1010 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. November 13, 1914. | THREE SPECIALITIES H of the World Famous Engineering Specialists. 1 S.E.^4. Rings = Pump and EE Engine Packing EE (patented). |e and S.E.A. Ring = Pistons. Are a scientifically designed packing of British Manufacture through- out. Their quality and efficiency long known to users everywhere, have recently received the official recog- nition of the French Government. A copy of this report will be gladly sent on application. Further Speci- alities S.E.A. Ring Valves and Com- pressed Asbestos Jointing. | ♦ The | “Ruby gage” = T Indicator = (patent applied for). This is a practical device for colouring the water in a gauge- glass red, thus enabling the water- gauge level to be readily seen from any angle at any height. The “ Rubygage ” Indicator can be attached to any gauge without inter- fering with the gauge itself. An Indicator will be sent for 30 days’ Free Trial on application. = T^e | “Thermofeed” H System of = Boiler-Feed Control = (patented). Enables the water level to be main- tained at its most economical height, automatically regulating the check valves as required, and, at the same time, so controlling the action of the feed pump that its work is limited to the exact feed supply necessary. = If you will write us, we shall be glad to point out to you the benefits == that accrue from the employment of the “ THERMOFEED ” System. | RONALD TRIST & CO. LTD., = LONDON : 4, Lloyds Avenue, E.C. = Branches at Manchester, Glasgow, and Paris. [*■ 11 K. F \2 Slower kSTEADILYj t—___________ RAISE; 5 ^O^STEADIL^ 'RAISE k 8a “NON-CUMULATIVE” WINDING SIGNALS Complying with the Rules. SIMPLE. EFFICIENT. INEXPENSIVE. The Non-cumulative Indicator is designed to overcome the objections expressed by colliery managers and winding enginemen of having an indicator which accumulates (3 & 1). That now offered lias two plunders. DAVIS’S Electrical BELL & INDICATOR. RAISE 5 RASE STOP LOWER STEADILY DWER1 OTAOILY; 6 |P\I2 \ 1 / I 7J & DAVIS’S Mechanical NOW READY. Order at once. Cloth, 2s. Roan, gilt, 3s. Calf, gilt, 4s. 6d. COLLIERY MANAGER’S POCKET BOOK, Almanac and Diary, 1915 (Being the Forty-Sixth Year of Publication). Editor: HUBERT GREENWELL, F.S.S., Assoc.M.I.M.E. Indicator. ----o-- Send for List 41 V. JOHNDAVIS & SON (Derby) Ls j All Saints Works, Derby ; and 1 7, Victoria Street, WESTMINSTER, S.W. Designed especially as a handy work of reference for the use of Colliery Managers and Officials, each successive issue is thoroughly revised in accordance with the most recent colliery practice. For several years the whole of the editions have been exhausted shortly after publication, and many have been unable to obtain copies. Orders can be booked now, and will be executed in rotation. LONDON: The Coljjery Guardian Company Limited, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Hol born, E.C.