34 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN July 2, 1915. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Birkenhead, July 12.—The Corporation of Birkenhead are prepared to receive tenders for the supply, up to 1,000 tons, of washed slack or washed small coal, to be delivered at the Pumping Stations of the Spring Hill, Flaybrick Hill, Borough-road, Mount-road, and Ford Waterworks, during a period of three months, commencing on August 1, 1915. Forms of tender and specification, together with any further information, may be obtained from Mr. J. W. M. Richardson, A.M.Inst.C.E., water engineer, 52, Balls-road, Birkenhead. Tenders, stating the price per ton delivered at the various pumping stations, must be sent in to me, sealed and endorsed “ Tender for slack, Water Committee,” not later than 9 a.m. on Monday, July 12, 1915. All deliveries to be made from time to time, according to the requirements of the water engineer. The parties whose tender may be accepted will be required to enter into a con- tract containing a clause as to the payment of the rate of wages and the observance of the hours of labour and condi- tions recognised and agreed upon between the trades unions and the employers in Birkenhead or in the locality in which the work for carrying out the contract is executed, as the case may be. The Corporation do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, James Fearnley, town clerk, Town Hall, Birkenhead. London, N.—The Guardians of the Poor of the Parish of St. Mary, Islington, are desirous of receiving tenders for the supply of 4,000 tons of coal, namely, steam coal, well screened, 2,000 tons, Graigola beans, 1,000 tons, best Welsh smokeless coal, colliery screened, 250 tons, best house coal, well screened, 750 tons. Also 100 tons of coke. To be delivered in four weekly proportions, as may be ordered, but in no case will exceed 1,000 tons per week. Payment will be made promptly. Printed forms of tender must be obtained from the clerk personally, or a stamped addressed brief-size envelope may be sent. Sealed tenders, endorsed “ Tender for coal and coke,” and addressed to the Guardians, must be delivered at the Guardians’ Offices, St. John’s-road, Upper Holloway, N., on or before Wednesday, July 7, 1915. The tenders will be opened at a meeting of the Guardians to be held on Thursday, July 8, 1915, at the Guardians’ Offices. The Guardians do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. No contract will be given to firms who do not ordinarily observe the recognised rates of wages and hours of labour. By order, Edwin Davey, clerk. Manchester, July 9.—The Electricity Committee of the Corporation invite tenders for the supply of their requirements of washed and dry coal slack during the period ending June 30, 1916. Forms of tender may be obtained on appli- cation (in writing only) to Mr. F. E. Hughes, secretary, Electricity Department, Town Hall, Manchester. Tenders, duly endorsed, and addressed to the Chairman of the Elec- tricity Committee, Town Hall, Manchester, must be sent in not later than 10 a.m. on Friday, July 9. Thomas Hudson, town clerk. Southampton, July 9.—The Corporation invite alternative ' tenders for supply and delivery at Otterbourne Siding, near Eastleigh, of cobbles and coke for the Waterworks Pumping Station for six or 12 months. Forms of tender and all particulars may be obtained at the Waterworks Engineer’s , Office, French-street, Southampton. Sealed tenders upon the prescribed form, endorsed “ Tender for coal, Waterworks,” must be delivered at the Town Clerk’s Office by 12 o’clock noon on July 9, 1915. No pledge is given to accept the lowest or any tender or tenders. R. R. Linthome, town clerk. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Acton, W., July 8.—About 370 tons of best Derby brights or kitchen nuts and 270 tons of best coke for the Urban District Council. Forms from F. A. Everitt, secretary, Education Department, Council Offices, Acton, W. Aldershot, July 6.—About 100 tons of best Welsh steam and house coal for the Town Council. Tenders to W. E. Foster, clerk, Municipal Buildings, Aidershot. Antrim, July 8.—Best screened house and steam coal for the Committee of the Antrim District Lunatic Asylum. Forms from Clerk of the Asylum, Holywell, Antrim. Armagh, July 13. — 300 tons of either Kirkless Hall Orrell or Fletcher Burrows Imperial Orrell coal for the Guardians. Forms from W. Calvert, clerk of the Union, Workhouse, Armagh. Ballymahon, July 8.