November 13, 1914 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 1047 COPPEE COKE OVENS BY-PRODUCT PLANTS, and Established 1851 CRUDE and RECTIFIED COPPEE COAL WASHERS. BENZOL PLANTS. . For Particulars, apply to— THE COPPEE COMPANY (BRITAIN) Ltd King’s House, Kingsway, LONDON. Telegram,: “EVCOPPEE, WESTCENT, LONDON.” Telephone: HOLBORN, 5820 (2 lines). Brussels Office: 103, Boulevard de Waterloo. Russian Office : 35, Pouchkinskaia, Kharkoff. Cardiff Office : 38, Mount Stuart Square. 4875 Cardiff. Glasgow Office: 29, Waterloo Street 5332 Central (4 lines). ENGLAND, WALES, Plants are at present under Construction in BELGIUM, RUSSIA, FRANCE, HOLLAND, SPAIN, MEXICO and AFRICA. Purchasers9 Guide to Advertisers9 Specialities—(continued). ENGINES (Oil)—Oelmotoren—Moteurs d hutle Avonside Engine Co. Ld., Bristol Beiliss and Morcom Ld., Birmingham Bobey and Co. Ld., Lincoln Tangyes Ld., Cornwall Works, Birmingham Engines (Rolling Mill) — Waizwerkmaschinen— Machines pour laminoirs Daglish, Bobt., and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. ENGINES (Steam)—Bampfmaschinen—Machines a vapeur Beiliss and Morcom Ld., Birmingham Be ver, Dorling and Co. Ld., Bradford Bumsted and Chandler Ld., Hednesford, Staffs Daglish, Bobert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. Hathorn, Davey and Co. Ld., Leeds Lancaster and Tonge Ld., Pendleton, Manchester Llewellyn and Cubitt Ld., Pentre, B.S.O., Glam. Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld., Beading Beavell and Co. Ld., Ipswich Bobey and Co. Ld., Globe Works, Lincoln Sandycroft Ld., Sandy croft, near Chester Stewarts and Lloyds Ld., Birmingham Stewarts and Lloyds Ld., 41, Oswald-st., Glasgow Tangyes Ld., Cornwall Works, Birmingham Walker Brothers (Wigan) Ld., Wigan Ward, Thos. W., Ld., Albion Works, Sheffield Wood, John, and Sons Ld., Wigan Wootton Bros. Ld., Coalville, Leicester Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld., Wigan Exhaust Turbine Reducing Valves—Reduzier- ventile fur Ab dampfturbinen—Soupapes reduc- trices pour turbiness d vapeur d’ tchappement Auld, D., and Sons, White vale Foundry, Glasgow Boyles Ld., Irlam, Manchester Exhaust Turbine Safety Valves—Sicherheits- ventile fur Adampfturbinen—Soupapes a sHreti pour turbines d vapeur d’echappement Auld, D., and Sons, Whitevale Foundry, Glasgow Exhibition (Colliery and Mining) - Bergbau- ausstellung—Exposition miniere EXPANSION Gear — Expansions - Vorrichtungen — Appareils de detente Daglish, Bobert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. Wood, John, and Sons Ld., Wigan Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld., Wigan Explosives—Sprengstoffe—Expiosifs British Explosives Syndicate Ld., Glasgow Cotton Powder Co. Ld., 32, Queen Victona-st., E.C. Curtis’s and Harvey Ld., Cannon-st. House, E.C. Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby New Explosives Co. La., 62, London-wall, E.C. Nobel’s Explosives Co. Ld., Glasgow Boburite and Ammonal Ld., 103, Cannon-st., E.C. Thompson and Co., Wigan Explosives (Permitted) — Genehmigte spreng- stiffen—Explosifs autorisfe Cotton Powder Co. Ld., 32, Queen Victoria-st., E.C. Curtis’s and Harvey Ld., Cannon-st. House, E.C. New Explosives Co. Ld., 62, London-wall, E.C. Nobel’s Explosives Co. Ld., Glasgow Boburite and Ammonal Ld., 103, Cannon-st., E.C. Fans (Air Propeller)— Druckventilatoren—Roues de ventilation Davidson and Co. Ld., Belfast Keith, James, and Blackman Co. Ld.,27, Farring- don-avenue, London, E.C. FANS (EXHAUST)—Saugventilatoren—Ventilateurs d exhaure Bumsted and Chandler Ld., Hednesford, Staffs Capell Fans (George Fletcher A Co.Ld.),Litchurch, Derby Daglish, Bobert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. Davidson and Co. Ld., Belfast Fletcher, George, and Co. Ld., Litchurch, Derby Harvey, G. A. & Co. (Ldn.) Ld., Woolwich-rd., S.E. Jeffrey Manufacturing Co.