786 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN October 9, 1914. EXPORTS OF COAL, COKE, AHO MANUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM During September and the first nine months of 1912, 1913 and 1914 To September, 1914. September. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value (<£). Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1912. 1913. 1914 1912. 1913. 1914 Russia 4,043 2,729 13,355 8,853 592,060 1 668,472 17,398 389,588 487,402 11,582 Sweden 175,046 93,986 93,973 57,996 364,527 238,036 474,974 394,314 633,546 286,242 262,418 390,018 Norway 72483 35,464 15,410 9,254 146,161 93,636 184,739 I 174,861 233,754 106,261 112,249 138*354 Denmark 115,659 66,414 109,024 68,968 181,159 118,807 273,030 275,724 405,842 166,358 180,232 254,189 Germany -■ 826,208 833,326 434,995 503,660 Netherlands 61,503 33,619 149,497 87,955 65,031 42,161 165,984 154,904 276,031 93,945 95,858 163,735 Belgium 13,327 5,970 5,839 3,326 25,250 15,844 132,118 164 448 44,416 66,467 96,966 25,140 France 228,053 97,523 149,142 89,372 192,472 146,153 918,275 1,040,489 569,667 535,485 658,144 333,048 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 13,434 6,222 24,268 14,185 49,475 41,987 92,717 I 100,840 87,177 62,214 75,134 62,394 Spain and Canaries 49,449 26,259 81,217 48,834 96,735 80,160 260,910 1 270,678 227,401 169,490 195,913 154,253 Italy 168,098 69,596 190,183 117,575 339,412 266,915 760,006 ! 810,994 697,693 482,650 572,570 454,086 Austria- Hungary 65,104 53,761 40,603 36,072 Greece 5,987 3,047 — — 13,277 9,724 45,140 76,091 19,261 27,440 62,278 12,771 Roumania — - - - . 50,233 30,103 - 38,147 24,403 Turkey . 47,482 51,501 34,727 42,280 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 12,678 7,767 32,931 20,985 87,568 73,336 258,775 258,232 133,177 172,299 191,421 102,088 Algeria 13,950 7,726 13,901 9,020 11,882 9,564 92,442 66,505 39,733 54,639 45,147 26 310 Portuguese West Africa 471 212 8,470 5,230 28,883 26,198 20,861 18,624 37,824 17,113 16,014 31,640 Chile 735 864 — 7,305 6,215 31,112 j 27,204 8,040 24,972 22,761 7,079 Brazil 2,579 1,923 5,694 3,497 51,255 55,289 137,842 i 158,896 59,528 112,773 139,977 60,709 Uruguay 2,556 1,965 4,361 2,269 11,949 9,818 106,144 65,642 18,866 86,586 57,438 14,412 Argentine Republic 5,606 3,781 3,061 2,294 144,349 124,185 303,924 267,142 153,016 237,137 223,967 130,260 Channel Islands 270 175 5,018 3,092 14,627 10,473 13,418 14,509 19,915 9,409 10,394 13,740 Gibraltar 3,326 1,234 14,813 8,989 6,308 4,674 32,941 14,940 24,447 20,282 11,870 14*897 Malta 3,415 1,095 4,553 3,301 5,681 3,649 36,658 36,249 13,619 23,661 24,913 8*045 Aden and Dependencies 5,186 3,130 16,939 14,783 10,907 22,930 22,125 8,690 19,811 17*913 British India 770 704 — — 8,452 7,586 12,935 8,827 9,222 10,878 7,026 8,290 Ceylon ; — — 6,477 3,907 11,492 10,487 30,869 25,601 17,969 24,293 21,586 14,394 Other countries 20,313 12,469 6,524 3,885 62,651 48,880 99,751 111,373 89,488 76,824 84,263 65,234 f Anthracite 46,815 35,744 . 