136 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN July 16, 1915. 13062. Electric signalling systems, particularly for use in mines. Sterling Telephone and Electric Company and Bell. (Partly Telephon Fabrik Akt.-Ges. vorm. J. Berliner.) 13865. Distributing valves for steam pumps and the like. Barrance. 14115. Cooling towers. Uhde. 14317. Addition to the sextant. Lees and Jackson. 15776. Apparatus and process for making tubes. Cohoe. 16034. Bock drilling machines. Stephens. 16035. Valve gear for rock drilling and like machines. Stephens. 16048. Batches mechanism for combined signal bell and indicators, and for other purposes. Lund. 16144. Method of sharpening rock drills and means therefor. Bradbury. 16151. Apparatus for resetting visible or visual signals. Green and Landon. 16184. Gas holders. Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnsberg Akt.-Ges. 16202. Machine for making bricks and the like. Bogers. (Enamel Concrete Company.) 16210. Machines for bending metal sheets or plates. "Wilhelm- shutte in Saalfeld a.S. Akt.-Ges. 16320. Chain grate stokers. Babcock and Wilcox Limited. (Babcock and Wilcox Company.) 16418. Belays and indicators. Sterling Telephone and Elec- tric Company. (Telephon Fabrik Akt.-Ges. vorm. J. Berliner.) 16483. Bope wire cutting machine. Wilmot and Billige. 16528. Pumps. British Thomson - Houston Company. (General Electric Company, U.S.A.) 16557. Adjustable safety pit prop. Bumpstead. 16979. Cooling arrangements for dynamo-electric machinery. Siemens Brothers Dynamo Works Limited, and Kieffer. 17013. Locomotives. Collings. 17039. Picks, pickaxes, and like tools for use in mines and other works. J ones. 17604. Weight indicating weighing apparatus. Benton. 17607. 'Signalling apparatus, more especially for use in collieries. Davis. 17876. Manufacture of bricks, tiles, and the like. Hidoux and Bernheim. 17972. Apparatus for artificial respiration. Christiansen. 18280. Apparatus for detecting the presence of firedamp and other gases. Gaudie and Wilkinson. 18314. Signalling apparatus such as is employed in collieries and the like. John Davis and Son (Derby) Limited, and MacDonald. 18397. Percussion tools. Siemens-Schuckertwerke Ges. 18457. Machines for cleaning, separating, and screening stone, ore, coal, and the like. Lister-Kaye and Bly th. 18458. Bailway rail for use on curves. Smith. 18661. Electric signalling systems, particularly for use in mine. Sterling Telephone and Electric Company, Bell and Dungey. 19001. Automatic couplings for railway and like vehicles. Cloud. (Pavia.) 19165. Stoker tuyeres for furnaces. Johnson. (American Engineering Company.) 19652. Apparatus for generating or producing gas. Degen- hardt. 20260. Preserving wood. St. Armande and Beid. 20929. Furnaces. Hislop and Hislop. 21046. Magnetic lock for miners’ lamps. John Davis and Son (Derby) Limited, and Davis. 21191. Discharging vertical retorts for continuous carbonisa- tion of coal or the like. Duckham. 22370. Compressors. Iversen. 22817. Haulage trucks or wagons. Feeny. (Holt Manu- facturing Company.) 23406. Air compressors. Barr. 1915. 599. Machines for cutting off the ends of rolled bars. Fried. Krupp Akt.-Ges. 1254. Automatic coupling for railway wagons and like vehicles. Crossley. (Ettenger.) 1927. Construction of apparatus for regulating temperatures. Glover. 2177. Ventilation. Davidson. 2460. Iron piling. Basel. 3034. Apparatus for regulating and controlling and/or indi- cating temperatures. Hall. 3832. Axial flow steam or gas turbines. Akt;-Ges. der Maschinenfabriken Escher, Wyss et Cie. 5567. Bailway rail connecting means and tie bars for use therewith. Mueller. Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1915. 938. Spring coupling for vehicles. Bheinische Metall- waaren und Maschinenfabrik. MINISTRY OF MUNITIONS OF WAR. EXPERIENCED ENGINEERING DRAUGHTSMEN REQUIRED AT ONCE. Readers will assist by calling the attention of Draughtsmen to this notice. Apply to F. MAEERS, Explosives Department, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey’s Gate, S.W. 8283. Water tube boilers. Soc. Anon, des Etablissements Delaunay-Belleville. 