October 16 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 813 Walter Scon Ltd. Leeds, LEEDS STEEL WORKS, England. MANUFACTURERS OF BRITISH STANDARD ROLLED STEEL JOISTS, CHANNELS, TRAMRAILS AND PERMANENT WAY RAILS, &c. Example of 10 in. x 6 in. 421b. R.S. Joists curved for Framework tc Roadway. Pit Head Frame. , Erected in Works for inspection. <$> \ I ♦ V I I \ ® fel ■ / <» F / J ffl ROLLED STEEL JOISTS for PIT PROPS FRAMEWORK TO ROADWAYS. &c. STRUCTURAL STEELWORK FOR BUILDINGS, &c. Mild Steel Blooms, Billets, Slabs, Tinbars, Rounds & Flats. Rolls cut for Special Sections and to approved quantities. Books of Sections and other information on application. KEITH MINE FANS. t Motor-driven Keith Fan for In-bye Ventilation Keith mine Fans are made IN THE LARGEST SIZES WITH SIMPLE REVERSING ARRANGEMENT HIGHEST EFFICIENCY AND STRONGEST CONSTRUCTION. James Keith & Blackman C° LTD 27, Farringdon Avenue, LONDON. And at Manchester, Newcastle, Cardiff, Leeds, Glasgow, &c. Orders should be booked NOW. Cloth, 2s. Roan, gilt, 3s. Calf, gilt, 4s. 6d. BOILER HOUSE ECONOMY. The Heywood Patent Furnace Bars and Smoke Burner Combined. . , COLLIERY MANAGER’S POCKET BOOK, -.t The illustration shows the Bars mads in 5 ft. or 6 ft. lengths, with ribs cast on. This Bar has been designed to meet the requirements of Colfieries, Steel Works, Forges, Locomotives, Steamers, and all other types of Furnaces that are very hard fired. Write for Catalogue and price to— The “HEYWOOD” AIRTIGHT DAMPER CO. LTD., Grove Foundry, Gomersal, LEEDS. Almanac and Diary, 1915 (Being the Forty-Sixth Year of Publication). (Ready early in November). Editor: HUBERT GREENWELL, F.S.S., Assoc.M.I.M.E. Designed especially as a handy work of reference for the use of Colliery Managers and Officials, each successive issue is thoroughly revised in accordance with the most recent colliery practice. For several years the whole of the editions have been exhausted shortly after publication, and many have been unable to obtain copies. Orders can be booked now, and will be executed in rotation. _____________ PREVENT GOAL MINE EXPLOSIONS by dusting your mine with stone ground in the GIANT GRIFFIN MILL, As supplied to the leading Collieries. Advantages— MAXIMUM PERCENTAGE OF “FLOUR” OR IMPALPABLE MAXIMUM FINENESS. POWDER. MAXIMUM ar OUTPUT. MINIMUM POWER. MINIMUM WEAR AND TEAR. No Auxiliary Apparatus required for Finishing the Product. Heavy Construction. OVER 3,Onp GRIFFIN MILLS INSTALLED. Also extensively used for grinding COAL. LIMESTONE. PORTLAND CEMENT. PHOSPHATE ROCK. ORES OF ALL KINDS. LONDON: The Colliery Guardian Company Limited, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, E.C. Full particulars on application, to— BRADLEY PULVERIZER CO 37, WALBROOK, LONDON, E.C.