54 The Colliery Guardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades, January 7, 1916. CONTENTS OF VOLUME CX. Editorial. PAGE .. 528 .1* 35 .. 985 .. 73 British Association, The............ Coal and Posterity.................. Coal Dust Experiments in Westphalia Coal Trade, The Half-year's ..............~ Combustion and Fuel Economy, Gaseous... 627 Dead Work" and Excess Profits, Colliery, 1343 Derby's (Lord^ Appeal.................. 935 Distribution of Coal, The............377, 478 Explosions in Mines Committee: Seventh Report................... 119] Export Trade, More Fetters for the ..... 277 Exports at Home and Abroad, Coal .....1035 Exports, The Control of ................ 427 Exports and the War, Coal .............1243 Fatigue, Industrial .................... 577 Finance Bill, The ..................781, 883 French Coal Trade, The: An Economic Problem....................... Fuel Economy in Power Supplies ... Gas, Natural History of Mine ...... Government and the Syndicalist, The Haldane, Dr........................ India, Coal Mining in ............. Licensee and Patentee_____. Machinery and the Man........ Magnetic Declination Map, Our __.... Mechanical Progress in 1914 Merthyr Election, The.................... . . Middleman Again, The _____............ Munitions Bill, Miners and the J. Oil v. Coal........................ Organisation of Coal Mining, The ... . Patent Rights, The War and Enemy.. Price of Coal (Limitation) Bill ___ Price of Coal (Limitation) Act, The ..... .................... Production, First Principles of .... Profits and Output .............. Props, Pit................................. Research, Scientific and Industrial Robbing the Pits ............... Royalties and War Profits........ South Wales..................... South Wales Again ................ South Wales Conciliation Board, The South Wales, The Settlement in.... ................ Stone Dust and Mine Hygiene............__ ............ Supremacy, Coal and Steel as Indices of ...1293 ,1087 1191 1139 , 173 , 577 , 731 , 831 528 ,1343 . 627 4139 , 731 . 24 . 477 ,278, 527 .... 277 ...123, 173 225 22« 23 1243 , 328 327 . 935 123 428 .... 1293 23 781 Taxation of Prices, The ............ 679 Tonnage and the Coal Trade.......... 935 Trade after the War, Peaceful Penetra- tion and...............1....................... 985 Units and Systems.................... 883 Wages in the Federated Area ..........1087 Wages, Miners' ....................... 831 Weight, Deductions from .............. 831 ______ Articles, &c. Accidents, Colliery.....233, 625, 789, 879, 1092 Accidents and Labour in 1914, Mining ___1349 Ambulances Supplied by the Coal Owners and Coal Workers of Great Britain, The Convoys of Motor :.............1187 American Coal Mining Methods, with Some Comparisons, Modern .............. 777 American Coal Specification............ 371 American Mines, Safety Measures at, 113, 1289 Analysis of Coal and Coke, Accelerating the Kjeldahl Reaction in............ 990 Barnsley Seam, The Underground Contours of the _____............................. 673 Bentley Colliery....................... 621 Benzol................................1285 Blair (Capt. R. C.), D.S.O., Presentation to 1096 Book Notices, 81,180, 275, 333,384, 485, 729,891, 936, 991, 1096, 1135, 1239, 1339 Boreholes, Tapping Water by Means of ... 991 By-products of Coal, Products and......1134 Carbonisation of Coal, A Thermal Study of the ............................ 367 Catalogues and Price Lists Received, 38, 292, 492, 798, 1208 Chile, Coal Resources and Imports of ...1095 Coal and Coke Exported from Ports in England, Scotland and Wales ...84, 1203 Coal and Coke Exported and Shipped Coastwise from Ports in England, Scot- land and Wales .........339, 523, 795, 995 Coal. Coke and Manufactured Fuel from the United Kingdom, Exports of, 86, 338, 538, 794, 996, 1204 Coal, Coke and Manufactured Fuel During 1913 and 1914, Exports of............ 118 Coal and Coke Shipped for London and Other Ports in the United Kingdom, 84, 1203 Coal Cutter, The t( Hardiax" ..........1336 Coal-Cutters, Compressed Air for...570, 622, 673 Coal-Cutting and Conveying Machines, The “Diamond".........1076, 1131, 1197, 1235 Coal Dust Experiments at the Derne Gallery .......................... 874 Coal Dust Experiments, American.......1041 Coal-Handling Plant at Edge HilJ, Liver- pool, Locomotive...................1334 Coal and Pitwood Requirements of the United Kingdom.................__ 1186 Coal Literature, The Colliery Guardian Monthly List of Recent, 237, 437, 691, 896, 1101,1353 Coal Measures of the Croxteth Park Inlier 975 Coal Mines Act in 1914, Working of the ...1335 Coal Shipping Facilities at the Barry Docks, Improved.......................... 