8455. Mining machines. Morgan. 9787. Process of manufacturing rings and tyres of iron or steel. Deutsch Luxemburgische Bergwerks und Hutten Akt.-Ges. THE ACQUISITION OF ENEMY PATENT RIGHTS. The following list of British Patents, which have been granted in favour of residents of Germany, Austria, or Hungary, is furnished in view of the new Patents Acts, which empower the Board of Trade to confer upon British subjects the right to manufacture under enemy patents, which right, when acquired, can be retained after the war, and is specially compiled for the Colliery Guardian by Lewis Wm. Goold, chartered patent agent, 5, Corporation- street, Birmingham. It is desirable in the first instance to obtain the latest particulars upon the Patents Begister. If any patent listed has been assigned to a non-enemy proprietor, the law does not apply. 25349/12. Wire gauze. Belates to wire gauze for miners’ lamps, for explosion-preventing guards for vessels containing inflammable liquids, or for electromotor guards. The weft wires are arranged, in two or more planes, and are inter- woven with comparatively thin warp wires to form a double or multiple fabric. P. Breddin, Germany. 27073/12. Doors. Doors for coke or other ovens or furnaces are formed with an outer wall of concrete, pre- ferably reinforced, having on the fire side thereon a heat-insulating layer of kieselguhr, stonewood, or the like, in which strips of canvas or wire cloth or netting are embedded. The heat-insulating layer may be covered by a wall of renewable grooved-and-tongued bricks, and a series of air passages are provided between the wall and the heat-insulating layer. Ledges or brackets may be provided on the outside of the door for use when luting. H. Kickert, Ger- many. 7704/13. Centrifugal pumps; starting, facilitating. A. Gentil, Germany (dated April 1, 1912). 7771/13. Furnaces; stoking, mechanical. Fuel is fed from a hopper to a rotary drum geared to a cam shaft having a cam which engages with an arm connected to a pivoted wall or to the shaft on which it is supported. A spring holds the arm in contact with the cam on the shaft. Fuel falling from the drum is projected forwards by projections on the pivoted wall, which is also perforated to admit air. Air is also admitted to the furnace from a flue behind the drum. F. Ekl, Germany (dated June 3, 1912). 7783/13. Centrifugal and centripetal pumps. Belates to centripetal pumps used alone or in combination with centrifugal pumps. F. Lawaczeck, Ger- many (dated April 3, 1912). 7784/13. Dynamo-electric machines; dynamos, regulating; alternating current commutator machines. The voltage of a self-excited dynamo-electric machine may be regulated through a wide range in a stable manner by short-circuiting or cutting-out groups of field magnet poles, while the remain- ing poles are kept saturated. Allgemeine Elektricitats Ges., Berlin (dated April 2, 1912). 7890/13. Conveyors. A jigging conveyor is actuated by a motor carried by a section of the trough, and operating against a fixed abutment. H. Flottmann, Germany. 7896/13. Electric motor control; systems for continuous current motors only. A motor is controlled by means of an auxiliary machine connected between the motor and the mains, and provided with a series field coil, which acts as a com- pounding or counter-compounding coil, accord- ing to circumstances. Allgemeine Elektricitats Ges., Berlin (dated April 3, 1912). 8251/13. Botary blowers; movable abutment type; com- pensating for irregularity of flow. J. H. Axien, Germany (dated October 7, 1912). 8678/13. Centrifugal pumps. 1 A centrifugal pump com- prising a disc having blades on its two faces co-extensive in a radial direction with the disc, the blade wheel being provided with a spiral delivery pipe, which increases in cross sectional area towards the discharge end. B. Gerdan, Germany. 