—for Agents see advert. Fans (Exhaust)—continued. Keith, James, and Blackman Co. Ld., 27, Farring- don-avenue, London, E.C. Turbon Patent Fan Co. Ld., Llanelly Waddle Patent Fan & Engineering Co. Ld., Llanelly Walker Brothers (Wigan) Ld., Wigan Fans (VENTILATING) —Minenventilatoren — Venti- lateurs d’aerage Allen, W. G., and Sons (Tipton) Ld., Tipton Bumsted and Chandler Ld., Hednesford, Staffs. Capell Fans (George Fletcher & Co.Ld.),Litchurch, Derby Daglish, Bobert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. Davidson and Co. Ld., Belfast Fletcher, George, and Co. Ld., Litchurch, Derby Harvey, G. A., ACo. (Ldn.) Ld., Woolwich-rd., S.E. Humble, Stephen, 9, Victoria-st., London, S.W. Jeffrey Manufacturing Co.—for Agents see advert. Keith, James, and Blackman Co. Ld.,27, Farring- don-avenue, London, E.C. Lewis, Wm., and Son, Bilston, Staffs. Llewellyn andCubitt Ld., Pentre, B.S.O., Glam. Theedam, E.C., Ld., Dudley Turbon Patent Fan Co. Ld., Llanelly Waddle Patent Fan & Engineering Co.Ld., Llanelly Walker Brothers (Wigan) Ld., Wigan FEED-WATER Filters — Spiesewasserfilter — Filtres d’eau d’alimentation Mather and Platt Ld., Manchester Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co. Ld., Tipton FEED-WATER Heaters — Speisewasservorwdrmer— ' Rechauffeurs d’eau d’alimentation Bakers (Leeds) Ld., Hunslet, Leeds Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld., Gateshead-on-Tyne Hawksley, Wild and Co., Sheffield Lancaster and Tonge Ld., Pendleton, Manchester Boyles Ld., Irlam, Manchester Tangyes Ld., Cornwall Works, Birmingham Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co. Ld., Tipton FENDING AND Gates — Umzaunungen u. Tore — Cl6tures et portes Bayliss, Jones and Bayliss Ld., Wolverhampton Ferro - Concrete Constructions—Eisenbeton- konstruktionen—Constructions en beton armd Yorkshire Hennebique Contracting Co. Ld., Leeds FILES—Feilen—Limes Allen, Edgar, and Co. Ld., Sheffield Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Nicholson, Benjamin, A Sons, Attercliffe, Sheffield FILTERS (Oil)—Oelfilter—Filtres d’huile Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld., Beading Boyles Ld., Irlam, Manchester Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley Wakefield, C. C., and Co., 27, Cannon-st., E.C. Willcox, W. H., and Co. Ld., London, S.E. Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co. Ld., Tipton Filters (Water and Crease)-Musur- undFett- filter—Filtres d’eau et de graisse Bakers (Leeds) Ld., Hunslet, Leeds Mather and Platt Ld., Manchester Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld., Beading Boyles Ld., Irlam, Manchester Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co. Ld., Tipton FlRE APPLIANCES — Feuerldscher — Extincteurs d’incendie Angus, Geo., and Co. Ld., Newcastle-on-Tyne Fell, C. A., Dronfield, near Sheffield Merryweather and Sons, 63, Long Acre, W.C. Beddaway, F., & Co. Ld., Pendleton, Manchester Valor Co. Ld., Aston Cross, Birmingham Fire BRIOK CONES—Chamottekegel—C6nes rifrae- taires Fire Bricks Lumps and TiLES^chanwttesteine, udgl.—Briques et tuiles rtfractaires FIRECLAY Goods — Chamottevoaren — Articles en argils refractaire Witton Firebrick Co. Ld., Darlington FIREWOOD MACHINERY — Brennholzverarbeitungs - maschinen—Machines d fdbriquer le bois d’allu- mage Glover, M., and Co., Holbeck-lane, Leeds Firelighter Machinery—Feueranzdnder-herstei- lungs - maschinen — Machines d fdbriquer les allume-feu Glover, M., and Co., Holbeck-lane, Leeds Fishplates—Laschen — Hciisses Bute Works Supply Co. Ld., Cardiff Firth, William, Ld., Leeds Benton, B. M., and Co., Midland Works, Sheffield Shelton, Iron, Steel, & Coal Co. Ld., Stoke-on-Trent Ward, Thos. W., Ld., Albion Works, Sheffield Fittings (Iron and Steel) -zubehor aus Eisen und Stahl—Garnitures en fer et en acier Chorley Bail way Wagon Co. Ld., Chorley, Lancs. Stewarts and Lloyds Ld., Birmingham FORCED Draught—Bruckzug - Tirage ford Bennis, Ed., and Co. Ld., Little Hulton, Bolton Bumsted and Chandler Ld., Hednesford, Staffs. Davidson and Co. Ld., Belfast Keith, James, and Blackman Co. Ld.,27, Farring- don-avenue, London, E.C. Pillatt and Co. Ld., Stapleford, Nottingham Turbon Patent Fan Co. Ld., Llanelly FORCES—Schmiede—Forges Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Keith, James, and Blackman Co. Ld., 27, Farring- don-avenue, London, E.C. FORGINGS—Schmiedst&cke—Fers