—Best Whitehaven and best Irish coal, free from slack, for the Guardians. Tenders to P. MacGreevy, clerk, Poor Law Office, Ballymahon. Baltinglass (Ireland), July 10.—75 tons double screened Wigan coal and 75 tons Irish coal for the Guardians. Forms from J. R. Dagg, clerk of Union, Office, Baltinglass Work- house. Bristol, July 5.—Best anthracite and good house coal for the Education Committee. Forms from W. A. Adams, secretary, Guildhall. Bromley, July 5. — Coal and coke for the Corporation. Form from Borough Engineer, Municipal Offices, Bromley, Kent. Bury, July 12.—About 40,000 tons of gas coal. 500 tons of boiler slack, 500 tons of burgie, 250 tons of House coal, and 50 tons of Wallsend coal, for the Corporation. Forms from H. Simmonds, engineer and. general manager, Gas Works, Bury. Cairo (Egypt), July 22.—360,000 tons of Welsh steam coal for the Egyptian State Railways and Telegraphs Administration. Forms from Sir A. L. Webb, Queen Anne’s-chambers, Westminster, London, S.W., on payment of 2s.* Canterbury, July 5.—Household coal, hard steam coal, and coke for the Guardians of the Blean Union. Forms from W. T. Brooks, clerk, 39, Castle-street, Canterbury. Chatham, July 14. — Coal for the Corporation. Forms from Borough Surveyor, Town Hall. Chelmsford, July 5.—220 tons of Portland hand-picked steam coal, 150 tons of Portland screened cobbles, 30 tons of Rockingham best selected from Newton Chambers and Com- pany’s Colliery, and 30 tons of coke, for the Guardians. * Specifications, particulars, etc., may be seen at the Commercial Intelligence Branch of the Board of Trade, 73, Basinghall-street, E.C. Forms from A. S. Duffield, clerk, 96, High-street, Chelmsford. Chelmsford, July 10.—Coal and coke for the Chelmsford Joint Hospital Board. Forms from L. Gray, clerk, 73, Duke-street, Chelmsford. Chelmsford, July 13.—Portland, Watnall, or Bestwood cobbles and Beckton coke or best gas coke for the Corpora- tion. Tenders to G. Melvin, town clerk, Municipal Offices, Chelmsford. Chiswick, July 6.—Coal and coke for the Urban District Council. Forms from E. Willis, surveyor, Town Hall. Crondall (Hants), July 12.—150 tons of steam coal for the Managers to the District School, Crondall. Forms from Superintendent, District Schools. Greenock, July 5.—25,000 tons of steam coal for the Cor- poration (Electricity Department). Forms from F. H. Whysall, burgh electrical engineer, Electricity Works, Dellington-street, Greenock, on deposit of 5s. Grimsby, July 5. — House coal and gas coke for the Corporation. Forms from H. G. Whyatt, borough engineer, Municipal Buildings, 170, Victoria-street, Grimsby. Hornsey, July 5.—2,500, tons of slacks, peas, nuts, or beans for the Town Council. Forms from Town Clerk, Town Hall, South wood-lane, Highgate, N. Hove, July 13.—Household coal and coke for the Educa- tion Committee. Forms from S. G. Dancy, secretary, Education Committee, Third-avenue, Hove. Killough (Ireland), July 12.—About 140 tons of best Whitehaven coal for the Governors’ of Charles Sheils Institu- tion, Killough. Tenders to H. Swail, superintendent. Kinmel Park, July 10.—Coal required at Kinmel Park, near Rhyl, for H.M. Government. Forms from District Barrack Officer, Watergate House, Chester. Lancaster, July 7.—Best house coal and slack for the Shire Hall and Judges’ Lodgings. Tenders to H. E. Clare, clerk of the County Council, County Offices, Preston. Langho, July 8. — Coal and coke to the Lancashire Inebriates Reformatory, Langho, near Blackburn. Tenders to Director. Middleton (Lancashire), July 8.—Coal for the Gas Works of the Corporation. Forms from W. Rogerson, gas engineer, Gas Works. Mountain Ash, July 12.—About 5,000 tons of large coal, through and through, washed nuts, or small coals for the Urban District Council. Forms from W. G. Thomas, Town Hall, Mountain Ash. Newport (I.W.), September 16.—Coal for the Isle of Wight County Council. Particulars from J. Dufton, clerk, County Council Offices, Newport (I.W.). Northampton, July 5.—Coal and coke for the local Educa- tion Authority. Forms from J. L. Holland, secretary for education, County Education Offices, Northampton. Omagh (Ireland), July 8.—600 tons of best English steam coals, 200 tons of best English house coals, 400 tons of South Wales steam coals, to the Omagh District Asylum Joint Management Committee. Forms from R. J. Creery, clerk. Oxford, July 19.—Warwickshire or Leicestershire hand- picked cobbles for the Education Committee. Tenders to R. Bacon, town clerk, Education Office, Town Hall. Paisley, July 5.