428 118 65,771 55,400 237,015 254,811 113,014 193,673 205,903 91,262 1 Steam 805,966 368,137 179,791 111,071 1,736,780 1,307,217 4,439,596 4,467,111 2,722,537 2,846,986 3,135,956 1,786,425 Total-/ Gas 50,968 33,356 682,470 417,072 56,472 40,175 963,176 996,158 789,910 527,603 633,730 490,603 Household 37,553 22,040 691 393 94,378 62,246 154,705 175,022 132,622 92,542 115,392 84,678 1 Other sorts 28,106 17,738 70,205 41,500 2,791 2,375 283,067 304,078 101,105 153,365 191,186 61,613 Total 969,408 477,015 933,585 570,153 1,956,195 1,467,413 6,077,559 6,197,180 3,859,118 3,814,169 4,282,167 2,514,531 Total (September 1913) 1,524,181 842,926 1,216,584 764,588 3,456,415 2,674,653 — — — — •— Total (September 1912) 1,488,098 765,571 1,169,820 632,544 3,419,641 2,416,054 — — — — — — Coke — 97,679 125,357 130,264 85,817 113,660 94,340 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 125,373 179,041 107,001 103,413 158,600 93,848 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - — — — — , — 6,300,611 6,501,578 4,096,453 4,003 429 4,554,427 2,702,76? First nine months of 1914. First nine months. " Anthracite 881,811 597,730 1,078 476 952,277 820,987 1,770,490 2,189,491 1,835,166 1,408,224 1,743,332 1,419,193 Steam 8,791,450 4,385,439 2,180,054 1,340,817 23,677,961 18,264,219 32,810,201 39,755,473 34,649,465 21,113,841 28,105,660 23,990,505 Totals Gas 527,686 302,776 7,040,083 4,363,441 757,981 528,311 7,755,023 8,583,712 8,325,750 4,102,010 5,259,521 5,194,528 Household 337,723 207,355 6,215 3,822 764,658 509,968 1,146,393 1,335,833 1,108,596 678,518 873,933 721,145 _ Other sorts 956,931 572,131 1,206,509 718,138 33,929 24,954 2,268,316 2,653,279 2,197,372 1,209,616 1,649,710 1,315,223 Total 11,495,604 6,065,431 10,433,939 6,426,694 26,186,806 20,148,469 45,750,423 54,517,788 48,116,349 28,512.209 37,632,156 32,640,594 Total for nine months of 1913 ... 13,018,098 7,389,519 11,004,035 6,728,928 30,495,655 23,513,709 — — - — — — Total for nine months of 1912 ... 10,463,748 5,162,499 9,623,859 5,080,524 25,662,816 18,269,186 — — — — — — Coke — — 680,713 838,055 821,325 556,323 800,023 680,191 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 1,115,631 1,542,365 1,431,938 871,234 1,323,714 1,245,608 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — — — 47,516,767 56,898,208 50,372,612 29,939,766 39,755,893 34,566,393 THE FREIGHT MARKET. Whilst recognising that the exigencies of war must occupy first place, ship owners and shippers received somewhat of a shock towards the end of last week when the British Admiralty announced its intention of laying an extensive mine field just north of the Straits of Dover, between lati- tude 51’15 N. and 51’40 N. and longitude 1’35 E. and 3 E., right across the North Sea at that part. Of course, suffi- cient channels have been left clear to enable neutral and allied shipping to pass safely under pilotage, and, it is said, should any of the mines break loose, they become innocuous. Nevertheless, insurance rates for vessels which have to pass over that area have smartly advanced, and shipowners show some hesitancy about having their vessels employed in that traffic at all, where there is any possibility of remunerative employment on the West or South Coast. This latest development—combined with the fact that events of the last few days have demonstrated that there is still considerable danger from German mines—has militated con- siderably against coal shipping activities on the British borders of the “ German ” Ocean. However, despite these facts, there has been a fairly large volume