890 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 23, 1914 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ 1914. 27. Brick making machine. H. J. Orman, legal repre- sentative of H. Orman, deceased. 29. Process for purifying coal gas. Fabry. 3626. Centrifugal fans. Allday and Plummer. 3893. Regulation of turbines. Akt.-Ges. Brown, Boveri et Cie. 7558. Turbines, centrifugal pumps, or the like. Mond. (Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon.) ______________________________ 18720. Gear wheels. Terry, and Laminated Gears Limited. Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1914. 20551. Magnetic separation. Bruck. 20609. Process for the production of tin and the like. Rueb. spondingly shaped central lug or projection F cast on the side of the pedestal body. When in position the removable side piece B is locked by means of a steel pin G, passed through the base of the removable side piece and through the fixed central lug or projection F, this pin G having a projecting catch or tooth H at or near its centre, and a weighted finger I at one end. The hole through one end of the side piece B is grooved longitudinally at J to allow for the passage of the catch or tooth H, and when the catch or tooth has passed clear of this groove the pin G is partially turned by its weighted finger (see dotted lines in fig. 3), the catch or tooth H engaging in a small recess K in the fixed central lug F, and thereby locking the pin, whilst the weighted finger I engages in a corresponding recess T, in the end of the removable side piece B. The weighted finger I serves to normally maintain the pin G in its locked posi- tion, whilst it also serves as a means of unlocking the catch or tooth H, and as a means of withdrawing the pin G. The removable side piece B can be detached when necessary without any interference with the pedestal bolts, and such detachment can be effected in a minimum of time and with a minimum of trouble. (Three claims.) M. Hill; (Bull. 580—E), “A New Gypsum Deposit in Iowa,” by G. F. Kay; (Bull. 585), “ Useful Minerals of the United States), compiled by S. Sanford and R. W. Stone; (Professional Paper 90 C), “Dike Rocks of the Apishapa Quadrangle, Colorado,” by Whiteman Cross; (Professional Paper 90 D), “ The Composition of Crinoid Skeletons,” by F. W. Clarke, W. C. Wheeler; “ Transac- tions of the Institution of Mining Engineers ” (Vol. 47, Part 6), price 6s. ____________________________ GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *** Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Friendly Societies Annual Return, Form 10, 21 d. ; ditto, No. 24, 2|d. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1914 : No. 1446, Bills of Exchange, IJd.; No. 1447, Trading with the Enemy, lid. Census Returns, 1911 : County of Monmouth, 9d.; County of London, 2s. 6d. Boiler Explosion Reports : (No. 2316), Drying Cylinder at Oldham, 2}d.; (No. 2317), Corliss Engine at Oldham, 2Jd.; (No. 2314), Talbot Stead Tube Company Limited, Works, Walsall, 2Jd. Labour Gazette, October, 2d. Brazil, Rio Grande for 1913, Id. Handbooks on Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, 2s. 6d.- South Staffordshire Mines Drainage Act, 1914, Is. 3Jd. Navigation and Shipping : Annual Statement for 1913, 3s. 5d. _________________________ PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. The Mine Wagon and its Lubbication. By Caleb Pamely. London : Crosby Lockwood and Son. Price 7s. 6d. net. “ Monthly Bulletin of the Canadian Mining Institute ” (No. 29), September; “ Annual Report of the Department of Mines, New South Wales, for 1913 ”; “ Annual Report, Parts 3 and 4, Mining Section of the Department of Mines and Industries of the Union of South Africa for 1913,” price 10s.; “ Bulletin of the Imperial Institute ” (Vol. 12, No. 3), July-September, price 2s. 6d.; “ The Journal of the Franklin Institute ” (Vol. 178, No. 4), October, price 50c.; “ The Mining Magazine ” (Vol. 11, No. 4), October, price Is.; “ The Explosibility of Grain Dusts,” a prelimi- nary report by D. J. Price and H. H. Brown (Co-operative Investigation of Millers’ Committee of Buffalo, New York, under the direction of Dr. G. A. Hulett, Chief Chemist of the U.S. Bureau of Mines; “ The Journal of the Institu- tion of Mechanical Engineers,” October (No. 2); “ United States Geological Survey ” (Bull. 556), “ Results of Spirit Levelling in Oregon, 1896-1913,” by R. B. Marshall; (Bull. 557), “ Results of Spirit Levelling in the State of Washington, 1896-1913,” by R. B. Marshall; (Bull. 571), ” Results of Spirit Levelling in Kansas, 1896-1913,” by R. B. Marshall; (Bull. 581—A), “Oil Shale of North- Western Colorado and North-Eastern Utah,” by E. G. Woodruff and D. T. Day; (Bull. 580—D), “The Grand Gulch Mining Region, Mohare County, Arizona,” by J. NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 20847. Rolling, crushing, and grinding rollers. W. P. Cruickshank and J. Paisley. 