Octobek 23, 1914. THE OOLLIEKY GUARDIAN. 861 THE Latest Additions TO PERMITTED LIST OllBiilB®! OilBili®' iiitliiMl® UlIBlBSp ■BfiliiMI ■ Samples and full particulars from the Company or any of their Agents. SOLE MANUFACTURERS : THE NEW EXPLOSIVES CO. LTD., 62, London Wall, London, E.C. Works : Stowmarket, Suffolk. Established 1865. Supplied to the War Office and Admiralty AND Insist ON HAVING IHBEEEEI FABRIC LINING. A BRITISH PRODUCTION Write for List H and Sample. THE HERBERT FROOD CO.. LTD 'I’hone I. ITwo Lines), CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH Private Branch Exchange. Wires “ Friction.”