October 23, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 889 PUMPS FOR ALL PURPOSES Offices—ii, Tothill Street, Nine Elms Iron Works, LONDON, S.W READING TURBINE PUMPS. Motor or Belt Driven. For Lifts up to 1,200 ft. List No. 527. TYPE A. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS with Fast and Loose Pulleys. List No. 524. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. TYPE V. For Lifts up to 80 ft. List No. 523. TYPE A. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, ^or Lifts up to 40 ft. List No. 524. HIGH LIFT CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS. TYPE C. For Lifts up to 150 ft. List No. 522.