370 Coal Shipping Plant at Baltimore....... 977 Coke, Developments in the Methods of Manufacturing ................................... 775 Coke-Oven and By-Product Installation, and Exhaust Steam Turbine Plant, at the West Wylam Colliery of the Mickley Coal Company Limited, New... 13 Coke Oven By-Products in 1914: Report under the Alkali Works Act _________ 29 Coke Ovens, Self-Tightening Doors for... 383 Coking of Coal at Low Temperatures, with Special Reference to the Properties and Composition of the Products, The 271 Colonial Fuel Import Duties............1137 Combustion, The Science of ............ 585 Compressed Air Haulage in Scotland ... 980 Compressors for Colliery Work, Air ....,. 467 Compressors for Colliery Work, Motor- Driven Air __...................... 824 Coppice Colliery, The Basement Rocks of the Bunter, with Special Reference to the Inundation at the .............. 875 Corrosion and Scale, I he Electrolytic Process for Preventing ...........1249 Decking Gear at a Belgian Colliery, Hydraulic......................... 422 Di-eases, Industrial Accidents and ..... 927 Drill, A Modern Rotary .............. ... 368 Drumheller Coal Field, Alberta, The ...1333 Earth Movement on the Coal Measures of the Sheffield District—Part I, Some Effects of ......................... 566 ... Economv, Labour and National .........1147 Economy in Mining ..................1298 Education Among Miners, Need for In- dustrial ...........................1132 Electrical High Pressure Distribution Systems, The Design of ............1337 Electrical Surges, Protection Against ... 168 Electric Motors for Mines, Explosion- Proof ............................. 517...... Electrolytic Copper, The Production and Properties of.......................1028 Energy, The Flow of Through Trans- mission Lines .......’..................978, 1082 Examinations, Mine Managers' .........1236 Explosions in Mines Committee: Seventh Report.............................1181 Explosives in Coal Mines .............. 519 Explosives in Coal Mines: New Order___ 168 Explosives in 1914, Accidents from ............ 470 Explosives, Experiments with Ammonium Nitrate .................................................. 783 Explosives, Safety Measures in the|Use of... 1347 Fatigue, Industrial ................................... 672 Feudal Exactions from Minerals in Scot- land : Peculiarities of Scottish Law ...1080 Fires at Mines, Underground: Home Office ..... Warning........................... 675 French Coal Mining Industry, Effect of the War on the .................... 29 French Coal Prices: Proposed Legislation... 1096 French Coal Trade, The ................ 519 ........ ... Fuel Economy.........................1027 Gas Producers at Collieries for Obtaining Power and By-products for Unsaleable Coal ___________________________617, 669 Gas, Unexpected Emission of ...........1082 Gases in Coal, The ...........1145, 1238, 1300 Gassing Accidents......................1306 Generators, Some Difficulties of Design of High-speed ....... ..............1078 Geological Research in the Coal Fields ..... During 1914 ...................520, 635 Gob Fire in Northumberland, Treating a... 879 Greener (Mr. T. Y.) .................... 820 Housing and Town Planning in the Doncaster Coal Fields __........... 66 Hull Coal Trade, The .................. 133 Illumination of Mines..................1081 India in 1914, Coal Mining in .......878, 1287 Inspection in 1914, Coal Mines : Lancashire and North Walesand Ireland Division 633 Inspection in 1914, Coal Mines : Midland— ... Southern Division.................. 685 Inspection in 1914, Coal Mines: Northern Division .......................889, 941 Inspection in 1914, Coal Mines: Scotland Division................. *................ 521 Inspection in 1914, Coal Mines: South ....... Wales Division .................... 837 Inspection in 1914, Coal Mines: York and North Midland Division............ 468 Inspection in 1914, Industrial ...........1129 Inspection in the U.S., Mines_______1093, 1132 Kent Coalfield,The Fauna and Stratigraphy of the...................................821, 1025 Kent Coalfield—Part I., Studies of the Geology of the......................1185 Labour Problem and the Mining Industry, The ............................... 873 Lamp, Atmospheric Conditions and the Hefner.............................1290 Lamp Glasses, Approved Safety ......... 222 Lamp, The Invention of the Safety ..... 775 Lamps, Approved Safety................ 