forgts Bagnall, W. G.,Ld., Stafford Carron Co^, Carron, Falkirk Chorley Ball way Wagon Co. Ld., Chorley Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Lowmoor Co. Ld., Lowmoor Ironworks, Bradford Benton, B. M., and Co., Midland Works, Sheffield Walker Bros. (Wigan) Ld., Wigan Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld., Wigan Wright?s Forge and Engineering Co. Ld., Tipton Yorkshire Engine Co. La., Sheffield Friction Clutches — Friktionskuppiungen-Em- brayages a friction Bever, Dorling, and Co. Ld., Bradford, Yorks Bridge, David, and Co. Ld., Castleton, Manchester Daglish, Bobert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. Nortons (Tividale) Ld., Tipton Beavell and Co. Ld., Ipswich Beddaway, F., & Co. Ld., Pendleton, Manchester Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley Walker Brothers (Wigan) Ld., Wigan Wild, M. B., and Co. Ld., Nechells, Birmingham Wood, John, & Sons Ld., Brook Foundry, Wigan Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld., Wigan Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co. Ld., Tipton Friction Surfaces — Rutter fur Friktionskup - plungen, udgl.—Fourrures d’embrayages, Ac. Frood, Herbert, Co. Ld., Chapel-en-le-Frith Scandinavia Belting Co.Ld., 59, Southwark-st.,S.E. Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld., Wigan Fuel ECONOMISERS—Kohlensparer—Economiseurs de combustible Fell, C. A., Dronfield, near Sheffield Pillatt and Co. Ld., Stapleford, Nottingham Fuel MACHINERY — Brennstoffebearbeitwngs- maschinen—Machines d traiter les combustibles Johnson, Wm. & Sons (Leeds) Ld., Annley, Leeds Middleton, Bobert, Sheepscar Foundry, Leeds Yeadon, Son and Co., Albion-place, Leeds FURNACES—Kesselfeuerungen—Foyers d chaudieres Bennis, Ed. and Co. Ld., Little Hulton, Bolton Leech, Goodall and Co., Hunslet, Leeds Pillatt and Co. Ld., Stapleford, Nottingham FURNACE Bars—Roststdbe—Barreaux de grille Heywood Airtight Damper Co. Ld., Gomersal, Leeds FURNACE IRONWORK — Eisenkonstructionsteile fur Feuerungsanlagen—Serrurerie pour des installa- tions de foyers Leech, Goodall and Co., Hunslet, Leeds Wood, John, and Sons Ld., Wigan FUSE IGNITERS — Zundschnuranzdnder—Allumages pour meches de sdreti Cotton Powder Co. Ld., 32, Queen Victoria-st., E.C. Curtis’s and Harvey Ld., Cannon-st. House, E.C. Davis, John, and Son Ld. (Derby) New Explosives Co. Ld., 62, London-wall, E.C. Nobel’s Explosives Co. Ld., Glasgow Boburite and Ammonal Ld., 103, Cannon-st., E.C. GA8 COMPRESSORS — Gaskompressoren — Compres- seurs de gaz Beiliss and Morcom Ld., Birmingham GA8 ENGINES—Gasmotoren—Moteurs a gaz British Oxygen Co. Ld.,Elverton-st., Westminster Glover, M., and Co., Holbeck-lane, Leeds Bobey and Co. Ld., Lincoln Tangyes Ld., Cornwall Works, Birmingham GA8 EXHAUSTERS — Gasabsaugvorrichtungen — Machines d aspirer les gaz Copp^e Co. (Gt. Britain) Ld., Kingsway, London Koppers’ Coke Oven and Bye-Product Co.,Sheffield CA8 PLANT—Gasanlagen—Installations d ga Coal Distillation Co., Middlesbrough Coppde Co. (Gt. Britain) Ld., Kingpway, W.C. Koppers’ Coke Oven & Bye-Product Co., Sheffield Kynoch Ld., Witton, Birmingham Mather and Platt Ld., Manchester CA8 - TESTING Lamps — GrubenwetterprVfer — Lampes grisoumetriques Ackroyd and Best Ld., Morley, Leeds Best’s Safety Lamps Ld., Leeds Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby Protector Lamp and Lighting Co, Ld., Eccles Teale, W. E., and Co. Ld., Swinton, Lancs. Wolf Safety Lamp Co., Sheffield Cas Tubes and Fittings—Gasrohren u. Zubeho Tuyaux et accessoires d gaz Lewis, Edwin, and Sons, Wolverhampton Stewarts and Lloyds Ld., Birmingham & Glasgow CAS VALYE8—Gasventile—Soupapes d gaz Haslam and Stretton Ld., Cardiff GAUGE GLASSES — Wasseratandsgldser —Tubes de niveau d’eau Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby Guilbert-Martin, 9, Edmund-pl., AJdersgate, E.C. Hopkinson, J., and Co. Ld., Huddersfield Boyles Ld., Irlam, Manchester Teale, W. E., and Co. Ld., Swinton, Lancs. Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley Treasure, J. B., A Co., 8 A12, Vauxhall-rd., L’pool. Trist, Bonald, and Co. Ld., 4, Lloyds-avenue, E.C