20867. Process of distillation. T. W. Pritchard. 20868. Treatment of creosote oil. T. W. Pritchard. 20871 and 20872. Automatic coupling mechanism for rail- way vehicles. R. Belfield. (J. S. Doyle and F. Hedley, U.S.) 20876. Process for the recovery of tin from tinned iron and the like. S. 0. Cowper-Coles. 20910. Columns, standards, pit props, and the like adjust- able for length or height. A. B. Lennox and A. W. Brewtnall. 20924. Apparatus for use in the recovery of tin from tinned iron scrap and the like. S. O. Cowper-Coles. 20929. Furnaces. R. F. Hislop and G. R. Hislop. 20935. Method or process for recovering and utilising the iron in blastfurnace flue dust. J. H. Dent. 20951. Pumps, air compressors, and the like. J. W. Mel- ling. 20977. Process for the manufacture of condensation pro- ducts. F. Pollak. 20993. Ambulance vehicles. F. Brighton. 21012. Process for the recovery of tin from its ores. S. O. Cowper-Coles. 21028. Fluid pressure engines. R. A. Fessenden. 21036. Production of fuel oils. A. Rollason. 21046. Magnetic lock for miners’ lamps. John Davis and Son (Derby) Limited, and W. H. Davis. 21085. Portable fittings or supports for ambulance stretchers. O. Simonis. 21114. Air valves. S. T. Robson. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on November 5.) 1913. 20384. Valves of engines, air compressors, and the like. Ford. 20961. Means or apparatus for cleaning tinned plates. Thomas and Clement Limited, and Jones. 21441. Helical spur gearing. Alquist. 22364. Safety catches for colliery pit cage in case of rope breaking. Nevitt. 22435. Band brakes, particularly applicable to electrically- operated band brakes for electric cranes and the like. Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Company, McLeod, and Whitmore. 22508. Means for storing and supplying liquid fuel to inter- nal-combustion engines. Lanchester. 22618. Apparatus for generating or producing gas. Degen- hardt. 23174. Tunnel driers for drying products of clay and like material. Stevenson. 23393 Safety devices or arresters for colliery winding cages, hoists, and the like. Yates and Heyes. 23699. Tip wagons. Wood. 25598. Leakage protective devices for alternating current distributing systems. British Thomson-Houston Company, and Wedmore. 25627. Autogenously welded joints. O’Malley. 26107. Steam superheaters for marine boilers. Kirkwood. 26470. Ropes for use in lifting slings. Bullivant and Selby. ______ Applications to Avoid ob Suspend Patents or Licences. No. and year of patent. 2918,09 9689/09 14143/09 18822/09 22138/10 and 27051/10 489/11 18569/02 and 26132/03 362/12 25719/13 10356/03 11206/05 17591/09 Grantee. ________________ Haas. (Deriva- tives of carba- zole and dye- stutis formed therefrom.) Ranslord (Leo- pold Cassella and Co. G.m.b.H.) (Derivatives of carbazole and dyestuffs formed therefrom.) Do. (Su phide colours from carbazole derivatives). Do. (Sulphide dyestuffs from carbazole.) Do. (New indophenolic compounds and dyestuffs therefrom.) Do. (Bisul- phite com- pounds of carbazole dyestufls.) Newton (Far- benfabriken vorm. F. Bayer and Co.) (New azo-dy estuffs.) Hinselmann. (Conveyors of the jigging type.) The Firm Gebriider Hinselmann. (Jig con- veyors.) Hills & Lane. (Hydrogen gas.) Johnson (W. Feld). (Sub- jecting gases to the action of liquids.) . Lane. (Hydrogen gas producing apparatus.) Name and address of applicant. Date of hearing. Read, Holliday, and Sons - Ltd., St. Andrew’s-road, Huddersfield. E. Mills, 9, Harper-street, The Manor, Willenhall, ' Staffs. 1 ■I R. and J. Dempster Ltd., )- gas plant works, Oldham- road, Manchester. Nov. 5 _____________________________ The Umpire under the National Insurance Act, 1911, Part II., has decided that contributions are not payable in respect of workmen engaged wholly or mainly in repairing tubs for slag, which are placed on trucks but are not attached to and do not form part of the vehicle. PECKETT & SONS Ltd., Bristol _________ ___________________ Books on Coal Mining Specimen copies can be seen at the Speciality-TANK LOCOMOTIVES. Offices of the “Colliery Guardian.” ESTABLISHED 1864. Locos, of various sizes specially designed for C ollie vies, Ivonwovks, Contractors. Ac. always ia stock, Ready for Immediate Delivery. _____ Photographs, Prices and Specifi- cations ON APPLICATION. _______ Telegraphic Address—" Peckett, Bristol.’ Telephone—No. 6 Fishponds. ______ ______________________________ 8. Analyses of British Coals and Coke. By Allan Greenwell, F.G.8., and J. V. Elsden, F.G.S., D.8c. (Loud.) ____________10 Annals of Coalmining and the Coal Trade. By R. L. Galloway. First and Second Series, 16s. each net, or the two volumes together ___________________________________________ not 25 Coal. Being a Digest of Evidence given before the Royal Commission on Coal Supplies. Edited by Allan Greenwell, F.G 8., Assoc. M.Inst. C.E. Complete in three vols., bound in cloth______________________________________ net 40 Coal and Coalmining. By the late Sir Warington W. Smyth. Revised and extended by T. Forster Brown ... (postage extra) 3 Coal-Cutting by Machinery in the United Kingdom and America. By Sydney F. Walker and A S. E. Ackermann. Two vols., lOs. net, or separately__________________________ 5 Coal Dust Experiments, British. A Record of the First Series of Experiments conducted by the Committee appointed by the Mining Association of Great Britain ... (by post, lOs. 7d.) 10 Coal Dust Experiments, French. Abstracted Translation. (Bv post. Is. Ijd.) __________________________________ 1 Coal Dust Experiments, American. Abstract. (By post. Is. 1 id.) 1 d. o o X- Oxygen Resuscitating Apparatus. The Safest and Most Reliable Means of reviving persons apparently asphyxiated is to administer Oxygen by a simple form of apparatus, as shown, and at the same time use the Schafer method of resuscitation which is known to all St. John Ambulance and Red Cross Students. BEWARE of Automatic Suction Appliances. — Vide Eminent Physiologists’ REPORTS. _________________________ ALSO MAKERS OF “Proto” (Fleuss-Davis Patent) Rescue Apparatus. SMOKE HELMETS. RESPIRATORS. GAS ANALYSIS APPARATUS. _______________________________ SIEGE, GORMAN & CO. LTD., “Neptune” Works, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams—** Siebe, Lamb, London." Telephone No 251 Hop. Agent (for North America and Mexico-H. N. ELMER, 1140, Monadnoch Block, Chicago. Coal Dust Experiments, Austrian. Abstracted Translation. (By post, Is. lid.) ____________________________________ Coal Trade (History of). By R. L Galloway ___________ Colliery Management (Some Notes on). Series 1,6d., Series 2 Colliery Manager’s Calculator. By W. Fairley ___________ Colliery Manager’s Catechism. By W. Fairlev ___________ Colliery Manager’s Handbook. Bv Caleb Pamely (postage extra) _________________________________________ net Colliery Manager’s Pocket Book, Almanac and Diary. Published annually in November ... Cloth 2s., Roan 3s., Calf Electric Circuit Problems in Mines and Factories. By E. H. Crapper __________________________ ___________ Electricity as Applied to Mining. By Lupton, Parr and Perkins Falls of Stone and Coal. Abstract of the Report of the Prussian Commission on Timbering. 191 diagrams ________________ Glossary of Terms used in the Coalfields of Northumber- land and Durham. By the late G. C. Greenwell, Author of “ A Practical Treatise on Mme Engineering ” ___________ Haulage and Winding Appliances used in Mines. By Carl Volk__________________________________________________ Mechanical Engineering of Collieries. By T. C. Futers. Vol. 1. 21s. net; Vol. 2. 10s. 6d. net; Supplementary Vol., lOs. 6d. net (postage extra). Miners’ Nystagmus: Its Causes and Prevention. By T. Lister Llewellyn, M.D , B.S. (Lond.) ___________(post free) Mine Surveying (Treatise on). By Bennett H. Brough Mining Formulse. By T. A. O’Donahue, M.E., F.G.S., &c., Cloth Also in five parts, paper covers _____________________eacn Practical Coalmining. By T. H. Cockin ________________ Practical Stone Quarrying. By A. Greenwell, Assoc. M.Inst.C E., and J. V. Elsden, D.8c.(Lond.). F.G.S_________________ net Recovering Coalmines after Explosion and Fires. By W. E. Garforth___________• ________________ Uoth Ventilation (Colliery). Bv J. ctanley James________________ Ventilation Made Easy. By W. Fairley ________________ 1 1 o 2 2 25 4 3 12 1 2 8 6 7 10 1 4 12 1 2 O o 6 O O O O O O 6 O O O 6 6 O O 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 O 6 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C.