900 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 23, 1914 MACHINERY. Gillott’s Improved “ Gillott and Copley” Rotary COAL-CUTTING MACHINES. See Illustrated Adver- tisement fortnightly. Sole Makers: JOHN GILLOTT & SOW, Barnsley. For Sale, New Steel Lancashire Boilers, ready for immediate deliveryOther sizes in progress. 30 ft. long by 8 ft. diameter, for 100 lb. working pressure. 30ft. „ 8ft. „ 1601b. ,, .. 30 ft. „ 8 ft. 6 in., ,, 1201b. „ •PURR, INMAN A CO. LTD Calder Vale Boiler Works, Wakefield. JL |j 250 tons of good Relayable Steel Flange, about 741b. per yard, also a quantity from 14 lb. upwards. Quantity of Bull Head RAILS, all suitable for sidings; all accessories to ■nit. B. IK. BIN TOW * OO., Midland Works, Savile-street, Sheffield. ^PLA-kw. Turbo Generator Sets (two), .■ fz\J by Willans-Parsons, 440 volts, 3-phase, 25 periods, equal to new; 100-kw. Generating Set. 220-240 volts, modern ard faultless condition; Economic Boiler, by Davey Paxman. 13 ft. long, 8 ft. diameter, insured 160lb. working pressure; 240-h.p. Horiz< ntal Compound Tandem Engine, by Browett. Lindley & Co , cylinders 13 in. and 19 in., suitable for direct coupling; every description cf high-class plant in stock for immediate delivery.—HABRY H. GARDAM & CO. LTD., Staines A Rickaby, Bloomfield Engine Works, • Sunderland. Three-throw PUMPS, 4, 7, 8 rams. Comp. Vert. ENGINES, 5J—9J by 6. Pairs 13 and 14 Link Reversing ENGINES. 12-h.p. DYNAMOS, 220 v. 35-h.p. GENERATING SET, 130 volts. 10-h.p. MOTORS, 220 v. Cables and Electrical Sundries. 1 /'l/’l/'VH.P. Beiliss Vertical Com- V/V/ pound ENGINE, enclosed type, forced lubrication, pressure 125 to 1601b.; only in use for a short time, faultless condition; accept very low price for a quick sale.— HABBY H. GARDAM A CO. LTD., Staines Horizontal Engines for Sale. 22in. cylinder, 3 ft. 6 in. stroke, box bed, heavy flywheel. 18 in. „ 24 in. ,, trunk type, by Turner, Ipswich. 12 in. „ 24 in. ., link motion, countershaft and [winding drum. 10 in. „ 20 in. „ Pickering governors, heavy fly- All in good working order and cheap. [wheel. LBAMORE BRICK CO., Walsall. Superheaters.—Two Bolton’s Patent Steel SUPERHEATERS in really first-class condition, as working with Lancashire. Boilers, 30ft. bv 8ft., 1601b. pressure; cheap to clear. JOSEPH PUGSLEY, Lawrence-hill, Bristol. For Sale, Z50-H.P. Ingersoll Tandem 3-stage AIR COMPRESSOR, 24 in. cylinder, 30in. stroke, first stage pressure 100 lb., second stage 600 lb., and third stage 2,500 lb. per square inch; this machine has been used in the making of liquid air; it is in condition almost equal to new; price £500, about one sixth of its original cost; photo- graph on application. JOHN F. WAKE, Darlington. For Sale, cheap, very fine pair of Hori- zontal WINDING ENGINES, cylinders 38 in. diameter by 6fr. stroke, 801b. working pressure, Cornish double beat valve gear, flat rope drums; they can be altered for 120 lb. working pressure, and fitted with round rope drum at a very moderate cost—Apply. Box 5828, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Vi r anted, good Second-hand Lancashire ▼ ▼ BOILER, about 30 ft. by 8 ft., 80 to 100 lb. pressure.—Date of manufacture, full details, and price delivered to Radstock Station, CLANDOWN COLLIERY CO. LTD., Radstock, near Bath. Air Compressors.—Two Straight-line Steam-driven COMPRESSORS, 500 and 800 cubic feet capacity respectively, 80 lb. air pressure, for immediate delivery —For prices and particulars, apply Box 5831, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London, E.C. TXT'anted, 300 yards good Second-hand V ▼ Cast Iron PIPES, 7 in. or 8 in. diameter.—NEW FOOL COLLIERY OO. LTD., Burry Port, R.S.O., Carmarthenshire. TXT anted, about 100 yards Cast Iron V V Faced FLANGED PIPES, 15 in. diameter, about 70 yards 14 in. diameter, 70 yards of either 6 in., 7 in., or 8in. diameter; the latter suitable for pressure of 1001b. per square inch.—Full particulars and price to SWANWICK COLLIERIES, Alfreton. FOR SALE. 50 tons of New Perfect Steel Bridge Rails, 14 and 16 lb. per yard, 6 ft. lengths, punched for nails. 