal, for the Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland Company. Forms from Secretary, Broadstone Terminus, Publin. Dumbarton, August 30.—About 110 tons of house coal, and 210 tons of washed nuts or triping, for the Board of Directors of the Joint Hospital. Tenders to A. Roberts, clerk to the Board. Glasgow, August 19.—Coal dross and triping, for the Corporation. Forms from J. Lindsay, town clerk, City Chambers, Glasgow. Haverfordwest, August 16.—-About 1,600 tons of double screened best quality gas coal for the Corporation. Forms from R. T. P. Williams, town clerk, Haverfordwest. Ipswich, August 18.—Steam coal, house coal, pea nuts for mechanical stoker, and anthracite, for the Board of Management of the East Suffolk and Ipswich Hospital. Forms from A. Griffiths, secretary, Hospital. Kettering, August 23.—Coal and coke for the Kettering Urban District Education Committee. Forms from J. Bond, clerk to the Committeej Education Offices. Limerick, August 16.—7,000 tons of best gas coal, screened or unscreened, for the Gas Committee. Forms from M. Fitzgerald, secretary, Gas Offices. Lisnaskea (Ireland), September 23.—140 tons of best Scotch coal (screened), and 20 tons of best Irish coal, for the Guardians. Tenders to Chairman. London.—1,300 tons of house coal and 1,100 tons of steam coal, for the ’Governors of St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. Forms from T. Hayes, clerk. London, August 17.—About 6,125 tons of house coal for the Asylums .and Mental Deficiency Committee of the London County Council. Forms from the Asylums and Mental Deficiency Committee, 6, Waterloo-place, Pall Mall, S.W. Loughnea (Ireland), August 21.—100 tons of best double screened Whitehaven Orrell or Wigan coal, for the Guardians. Tenders to J. J. Hanafin, clerk, Loughnea Workhouse. Mold, August 28.—Coal and coke for the Flintshire Education Committee. Forms from J. Bevan Evans, secretary, County Education Offices, Mold. Newport (I.W.), September 16. — Fuel for the Isle of Wight County Council. Particulars from j. Dufton, clerk, Newport, I.W. Northallerton, August 21.—Coal or coke for the North Riding of Yorkshire County Council Education Committee. Forms‘from secretary, J. C. Wrigley, Education Offices, County Hall, Northallerton. Nottingham.—Coal and coke for the Education Com- mittee. Particulars from Director of Education, Shire Hall, Nottingham. Nottingham, August 19.—Coal for the Electricity Com- mittee. Forms from H. Talbot, electrical engineer, Talbot- street, Nottingham. Portland, September 1.—About 150 tons of large Welsh steam coal, and about 360 tons of anthracite nuts for the Waterworks Committee. Forms from A. S. Lilby, Council Offices, Portland. Rathven (Scotland), August 16.—Best household coal, for the Rathven School Board. Tenders to J. Archibald, clerk, Buckie. Rochester, August 31.—Coal for the Corporation. Forms from W. Banks, city surveyor, Guildhall. Stoke-upon-Trent, August 17.—Coal and slack for the Guardians Institution and Cottage Homes. Forms from T. Wood, Union Offices, Stoke-upon-Trent. Whitby, August 20.—Good household coal and steam coals, for the Guardians.1 Forms from W. S. Gray, clerk, 38, Flowergate, Whitby. Vork, August 28.—House and steam coal to the provident and non-provident schools in the city of York, for the Education Committee. Forms 8,605 . — ... 20,362 — Stockton — ■ — — 80 Whitehaven — — 20,946 ... 245 Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. Corresponding figures for the month of July 1914 are unavailable. * From Browne's Export List.