—Splint and coking coals for the Cor- poration. Forms from G. R. Hislop, engineer and manager, Gas Works. Plymouth, July 5.—15 tons of coal and 30 tons of coke for the Plymouth Royal Eye Infirmary. Forms from E. Howard, hon. secretary, 7, Princess-square. Portland, July 7.—2,000 to 2,500 tons of best quality screened gas coal or nuts for the Urban District Council. Information from gas manager, A. E. Shadbolt, Gas Works, Portland. Rochford, July 6.—House coal for the Poor Law Institu- tion. Forms from W. H. Roberts, clerk, Southend-on-Sea. Rotherham, July 14.—Coals and nuts for the Corporation. Forms from J. S. Naylor, engineer, Gas Works. Southampton, July 12.—Best house, steam, and anthra- cite coal, and coke, to the schools in the administrative county of Hampshire. Forms from D. T. Cowan, Director of Education, The Castle, Winchester. Tullamore, July 6.—250 tons of double-screened White- haven or Wigan coal and 50 tons of Irish coal, for the Guardians. Tenders to T. J. Kelly, clerk, Board-room, Tullamore. Ware (Herts).—About 60 tons of Old Round wood best Silkstone coal, about 40 tons of Annesley best hard steam, and about 18 tons of coke, for the Hertford and Ware Joint Hospital Board. Tenders to G. H. Gisby, clerk to the Joint Board, Ware. Ware (Herts), July 5.—100 tons Newstead, Annesley, or Shirebrook hard steam coal, 20 tons of nutty small steams from same collieries, 40 tons of Bolsover large cobbles house coal, and 90 tons gas coke, for the Guardians. Tenders to G. H. Gisby, clerk, Union Offices, Town Hall, Ware. Warrington, July 7.—6,000 tons of slack for the Elec- tricity and Tramways Committee. Conditions on deposit of one guinea from E. V. L. Mathias, borough electrical and tramways engineer, Howley, Warrington. Weybridge, July 8.—About 350 tons of Portland best large hard steam coal for the Weybridge and Oatlands Joint Sewerage Committee. Forms from J. S. Crawshaw, surveyor, Council Offices, Weybridge, Surrey. Whitecroft (I.W.), July 6.—400 tons best quality steam coal, 100 tons house coal, and 20 tons of coke, for the Isle of Wight Asylums Committee. Forms from J. H. Green, clerk, Whitecroft (I.W.). The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Londqn, S.W., July 12.—Boiler Tubes.—19,000 locomo- tive boiler tubes for the Jodhpur Bikaner Railway. Speci- fication from Messrs. Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, 13, Dartmouth-street, ’Westminster, S.W., on payment of 10s. 6d. Merton, July 14.—Pumping.—Pumping out a pond con- taining approximately 6,000,000 gals, of water, for the Merton and Morden Urban District Council. Particulars from Sanitary Inspector, Kingston-road, Merton. Sheffield.—Shaft.—Sinking a shaft 14 ft. diameter and about 350 yds. deep. Full particulars from Messrs. Newton, Chambers and Company Limited, Thorncliffe Collieries, Sheffield. Treherbert.—Pit Sinking.—Sinking of the No. 3 Pit, Fernhill Collieries, from the Six-foot seam to the Gellideg seam; size of shaft, 17 ft. 6 in. by lift. 6 in.; for the Fernhill Collieries Limited, Treherbert, Glamorgan. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Crompton and Company Limited.—The report for the year to March 31 last states that the gross profit was £57,911. After deducting general charges, depreciation, interest on debentures and other items, there remains, with the sum carried forward from the previous year, an available balance of £28,649. The directors recommend that this balance be disposed of as follows :—To general reserve fund, £6,500; to special depreciation account, £3,500; to be written off pre- liminary expenses, £1,608; a dividend on the preference shares at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum, £9,349; balance to be carried forward, £7,691. Davis (D.) and Sons Limited.—The directors propose the usual dividend of 10 per cent, per annum on the ordinary shares for the half-year ending June 30. A special.effort has been made on this occasion to pay the dividends earlier than usual on account of the heavy demands which are being made upon shareholders at the present time, and also with the desire to afford them all possible pecuniary facilities for subscribing to the War Loan. Frodair Iron and Steel Company Limited.—The directors have decided, in consequence of the situation occasioned by the war, not to pay a dividend on the preference shares for the half-year ending June 30. Hall and Company (Croydon) Limited.