800 tons Belayable Steel B.H. Rails, 80/85 lb. per yard, with all accessories. 150 tons New Perfect Steel Flange Rails, 14, 16, 18, and 20 lb. per yard, with Fishplates (delivery ex stock) 50 tons of capital second-hand Steel Bridge Rails, 100 lb. per yard. 20,000 good second-hand Creosoted Railway Sleepers, 9 ft. by 10 in. by 5 in.; also large quantity of ditto Crossing Timbers. 50 tons New Perfect Steel Flange Rails, 28 lb. per yard, and 50 tons of ditto ditto, but 24 lb. per yard, with Fishplates for both sections. 12 tons of splendid second-hand Steel Flange Rails, 14 lb. per yard, punched for nails. 12 capital second-hand Steel One-yard Side-tip Wagons, 24 in. gauge. Also several sets of Points and Crossings and Turntables to match. 200 tons of nearly new 651b. Steel Flange Rails, with Fishplates and Dogspikes to suit. Also 20 capital second-hand Crane Tipping Skeps, and 6 good second-hand Contractors’ Hand Carts. Inspection invited of all Material offered. Cash Buyers of Machinery, Plant, old Iron and Steel Scrap, Metals, Indiarubber, &c., New and Second-hand Bails, and all Accessories, Sleepers, &c. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD., SHEFFIELD. FOR SALE. AT MIDDLEWICH. Sixteen High-class Bancs. Boilers, 30 ft. by 8 ft., for 160 lb. pressure. one Cornish BOILER, 15 ft. by 5 ft., for 801b. pressure. Two No. 2 size Engine-driven BLOWERS, by Thwaites, Bradford, new in 1907, engine cylinder about 7 in. by 7 in. Vertical Compound Robey STEAM ENGINE, cylinders 13in. and Ilin, diameter by 20 in. stroke, flywheel 10 ft., bedplate 10 ft. by 2 ft. 9 in. 32 C.I. COLUMNS, each 6ft. 9in. high by 5 in. diameter, and 5 ditto, 7 ft. 6 in. by 5 in. Quantity of 12 in. and 6? in. soliddrawn Weldless STEEL STEAM PIPES. Five Hopkinson’s 12in. Main STEAM STOP VALVES, five 3 in. ditto, and a number of 6 in. and other sizes. Twelve STEEL TUBES. 31ft. by 3ft. 6in. by 3/16 in. About 170 ft. of 2ft. STEEL GAS MAIN, 3/16 in. 4 C.I. TANKS, 12 ft. by 12 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in., with wrot. iron covers (or without). These have been used as scrubber tanks in a gas producer plant. CJATALOGUE of stock MACHINERY, 2-3,000 LOTS, free on application. Inspection invited. TEEOs-W. WARD LIMITED, ALBION WORKS, 1 Tel.—** Forward, Sheffield.” SHEFFIELD. MACHINERY—continued. rFhe Bute Works Supply Co. Ltd., Cardiff. X_ Telegrams—" Gething, Cardiff.” Telephone No. 2645 (4 lines). (Established 1888). o FOR SALE. STEEL RAILS, any section, with fishplates, bolts and nuts, spikes, sleepers (wood or steel, any gauge), switches and crossings; also turntables when required. RAILWAY WAGONS, all kinds, any gauge. LOCOMOTIVES, all kinds, any gauge. PASSENGER CARRIAGES for Colliers’ trains. X/X(Ykw. Generating Set, compiising y z V_z Vertical Compound Triple Expansion Engine, direct coupled to Multipolar Generator, 500 volts, by British Westinghouse Co., new 1907; first-class condition throughout and immediate delivery can be given.— Apply, HARRY H. GARD|M A CO. LTD., Staines. For Sale, one pair High-class 30 in. diameter cylinder ENGINES, 3 ft. stroke, with double slide bars on strong box pattern bed, with cut off valves and screw adjustment to regulate the same; wrot. iron cranks fitted on driving shaft, with good strong rope driving wheel (in halves), 13 ft. diameter, for 11 l|in. cotton driving ropes; these engines were made by Messrs. Wood & Sons, Wigan, and have only worked a few years, and are still in first-class working condition; can be seen by appointment.—Apply, BAMFURLONG COLLIERY, near Wigan. For immediate Sale, practically equal to new, Lancashire BOILER, 3Gft. by 8ft., insured at 1001b. pressure, made by Joseph Adamson in 1905. JOSEPH PUGSLEY, Lawrence-hill, Bristol. Wanted, Second-hand Baby Electrically- driven Mavor & Coulson BAR COAL CUTTER, or small size CHAIN COAL CUTTER, D.C. current, 500 volts.