852 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. October 16, 1914. MACHINERY. MA OH1NER Y— continued. /THllott’s Improved “ Gillott and Copley” Rotary COAL-CUTTING MACHINES. See Illustrated Adver- tisement fortnightly. Sole Makers: JOHN GILLOTT & SON, Barnsley. For Sale, New Steel Lancashire Boilers, ready for immediate deliveryOther sizes in progress. 30 ft. long by 8 ft. diameter, for 1001b. working pressure. 30 ft. ., 8 ft. ., 1601b. ,, 30 ft. „ 8 ft. 6 in., ., 1201b. „ SPURR, INMAN & CO. LTD., Calder Vale Boiler Works, Wakefield. The Bute Works Supply Co. Ltd., Cardiff. JL Telegrams—“ Gething, Cardiff.” Telephone No. 2645 (4 lines). (Established 1888). FOR SALE. STEEL RAILS, any section, with fishplates, bolts and nuts, spikes, sleepers (wood or steel, any gauge), switches and crossings; also turntables when required. RAILWAY WAGONS, all kinds, any gauge. LOCOMOTIVES, all kinds, any gauge. PASSENGER CARRIAGES for Colliers’ trains. Situations Vacant & Wanted\ Charge (which must he prepaid): One Penny per word; minimum, 2s. 6d. Wanted end of November in Union of South Africa or Rhodesia, position as COLLIERY MANAGER or ASSISTANT to same ; advertiser holds such a position at present with first-class qualification, and three years’ Transvaal mining experience, also practical knowledge of oil shale prospective development; prefer interview with principals in South Africa unless home coming expenses arranged.—, Reply, “ CARBON,” i entral News Agency, Witbank, Transvaal. S. Africa. JL 250 tons of good Relayable Steel Flange, about 741b. per yard, also a quantity from 14 lb. upwards. Quantity of Bull Head RAILS, all suitable for sidings; all accessories to suit. B. M. BINTON A CO., Midland Works, Savile-street, Sheffield. ^ri()-kw. Generating Set, comprising \ J Vertical Compound Triple Expansion Engine, direct coupled to Multipolar Generator, 500 volts, by British Westinghouse Co., new 1907, first-class condition throughout and immediate delivery can be given.— Apply, HARRY H. GARDAM & CO. LTD., Staines. A A/" anted for Derbyshire, competent V ▼ COLLIERY SURVEYOR for the period of the war.—Apply, stating age, experience, references, and wage required, to Box 5813, Colliert Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.U. ^7K/~)-kw. Turbo Generator Sets (two), • by Willans-Parsons. 440 volts, 3-phase 25 periods, equal to new; 100-kw. Generating Set. 220-240 vol’s, modern and faultless condition; Economic Boiler, by Davey Paxman, 13ft. long, 8ft. diameter, insured 1601b. working pressure; 240-h.p. Horizontal Compound Tandem Engine, by Browett, Lindley & Co., cylinders 13 in. and 19 in., suitable for direct coupling; every description of high-class plant in stock for immed ate delivery.—HARRY H. GARDAM & CO. LTD., Staines. A Rickaby, Bloomfield Engine Works, • Sunderland. Three-throw PUMPS, 4, 7, 8 rams. Comp. Vert. ENGINES, 5J—9i by 6. Pairs 13 and 14 Link Reversing ENGINES. 12-h.p. DYNAMOS, 220 v. 35-h.p. GENERATING SET, 130 volts. 10-h.p. MOTORS, 220 v. Cables and Electrical Sundries. PONTEFRACT UNION. SALE OF OLD MACHINERY, &c. The Guardians have for disposal a quantity of GENERATING PLANT, including 2 High Speed Engines, 3 Horizontal Engines, Switchboard complete with necessary instruments, Feed Water Heater, and a quantity of Piping, Cabling, Lamps, Shafting, &c.. all of which are in thorough working order, and can be seen at the Union House, Pontefract. Forms of tender and soecification can be had on application to me, and tenders must be received by me not later than Friday, the 23rd instant, marked “Tender for Machinery.” Union Offices. Pontefract, THOMAS J. AMIES, 12th October, 1914 Clerk to the Guardians. \A/ anted, young Underground Surveyor ▼ ▼ requiring fuller experience, until end of war, to do work of one who has enlisted.