July 16, 1915. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 109 THE NEW EXPLOSIVES COMPANY Ld ESTABLISHED 1865. Manufacturers of STOMONAL No. 1 Every description of High Explosives for Mining and Blasting Purposes. Particulars and Prices on application to the Company or any of their Agents. Works: Stowmarket, Suffolk. The Ideal “ Permitted ” Explosive for Coal Mines. Head Office: 62, London Wall, London, E.C. £ 1 AND .PlllKpiug .PlttKtd fa i 250-H.P. MAIN AND TAIL HAULAGE GEAR. M. B. WILD & CO. LTD., Birmingham. Telephone—208 East. Telegrams—“Hauling, Birmingham.” Manufacturers of Hauling, Winding, and Pumping Plants, also Capstans, Winches, and Patent Dirt Tip.