—Full particulars to Box 5832, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Fornival-st., Holborn, London, E.C or Sale, Winding and Hauling Engines: Pair of Horizontal ENGINES, 18in. cyls, by 30 in. stroke. Pair of Horizontal ENGINES, 16 in. cjis. by 36in. stroke. Pair of Horizontal ENGINES, 16 in. cyls, by 39in. stroke. Pair of Horizontal ENGINES, Win. cyls, by J6in. stroke. Drums and gearing can be supplied to specifications. OUDWOBTH A JOHNSON, Eagle Foundry, Wrexham. FOR SALE. FuK SALjqi. A Midland Firm is raising about 50 tons of IRON ORE per week and is desirous of finding a market for same, and will be glad to receive offers from buyers. The analysis is as follows:— Iron peroxide... ................................. — Iron protoxide .................. 46’60 per cent. Alumina .................................... 2 47 „ Manganese protoxide......................... 0 93 ,, Lime ................................... ... 7’40 ,. Magnesia.................................... 129 „ Phosphoric acid ...................... 0 746 „ Sulphur .................................... 0 900 ,. Silica................................ .. ... 0’400 ,, Combined water, organic matter and carbonic acid 39’080 „ Moisture lost at 212 F....................... nil Not estimated and loss ..................... 0T84 „ .100’000 Metallic Iron............................ .... 36'25 per cent. „ Manganese ... ... ... ... ....... ... ... 0 720 „ Phosphorus .......... ... ................. 0 326 ,, Offers to Box 5830, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. “THOMPSON” DISH ENDED BOILERS. We have in stock ready for immediate delivery, 2 DISH END BOILERS, 30ft. by 9ft. 3in., 160 w.p. 3 „ „ 30 ft. by 8 ft. 3 in., 160 w.p. 1 „ „ 30 ft. by 8 ft. 3 in., 100 w.p. 20 other sizes and pressures. JOHN THOMPSON, Wolverhampton, Eng. SHORTAGE OF PROPS. Since War was declared and difficulties have arisen as regards delivery of TIMBER PROPS, we have experienced an increased demand for our STEEL PROPS, as used by many pits for the past 25 years. Quotations and full particulars on application— WILLIAM FIRTH LTD., Greek Street Chambers, LEEDS. DO YOU WANT TO BUY OR HIRE A BOILER? SELECTION OF 44. VERTICAL, up to 100 lbs. working pressure, including 4, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 13 nom. horse-power new Cochran Vertical Boilers, ready for immediate delivery. Largest stock for good second hand up to 100 lbs. working. Excellent COCHRAN PATENT VERTICAL MULTI-TUBULAR , BOILER, 15 ft. high x 7 ft. dia. ; about 500 square feet heating surface. One ditto, 8 ft. 6in. by 3 ft. 9 in., for 100 lbs. working pressure, 100 square feet heating surface. LOCO. TYPE, up to 60-n.h.p., up to 140lbs. working pressure. ECONOMIC, &c., 13 ft. Oin. x 7 ft. 6 in., up to 200 lbs. working pressure. INSPECTION INVITED. CHARLES D. PHILLIPS, Emlyn and Central Engineering Works, NEWPORT, MON. Tank Locomotives. Specification & Workmanship equal to Main Line Engines. ---------------------o--- R. & W. HAWTHORN, LESLIE & CO. LTD., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. --- Locomotives always in stock or in progress. - Telegrams—“ Locomotive.” New Locomotives In Stock ready for immediate delivery. Cylinders, 10 in., 12 in., 14in., 15in., 16in. diameter, 4 and 6 wheels coupled. Material and Workmanship of the Highest Quality. PECKETT ITSONS LTD., ATLAS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. BRISTOL. Situations Vacant a Wanted. Charge (which must he prepaid): . k One Penny per word; minimum, 2s. 6d. Wanted end of November in Union of South Africa or Rhodesia, position as COLLIERY MANAGER or ASSISTANT to same ; advertiser holds such a position at present with first-class qualification, and three years’ Transvaal mining experience, also practical knowledge of oil shale prospective development; prefer interview with principals in South Africa unless home coming expenses arranged.— Reply, “ CARBON,” < entral News Agency, Witbank. Transvaal,S. Africa. \ V anted for a Colliery in India, an v V ASSISTANT MANAGER; mist have a first-class certificate,, and be not more than 28 years of age.