—State age, wage, and give references. Box 5818, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E C. VATanted for a Colliery in India, an V ▼ ASSISTANT MANAGER; must have a first-class certificate, and be not more than 28 years of age.—Write, giving full particulars of training and exoerience, also references, to Box R 906, Lee& Nightingale’s Advertising Offices, Liverpool. 1 /Y/Y(Y-H.P. Beiliss Vertical Com- JL) V/ V7 V-Z pound ENGINE, enclosed type, forced lubrication, pressure 125 to 1601b.; only in use for a short time, faultless condition; accept very low price for a quick sale.—HARRY H. GARDAM A CO. LTD., Staines For Sale, 4/500 tons of good Second-hand Cast Iron Faced FLANGED PIPES, 4/12 in. diameter, excellent condition; cheap to save removal from Midlands.—BARRY SAND CO., 115, Merchants Exchange, Cardiff. For Sale, pair of Horizontal Winding ENGINES, 16in cylinders, 3 ft . 6 in stroke, slide valves and complete reversing gear, 6 ft. steel lagged drum With post brakes, indicator, steam pipes and regulator, and exhaust bends and pipes as at present at work; being taken out to make room for more powerful engine. A pair of 8 in-, by 22Jin. by 15in. Pearn’s Horizontal RAM DUPLEX PUMPS, capable of pumping 700 gallons of water per minute against a head of 400 ft., with steam pressure of 40 lb. per square inch; cylinders are suitable for 100 lb. working pressure; being superseded by electric pumps. LANCASHIRE BOILER, 30ft. by 7ft. 6in., insured up to 801b., with all mountains and fittings. CAST IRON PIPES.—A quantity of 12 in. and 15 in. in 9 ft. lengths. One SINKING BUCKET PUMP, by Jos Evans, 21 in. by 14 in. by 24in., complete with Bridle, Air Vessel, Suction Pipe and Strainer. One RAM SINKING PUMP, by Jos. Evans, 21 in. by 9in. by 36in., with Bridle, Air Vessel, Suction Hose Pipe and Strainer. One PULSOMETER, with 7 in. delivery pipe attached, in working order. PRINCESS ROYAL COLLIERY CO. LTD., Lydney, Glos. Wanted for Borneo, Assistant to Colliery Manager, under 30 years, first or second-class certificate: salary £300 first year, £30 annual rise, furnished quarters, 3 years’ agreement.— Apply, sending full» articular s and testimonials (copies only), to Box 5820, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street. Holborn. London, E.C. Wanted, Gentleman with First-class experience in the coal trade, to represent important colliery in the South of Englai d; knowledge of shipping essential; applicants must state age, experience, sa’ary required, and give full details of their career.— Apply, Box 5822, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn. London, E.C. VATanted, Assistant Surveyor holding V v Home Office certificate and with experience of mechanical drawing —Apply, stating age, experience, and salary required, to SNEYD COLLIERIES LTD., Burslem. To Let on Simple Hire on most reasonable terms, anv quantity up to 100 8 ton and 100 10-ton main line WAGONS for 1, 2. 3, or 5 years’ agreement—Apply, the ASTON HALL COAL AND BRICK CO., Hawarden, Chester. Wanted, good Second-hand 3-phase MOTOR, starting switch, &c., 80 to 100-h.p.. 400 volts, 50 periods, about 350 r.p.m.—Full particulars to Box 5819, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.U. T>equired, Supervising Foreman, 8-hour 1 V shifts; accustomed to coke oven plants and general gasworks routine; salary £140 per annum.—Apply to ENGINEER, Gasworks, Saltleyr Birmingham. Horizontal Engines for Sale. 22in. cylinder, 3 ft. 6 in. stroke, box bed, heavy flywheel. 18 in. „ 24 in. „ trunk type, by Turner, Ipswich. 12 in. ,, 24 in. „ link motion, countershaft and [winding drum. 10in. ,, 20in. ,, Pickering governors, heavy fly- All in good working order and cheap. [wheel LEAMORE BRICK CO., Walsall. YA/anted, Mavor & Coulson Pickquick ▼ v COAL CUTTER. Size A, for 3 phase electric current, 450 volts, 25 cycles.