8743/13. Furnaces; firebars and grates. A 'water-cooled grate is built up of hollow bars connected to an end chamber, the necessary joints being welded. The bars are made from a rolled sheet having longitudinal ribs. The sheet is bent, so that the meeting edges are at the bottom of the bar, and the edges are welded together. The ribs, which may have grooves and tongues, come together and form a partition extending nearly to the outer end of the bar. B. Grabowsky, Germany (dated July 30, 1912). *** Copies of any of the above specifications can be supplied at the price of Is. post free. Applications to Avoid or Suspend Patents or Licences.— No. and year of patent. Name of grantee. 8487/06 30101/10 Rogler & Hoerbiger (Automatic valve). Rogler & Hoerbiger (Valves). Name and address of applicant. Date of hearing. 1. The Lilleshall q Co. Ltd., Oaken- gates, Shrop- shire. 2. John Musgrave & Sons (1913) Ltd., Globe Iron- > Works, Bolton, Lancs. 3. Bei- liss & Morcom Ltd., Ledsam- street Works, Birmingham. July 21. Cases Decided by the Board of Trade. No. and year of patent. Grantee. Applicant. Decision. 1673/08 28027/09 9269/12 14702/12 ) 27949/12 ) 23555/13 27919/09 12572/09 14957/09 14952/10 965/11 7900/12 Ries Ofenbau-Ges Berlin-Anhaltische Maschinenbau- Akt.-Ges. Stettiner Cha- motte - Fabrik Akt.-Ges. vorm. Didier. Berlin Anhaltische Maschinenbau Akt.-Ges. Ofenbau-Ges. Fabrik fur Dampf- kesselund Stabler Benrather M a s- chinenfahrik Akt.-Ges. Heinr. Stabler Deutsche Maschi- nenfahrik Akt.- Ges. I >S. N. Wellington Ashmore, Benson, Pease ’ & Co. Ltd. Licence granted. Licence granted. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Census of England and Wales, 1911, Summary Tables, 3s. lOd. Consular Beports : Turks and Caicos Islands Report, 1914, l|d. Acts, 1915 : Prize Courts, ljd.; Munitions of War, 2}d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Oil and Petroleum Manual, 1915. By Walter R. Skinner. London : W. R. Skinner. Price, 4s. net. Colliery Manager’s Guide. By H. E. Harris. Wigan : Thos. Wall and Sons Limited. Price, 5s. Coal Fields of British Columbia (Memoir 69, Department of Mines, Canada). By D. B. Dowling. Ottawa : Government Printing Bureau. Peat, Lignite and Coal : Their Value as Fuels for Pro- duction of Gas and Power in the By-Product Recovery Producer (No. 299, Department of Mines Canada). By B. F. Haanel. “ The Engineering Magazine,” July, price Is.; ‘‘An Empire Without Taxes and Practically Without Rates,” by J. K. Collett, price Id.; “ Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers,” July (No. 103); “The Beama Journal ” (Vol. 1, No. 3), July (British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ Association Quarterly), price Is.; “ Gassier’s Engineering Monthly ” (Vol. 48, No. 1), July, price Is.; “ Petroleum and Natural Gas Resources of Canada ” (Vol. 1), by F. G. Glapp and others (Depart- ment of Mines, Canada); “Preliminary Report on the Mineral Production of Canada in 1914 ” (No. 333, of the Department of Mines, Canada), prepared by John McLeish. Exports and Imports of Mining Machinery.—The totals of imports and exports of mining machinery during June were as follow :— June. Jan.-June. A 1914. Tons. 1915? Tons. 1914. Tons. 1915. Tons. Imports 119 121 . 827 ... 590 Exports 1,822 ... 1,278 . .. 12,033 ... 8,252 The value of the imported mining machinery in June was 1'8.789, as compared with £9,796; and, in the six months, £44,425, as compared with £55,499. These figures are not inclusive of prime movers or electrical machinery. Accord- ing to destination, the value of exports was as under :— June. Jan.-June. 1914. 1915. 1914 1915. To— £ £ £ £ Countries in Europe 15,149.. . 8,776...101,737.. . 38,133 United States of America.. 218 . 47... 687.. 113 Countries in S. America ... 2,626.. . 2,924... 23,562.. . 8,864 British South Africa 28,359.. . 20,568...153,424.. .114,845 ,, East Indies 5,818... 5,763... 44,260 29,202 A ustralia 4,926.. . 3,362... 27,827.. . 15,651 New Zealand 589.. 101... 7,082.. . 5,073 Other countries 13,456.. . 9,680...106,375.. . 72,495 Total 71,141.. 51,221..464,954.. .284,376 The following shows the exports of prime movers other than electrical :— June. Jan.-June. ( 1914. 1915. 1914. 1915. £ £ £ £ Rail locomotives ........308,359 . 227,372.2,083,751... 1,226,970 Pumping ................ 40,614... 31,144 268,971... 272,700 Winding ................ 1,944... 766... 20,762.. 5,762