—The directors, in their report for the year ended March 31, state that the net profit, after providing for management expenses and deprecia- tion on horses, amounts to £17,137 (an increase of £607 over last year). The amount brought forward is £11,513, making a total of £28,650. There has already been paid a dividend on the preference shares and an interim dividend on the ordinary shares at the rate of 5 per cent., absorbing £4,182, leaving a balance to be dealt with of £24,468. The directors propose to pay a dividend on the preference shares of March 31, less income-tax at Is. 8d. in the £, £1,891; a dividend on the ordinary shares to March 31, 1915, at the rate of 5 per cent., and a bonus of 2J per cent., less income- tax at Is. 8d. in the £, absorbing, less interim dividend, £4,583; commission due to directors, calculated at 4 per cent., £686; bonus to staff, £630; to write off freehold and leasehold premises, £600; plant, £1,500; investments, £3,000; and carry forward £11,578. Mr. Percival Robert Skinner having resigned his position as a director, the board has appointed Mr. George William Newling Ward in his place. Mond Nickel Company Limited.—The directors recommend dividends of 7 per cent, on the preference shares and 20 per cent, on the ordinary shares for the year, placing £100,000 to the reserve, and £54,000 carried forward. North’s Navigation Collieries (1889) Limited. — The directors announce that, with a view of giving the share- holders an opportunity of investing in the War Loan should they so wish it, the Board has decided to pay the usual half- year interim dividend somewhat earlier than in normal times, and accordingly declared the payment of interim divi- dends at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum on the preference and Is. per share on the ordinary shares on account of this year’s working. Father Iron and Steel Company Limited.—The accounts show a loss of £2,321, which, deducted from the balance brought forward, leaves a credit balance of £175, which is carried forward. Last year a dividend of 7J per cent., free of tax, was paid. Russian Mining Corporation Limited.—The report for 1914 states that the item of £62,900 appearing in the balance-sheet (expenditure and advances in connection with pending busi- ness) consists mainly of £26,854, representing subscription to the Inter-Russian Industrial Corporation, and of an advance with interest of £29,846 in respect of the colliery business. The item of £34,045, loans on security, has now been reduced by £14,512. Of the item £31,307, investments, the amount of £26,773 is represented by debentures, preference, and ordi- nary shares in companies paying interest or dividends. The debit balance of £2,681 (as compared with a debit of £4,851 for 1913) has been carried to the balance-sheet. The opera- tions of the company have been seriously affected by the war. The prosecution of the drainage and water scheme for Petrograd, in connection with which large sums have been expended, has been deferred. The shareholders will remember that this corporation has an option to purchase up to one-half interest in the capital of the Russian Anthracite Collieries Limited. The company has now received its formal recogni- tion in Petrograd, and all the litigation which was pending has been settled. An arrangement has been made with the guarantors of the option by which this corporation, should it elect, instead of exercising its option, to have the loan with interest returned, receive a bonus in fully-paid shares of 33 per cent, on the amount of the advance; and in consideration of this the right to exercise the option and the period of the loan have been extended until after peace has been declared. Star Engineering Company Limited.—The report for the period ended March 31 shows a net profit of £32,817, which, with the balance brought forward, £1,719, gives a credit balance on revenue account of £34,537. The directors pro- pose to pay a further 7| per cent., making 10 per cent, per annum on the ordinary share capital for the 15 months’ period, transferring to goodwill, etc., £13,500, reducing that account to £35,000, and placing to reserve £5,000, increasing that account to £15,000. Tweefontein Colliery Company Limited.— The directors have declared an interim dividend of 6 per cent., less income- tax, on the ordinary shares for the current year. NEW COMPANIES. Benson (Wm.) and Son Limited. — Private company. Registered June 22. To acquire and carry on the business of colliery and quarry owner, brick and lime manufacturer, and ironfounder now carried on at Scotswood Fourstones,