—TYNYWAIN COLLIERY, Brync^thin, Glamorgan. EDUCATION. WAR. All Fees postponable during the War. Write for particulars. Lessons by post. UNIVERSAL MINING SCHOOL, 50 R, Connaught road, Cardiff. Mining Engineer with First class manager’s certificate, desires appointment either at home or abroad ; 30 years’ varied experience, active and energetic. — A. H. BARNARD, Elmhurst, Conisboro, near Rotherham. Experienced Traveller in London Coal trade, requires oosition as REPRESENTATIVE or MANAGER; practical knowledge of steam and house coal; highest references given.— Apply, “ B.A.C.T.,” Box 5602, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, FumivaL street, Holborn, London. E.C. FOR SALE. 50 tons of New Perfect Steel Bridge Rails, 14 and 16 lb. per yard, 6 ft. lengths, punched for nails. 800 tons Relayable Steel B.H. Rails, 80/85 lb. per yard, with all accessories. 150 tons New Perfect Steel Flange Rails, 14, 16, 18, and 201b. per yard, with Fishplates (delivery ex stock) 50 tons of capital second-hand Steel Bridge Rails, 100 lb. per yard. 20,000 good second-hand Creosoted Railway Sleepers, 9 ft. by 10 in. by 5 in.; also large quantity of ditto Crossing Timbers. 50 tons New Perfect Steel Flange Rails, 28 lb. per yard, and 50 tons of ditto ditto, but 24 lb. per yard, with Fishplates for both sections. 12 tons of splendid second-hand Steel Flange Rails, 14 lb. per yard, punched for nails. 12 capital second-hand Steel One-yard Side-tip Wagons, 24 in. gauge. Also several sets of Points and Crossings and Turntables to match. 200 tons of nearly new 65 lb. Steel Flange Rails, with Fishplates and Dogspikes to suit. Also 20 capital second-hand Crane Tipping Skeps, and 6 good second-hand Contractors’ Hand Carts. Inspection invited of all Material offered. Cash Buyers of Machinery, Plant, old Iron and Steel Scrap, Metals, Indiarubber, &c., New and Second-hand Rails, and all Accessories, Sleepers, &c. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD., SHEFFIELD. PROPERTIES, &c., FOR SALE. For Sale as a going concern, a modern fully equipped FREh HOLD COLLIERY with a daily output of 550 tons of good steam and household coal, situate in North Wales; esti- mated total reserves=40 million tons of coal and cannel.—For further particulars, apply to Box 5821, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival street, Holborn, London. E.U. DUPPLIN ESTATE. standing and Blown Timber for Sale, comprising— 1,093 Scots Fir. 579 Spruce. 201 Larch. 29 Miscellaneous. The above timber is of first-rate quality, suitable for railway sleepers, and all colliery and mining purposes. Conditions of sale may be seen on application to Mr. J. DONALD. Highdrum Brigg Cottage, Dupplin, Perth, who will point out the timber to intending purchasers on receiving one day’s clear notice. “THOMPSON” DISH ENDED BOILERS. We have in stock ready for immediate delivery, 2 DISH END BOILERS, 30ft. by 9ft. 3in., 160 w.p. 3 ,, ,, 30ft. by 8ft. 3in., 160 w.p. 1 ,, „ 30ft. by 8ft. 3in., 100 w.p. 20 other sizes and pressures. JOHN THOMPSON, Wolverhampton, Eng. Position required as Coal Traveller; able salesman or retail depot manager; some years’ experience.—Apply,. “B.A.C.T.,” Box 5416, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London. E.C. Brattice Cloth. — Gentleman Wanted with influence amongst colliery managers and proprietors, to sell BRATTICE CLOTH on good commission only.—Address,FAIRCLOUGH A SONS, Bank’lane, Clayton, near Manchester. DARLINGTON’S HANDBOOKS. Ilf H til fl fl n PROFITABLY" UTILISED WllXR f" Wllllll BY (.LOVERS PATENT VinV I k WW WW FIREWOOD SPLITTING, ARRANGING AND BUNDLING MACHINERY. THE PIONEER MACHINES and MOST SUCCESSFUL YET INVENTED. SAW BENCHES, NEW AND SECOND-HAND, LARGE OR SMALL INSTAL- LATIONS. EVERY ACCESSORY. Very suitable adjunct to Coal Trade. M. GLOVER A CO., (Patentees “ Ideal ” Saw Guard, also Patent Safety Planer Cutter Block), Holbeck, LEEDS. “Nothing better could be wished for.”