November 27, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1107 Burn your unmarketable fuel in the “Bennis” Self-cleaning Compressed Air Furnace Arranged for Hand - firing. It is well known that one of the chief objections to the use of Machine Stoking in Collieries is the difficulty of burning the large stony stuff usually offered to it for consumption. The results, generally speaking, are unsatisfactory and great damage is often caused to the stokers. In order to meet such cases we have designed and placed upon the market our Special Colliery Hand-Fired Furnace. An illustrated descriptive booklet on the subject has been prepared, and if you have not yet received a copy, please write to-day. Ask for Pamphlet C 1032. We shall send it with pleasure. Ed. Bennis & Co. Ltd., Little Hulton, Bolton, and 28, Victoria St., S.W. EDWIN LEWIS & SONS, WOLVERHAMPTON Telegrams - ** Lewis, Wolverhampton Telephone—No. 15 Wolverhampton. -MTOEEKS- Patent Iron Tube Works, Monmore Green. Britannia Tube Works, Ettingshall. London Office—143, CANNON STREET, E.C. Liverpool Warehouse - 58, South John Street. TUBES OF ANY SIZE For Compressed Air, Water or Steam, or any description of COLLIERY WORK. Original Inventors of Loose Flanged Tubes. STEAM, MOTOR, BELT, OR ROPE=DRIVEN AIR COMPRESSORS From 50 to 15,000 cubic feet FOR COLLIERIES, MINES, Etc. ADVANTAGES SIMPLICITY. RELIABILITY. SELF-LUBRICATION. SMALL FLOOR SPACE. K • Ay; ADVANTAGES - DURABILITY. HIGH EFFICIENCY. BEST WORKMANSHIP. MINIMUM MAINTENANCE One of Two 1,400 c.f. Air Compressors in De Beers Mines S.A. BELLISS & MORCOM LIMITED, Telegrams : “BELLISS, BIRMINGHAM.” BIRMINGHAM. London Office : 8, VICTORIA STREET, S.W.