169 Lancashire Coalfield, Problems of the South..............................................975, 1029 Locomotives for the South African Coal Traffic, Large ......................1029 _______________________________________ PAGE PAGE L.C.C. Coal Contracts..............______69, 222 Maltby Main Colliery ........................ 619 Managers, The Training of Colliery .....1235 Manchurian Colliery, A............... _____1349 Microscopical Examination of Coal, The 65, 115, 231, 319 Mineral Statistics for 1914.............. 483 New South Wales, Coalmining in ....... 369 New Zealand in 1914, Coalmining in .....1301 Obituary, 35, 79, 129, 181, 223, 287, 335, 387, 423, 488, 537, 590, 640, 680, 736, 789, 826, 895, 916, 994, 1043, 1100, 1147, 1198, 1254, 1306,1350 Organisation of Coalmining, Great Con- ference in London ............:____ 267 Organisation of Mining Industry __..... 873 Organisation Committee, Coal Mining, 320,371, 419, 471, 533, 574, 621, 674, 739, 788, 824, 876, 929 Output of Coal in the First Half of 1915 ... 473 Oxfordshire Coalfield, The Concealed ... ...1199 Paris, The Coal Trade of................ 991 Patent Rights, The Acquisition of Enemy, 38, 88, 136, 190, 242, 290, 342, 394, 442, 492, 542, 594, 644, 696, 745, 846, 918, 1050, 1152, 1258. 1356 Phthisis Prevention Committee, South African Miners' ...................1184 Price of Coal (Limitation) Bill...117,163, 213 Price of Coal Bill in Committee ......... 174 Prices, Retail Coal 18, 68, 116, 179, 221, 271, 321, 369 Pump, The Worthington Roto-Drum ........ 19 Pumps, Turbine, at a South Yorkshire Colliery ........................... 166 Queensland Mines Inspection in 1914 ...1250 Railways in 1913, British................ 824 Roof, The Stresses in the Mine __........ 925 Shaft, Bantjes Consolidated Mines Ltd , Collapse and Recovery of Central Incline........................__ ... 928 Shaft Pillar in Thin Seams, Forming a .1241 Shaft Sides, Supporting, Through a Fault 418 Shipments Coastwise During June, 233 ; July, 436; August, 693; September, 895; October, 1147; November, 1350 Shotton Colliery, Extensions and Improve- ments at the....................... 771 Signalling Bell, A New Battery ......... 317 Signalling, Principles of Visual .......1288 Signalling System, Lambourne's Mecha- nical................... ............................... 421 Signalling System, A New Winding ..... 67 Signals, Davis's Non-cumulative Winding Engine.................................................. 823 Sinking with Jackhammers, Shaft .....1236 South African Mining in 1914 ... ....... 518 South America, Fuel Conditions in ..... 384 Sulphate of Ammonia Association, The ... 417 Supply Problems, Coal.................. 167 Sweden and the Coal Question........... 823 Telephone, New Flameproof and Water- tight Magneto Mining .............. 321 Timbering, Steel Mine ...............1133 Trade Union Combine. Triple __________1189 Trade Unions in 1913 ................... 738- Tub Bearings, Colliery.................. 838 ... Turf Fuel, Russian Views on............ 990 Ventilation Hygienically, Above Ground, Underground, Under Deck, Develop- ment in Mechanical ......... _______ 926 Ventilation, Influence of Moisture on Mine 269 Victoria in 1914, Coal Mining in ....... 942 Wagon, The “ Universal" Tipping ..... 119 Wagon Label Clip, Parke's Patent....... 369 Wagons for the Bengal Coal Traffic, A New Type of Bogie Hopper .............. 270 Wagons, Colliery Motor Tipping......... 737 Wagons, The Pooling of Coal............1289 War and its Influence on the Coal Mining ....... Industry, The ..................... 787 Welsh Strike, A French View of the..... 789 Winding Drums of Practice and of Theory, The ..............__................. 16 Winding Equipment, Hints on..........1335 Workmen's Compensation in 1914 ....... 788 Supplements.* Almanac, Colliery Guardian .........Dec. 31 Colliery Guardian Coal Fields Map ... Dec. 31 _____ Meetings. British Association, The_____............ 573 Coke Oven Managers'Association ... ______1285 Institution of Electrical Engineers .....1028 Institution of Mining Engineers...422, 583, 618 Lancashire and Cheshire Coal Owners' Association ....................... 983 Manchester Geological and Mining Society 787, 975, 1025, 1029. 1290 Midland Counties Institution of Engi- neers ..................... ............................. 822 Midihnd Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers..........725, 1030 Mine Inspectors' Institute of the U.S.A. 1093, 1132 Mining Institute of Scotland ...318, 787, 1241 North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers.......323, 775, 1233 PAGE North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers ............... 