—Write, giving full particulars of' training and experience, also references, to Box R 906, Lee & Nightingale’s Advertising Offices, Liverpool. \V anted, Gentleman with First-class ▼ ▼ experience in the coal trade, to represent important colliery in the South of England; knowledge of shipping essential; applicants must state age, experience, sa ary required, and give full details or their career.— Apply, Box 5822, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn. London, E.C. Wanted, Competent Colliery Surveyor for a large group ef collieries in the Midlands; good salary to suitable man.—Apply, Box 5823, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31. Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. XXT’anted, a good practical Electrician to ▼ V take charge of power house and switch boards, high tension A.C. and D.C.; none but good men need apply.—Aoply by letter only, with two recent references, to the CHIEF ENGINEER, the Horden Collieries Ltd.. Blackhall Colliery, Castle Eden, R.S.O., Co. Durham. The Granville Colliery Co. Ltd. thank applicants for the post of Surveyor, and hereby inform them that the vacancy has been filled. Mining Engineer with First-class manager’s certificate, desires appointment either at home or abroad ; 30 years’ varied experience, active and energetic. — A. H. BARNARD, Elmhurst, Conisboro, near Rotherham. Tpxperienced Traveller in London Coal 1 J trade, requires position as REPRESENTATIVE or MANAGER; practical knowledge of steam and house coal; highest references given.— Apply, “ B.A.O.T.,” Box 5602, Colliery Guardian Office. 30 A 31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London. E.C. Position required as Coal Traveller; able salesman or retail depot manager; some years’ experience.—Apply* “ B.A.O.T.,” Box 5416, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London. E.C. Brattice Cloth. — Gentleman Wanted with influence amongst colliery managers and proprietors, to Belli BRATTICE CLOTH on good commission only.—Address,FAIRCLOUGH A SONS, Bank’lane, Clayton, near Manchester. EDUCATION. XV' A "P AU Fees postponable during ’ ’ the War. Write for particulars. Lessons by post. UNIVERSAL MINING SCHOOL, 50 R, Connaught road, Cardiff. PROPERTIES, &c., FOR SALE. For Sale as a going concern, a modern fully equipped FREls HOLD COLLIERY with a daily output of 550 tons of good steam and household coal, situate in North Wales; esti- mated total reserves-^=40 million tons cf coal and cannel.—For further particulars, apply to Box 5821, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London. E C. DUPPLIN ESTATE. Standing and Blown Timber for Sale,. kJ/ comprising— 1,093 Scots Fir. 579 Spruce. 201 Larch. 29 Miscellaneous. The above timber is of first-rate quality, suitable for railway sleepers, and • all colliery and mining purposes. Conditions of sale may be seen on application to Mr. J. DONALD, Highdrum Brigg Cottage, Dupplin, Perth, who will point out the timber to intending purchasers on receiving one day’s clear notice. Demy Octavo, 176 pages, Cloth. Price 6s. 3d.. 45 Original Photographs and Diagrams. (post free). Miners’ Nystagmus: Its Causes and Prevention, By T. LISTER LLEWELLYN, M.D., B.S. (Lond.), Ac.. WITH A PREFACE BY Professor J. 3. HALDANE, F.R.S., M.D., AND A LEGAL APPENDIX BY DOUGLAS KNOCKER, M.B., Barrister-at-Law. CONTENTS. Description of the Eye—Anatomy: Physiology—(1) General i Description of the Disease—(2) Frequency and Resulting Incapacity—(3) Historical Account of the Disease and Theories of its Causation—(4), (5) and (6) Conditions Determining the Occurrence of Nystagmus—(7) Diagnosis and Prognosis—(8) The Etiology of Nystagmus—(9) Pre- ventive Measures and Treatment—(10) Summary and Conclusions — With Appendices: Legal Information — Glossary—References and Bibliography—The Effects of Deficiency of Oxygen on the Light of a Safety Lamp- Test of Ceag Lamp. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. %* For later Advertisements and Scale of Charges,. see Page 876 (Leader Page). Printed, and Published by the Proprietors, The Colliery Guardian Company Limited, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, Loudon, E.C. Friday, October 23, 1914.