—Britieh Weekly. “ Far superior to ordinary guides.”—Daily Chronicle. Visitors to London (and Residents) should use DARLINGTON’S “ Very emphatically tops LONDON them all.”—Daily Graphic. “A brilliant book.”—The Timet. “ Particularly good.”—Academy. AND By E. C. COOK and Sir EDWARD T. COOK. ENVIRONS 5th Edition, Revised 6/- 30 Maps and Plana 80 Illustrations. The best Handbook to London ever issued.”—LiptrpooZ Daily Pott. FOR SALE. 6-wheel Coupled Saddle Tank Locomotive (Hudswell Clarke), outside cylinders 13in. diameter by 20 in. stroke, gauge 4ft. 8£ in., wheel base 12 ft. 9in., 1301b. w.p. ; ready for immediate work; sale or hire. 6-wheel Coupled Side Tank LOCOMOTIVE (Manning Wardle), inside cylinders 13 in. diameter by 18 in. stroke, gauge 4 ft. 8$ in., wheel base 11 ft. 6 in.. 120 lh. w.p.; ready for immediate work. 10-ton STEAM LOCO. CRANE (Smith), with 19 ft. steel derrickirg jib, gauge 7 ft., boiler for 801b. w.p. 7-ton ditto (Stothert & Pitt), with 24 ft. latticed steel derricking jib, gauge 4 ft. 8J in., boiler for 751b. w.p. 3-ton ditto (Smith), with 24 ft. latticed jib, gauge4ft. 8£ in., wheel base 6 ft. 20-cwt. ditto (Isles), with timber derricking jib 18ft. long, boiler for 801b. w.p. 10-ton, 5-ton, 4-ton, 3-ton, and 2-ton STEAM DERRICK CRANES. CATALOGUE of stock MACHINERY, 2-3,000 LOTS, free on application. Inspection invited. THO" W. WARD LIMITED, ALBION WORKS, B Tel.—“Forward, Sheffield.” SHEFFIELD. Tank Locomotives. Specification & Workmanship equal to Main Line Engines. ---------------------o--- R. & W. HAWTHORN, LESLIE & CO. LTD., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. --- Locomotives always in stock or in progress. - Telegrams—“ Locomotive.” SO Ilins. Maps A Plans, 6s. NORTH WALES. 50 Ulus., 6 Maps, Ss. 6d. N DEVON A N. CORNWALL. 1OO Ulus. Maps A Plans, 6s. DEVON A CORNWALL. 60 Ulus., 6 Maps, 2s. 6d. 8. DEVON A S. CORNWALL 1OO Ulus. Maps A Plans, 3s. 6d. PARIS,LYONS, A THE RIVIERA Is. THE MOTOR-CAR ROAD BOOK Workmanship and Materials of the Highest Quality. Built to any Specification or Gauge. PECKETT & SONS LTD., ATLAS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, BRISTOL. and Tlxe Hotels of the World. Visitors to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Brighton, Eastbourne, Hastings, St Leonards, Worthing, Bournemouth, Exeter, Torquay. Paignton, Exmouth, 8idmouth,Teignmouth,Dawlish, Plymouth, Dartmouth, Dartmoor, Exmoor, Falmouth, The Lizard Penzance, Land’s End, Scilly Isles, St. Ives, New- quay, Tintagel, Clovelly, Ilfracombe, Lynton, Minenead, Bideford, Wye Valley, Severn Valley, Bath, Weston-super-Mare, Malvern, Hereford Worcester, Gloucester, Cheltenham, Llandrindrod, Bala, Brecon, Ross, Tintern, Llangollen, Aberystwith, Towyn, Barmouth Dolgelly, Harlech, Criccieth, Pwllheli, Llandudno, Rhyl, Conway, Colwyn Bay, Penmaenmawr Llanfairfechan, Bangor, Carnarvon, Beddgelert, Snowdon, Festiniog, Trefriw, Bettws-y-coed, Norwich, Yarmouth, Lowestoft, Norfolk Broads, Buxton, Matlock, The Peak. Isle of Wight, and Channel Islands should use Darlin^ton’K Handbooks Is. each, Post free from Darlington A Co. Llangollen. Ll&nsrollen: DARLINGTON A CO. London: SIMPKINS. Paris and New York: BBBNTANO'S. The RniUnav Bookstfalls and all Booksellers. *#* For later Advertisements and Scale of Charges, see Page 826 (Leader Page). GEORGE FLETCHER & CO. LTD., MASSON & ATLAS WORKS, DERBY, are now the Sole Licensees & Makers of THE Capell Fan ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY DEALT WITH. Printed and Published by the Proprietors, Thb Colliery Guardian Company Limited, «40 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, Loudon, E.C. Friday, October 16, 1914.