873 South Staffordshire and Warwickshire Institute of Mining Engineers...875, 1189 South Wales Institute of Engineers ... 273, 737 Current Science and Technology. Ammonia by the Gasification of Coke, Production of ...................__ 1032 Anemometers, The Calibration of ....... 424 Belgian Coalfields, Marine Beds in the... 20 Blast-furnace Gas in Belgium, The Use of 170 Blasting and Lighting, Electric ......... 424 Boiler Losses, Study of ................ 274 Boiler Plant, Steam Costs in 6,600-horse power ............................. 120 Borehole in Pennsylvania, A Deep....... 982 Boring through Clay.................... 70 Briquettes, Sulphate Pitch as a Bind for Ore ............................... 982 Briquetting Coke Breeze, Experiments in 1188 British Columbia, Coalfields of ......... 374 Calorimeters, Standardisation of Bomb ...1084 Carbon Monoxide in Air, Detection of ...1084 Circuit Breakers........................ 932 Coal-cutter, A New ............................ 120 Coal Measures, Another Marine Band in South Lancashire ................. 170 Coal Measures of Somersetshire, An Unconformity in the................ 170 Coal, Storage of Powdered.............. 424 Coal, Use of Pulverised, in Metallurgical Furnaces ........................1299 Coal Saver, Salt as a.....................1299 Coal, Solution of......................... 982 Coke for Boiler Firing, Efficiency of .....1240 Coke-oven Gas for Town Lighting .......1253 Coke Specifications, Foundry ........... 424 Coke on Travelling Grates, Burning i..... 624 Coke, The Valuation and Estimation of ... 424 Concrete, Shrinkage and Time Effects in Reinforced...........................1340 Conveyor Belt Calculating Chart .......1032 Conveyors, Data on Belt.................1299 Corrosion of Steel Smoke Stacks.........1299 Dynamite, Safe Removal of Unexploded Charges by Air....................1084 Earth Tremors ........ ............. 828 Electric Hoist in Ontario, A Large....... 20 Electrical Accidents: The Physiological Effect of High Tension Currents: Modern Methods of Resuscitation ... 524 Electrical Development, The Trend of... 728 Electricity, Nikola Tesla on the Future of 932 Explosions, Cereal Dust ............................. 524 Explosion, Remarkable Origin of an........ 474 Explosives, Coal Tar Products Used in Making ........................... 880 Explosives Tests, Permissible ...........1188 Fatigue and Accidents.................. 828 Fireclay, Deterioration of.............. 424 Fuel Testing Station, Canadian Govern- ment ............................ 120 Fuse, Lighting of Black Powder........1255 Gas, Measuring Coke Oven.............. 374 Gas Yields, Coal Prices and ............ 170 Governor, New Safety.................1240 Heat, Effects of Damp................. 728 Heat Transmission.....................1136 Heat Value of Coal, Conserving the .... 880 Indicator, Safety Lock and Dial Automatic 274 Lamp, The Miners’ Acetylene..........1084 Lamps, Portable Electric Mine ........ 982 Lamps, Support for Safety.............. 274 Lievin Testing Station, Report of the ... 120 Lighting of Factories and Workshops ... 982 Liquid Air as an Explosive ............1032 Montana Copper Region, Power in the... 880 Nitrogen in Coal and Coke, Determination of ............................... 170 Oils, The Production and Manufacture of 880 Peat Drying for Fuel by Electricity ..... 324 Peat, Gas from ......................1340 Peat, Utilisation of ............................. 676 Photometric Bearches at the National Physical Laboratory............... 474 Prospecting for Coal in India .......... 20 Pump, A New Type of Turbine ........ 676 Pumping Water from Great Depths..... 474 Pyrometry, Recent Progress in ........ 324 Radiation and Convection from a Heated Wire in an Enclosure of Air........1240 Refuse, Units from ................... 932 Ropes, Factor of Safety of Winding ..... 932 Sampling of Coal, Automatic ..........1084 Shaft Gate, A Steam-Actuated..........1032 Shooting from the Solid...............1136 Shot-firing from the Surface............ 70 Silica Brick for the By-product Coke Oven 676 Sprinkler, The Bender Automatic....... 932 Stoking, Economy in Mechanical......:..124O Subsidences in Colliery Districts......... 728 Tar, Continuous Partial Distillation of ...1340 Temperature in Mine Workings, Reduction of the ........................... 374 Timber, The impregnation of Mining ___ 70 United States, Purchase of Coal in the...... 624 United States, The Size of Collieries in the ................................_______ 1166 Unwatering Mines by Air Lifts ...........1188 Valuation, Problems of Mine ........... 324