of chartering done from East Coast ports. At the Tyne, coasting business is being transacted at rates for London which are fully 3d. up on the week. North France has advanced by 3d. for Havre, and the same for Rouen. The Bay is substantially unaltered for Bordeaux, but is fully 3d. dearer to St. Nazaire. The Baltic is rather easier, at 8s. to Stockholm. The Mediterranean is steady for Genoa or Venice. At South Wales, South American business is being done at rates for Rio de Janeiro which are from 7Jd. to 9d. down on the week. The River Plate is about Is. cheaper. The Bay, on the other hand, is rather dearer. The Mediterranean, too, has advanced. Other directions are very firmly held. The Humber market is quiet, with some enquiry for tonnage for French and Belgian ports. Homewards, there is not much demand from America at present, but owners are inclined to hold out for higher rates, grain tonnage being only in short supply. Cotton ports show no request at all for tramp tonnage, and until some material movement comes on, the ordinary liners will suffice for the needs of shippers. Coal tonnage is in fair demand, and timber boats are firm. The River Plate, after a firm spell, is weaker for late October and November loading. India is inactive, and the East Indies generally are easier. Tyne to Antwerp, 2,400, 7s.• 3d., two loading places; Algiers, 3,300, 9s.; Archangel, 1,400, 12s.; 2,200, 12s.; Bordeaux, 3,600, 7s. 3d.; 4,000, 7s. 3d. ; Brest, 2,500, 7s. 9d.; Bayonne, 2,500, 7s. 9d.; Bari, 3,300, 12s.; Dun- kirk, 2,300, 7s.; East Norway, 1,600, 6s. lOJd.; Genoa, 6,000, 9s., reported; 5,000, 9s. 3d.; 3,000, 9s. 6d.; 4,500, 9s. 3d.; 4,500, 9s. 6d., reported; 3,800, 9s. 4|d.; 5,000. 9s. 6d.; 2,700, 9s. 10jd.; Havre, 2,000, 7s.; London, 1,700. 4s. 9d. ; 4,000, 4s.; 2,600, 4s., voyages to end.of year; 1,750, 4s. 6d.; 2,100, 4s. 7|d., 2,500, 4s. ljd., voyages to end of year; 2,900, 4s. 6d.; 1,800, 4s. 9d.; Las Palmas, 3,000. 8s. 6d.; Marseilles, 5,850, 9s.; 5,000, 9s.; Mentone, 2,000. Ils. 6d.; Malta, 3,000, 7s. 9d., f.d.; Oran, 5,000, 8s. 6d. j Oporto, 1,700, 9s.; Rochester, 1,100, 5s.; Rouen, 2,000, 7s. 3d.; 1,400, 7s. 6d.; Sundswall, 2,200, 12s., soda sul- phate; Stockholm, 3,000, 8s., from Dunston; Savona, 5,000, 9s. 3d.; 4,500, 9s. 3d.; 5,300, 9s. 6d.; 2,700, 9s. 10|d.; Spezzia, 2,700, 9s. 10|d.; St. Nazaire, 3,300, 7s. 4jd.; Venice, 4,500, 12s. 6d., from Dunston; 3,800, 13s.; 5,000, 12s. 6d. Cardiff to Aden, 6,000, 9s. 3d., Oct.; Azores, 4,800, 7s. 6d.; Alexandria, 5,300, 8s.; Bizerta, 5,000, 10 fr.; Bar- celona, 5,800, 8s. 6d.; 3,500, 9s. 6d.; Bordeaux, 3,200, 6’60 fr.; Colombo, 6,800, 9s. 9d.; Cagliari, 4,000, 9s.; Cam- pana, 4,200, Ils. 6d.; 5,200, 11s. 6d.; Chantenay, 3,300. 6’87| fr.; Caen, 2,000, 7s. 3d.; Cape Verde, 2,800, 7s. 6d.; Dieppe, 1,900, 7s. 3d., fuel; Genoa, 4,400, 8s. coal, 8s. 9d. fuel; 5,000, 7s. 6d.; 5,000, 7s. 9d.; 5,000, 8s.; 5,600, 7s. 9d.; Ghent, 3,500, 7s. 10|d.; Havre, 1,700, 6s.; 3,500, 6s.; Las Palmas, 5,400, 7s.; 4,800, 7s. ; Leghorn, 4,400, 8s.; Lisbon, 1,400, 7s.; 3,300, 6s. 6d., 350; Maddalina, 6,900, 7s. 9d.; Monte Video, 5,500, Ils., Oct. 15; Marseilles, 5,000, 9 fr.; 4,500, 9| fr.; 6,300, 9| fr.; 4,200, 9| fr., Oct. 10; Palermo, 3,000, 8s.; Port Said, 6,300, 7s. 9d.; Rouen, 1,200, 7s. 3d.; 2,000, 7s. 3d.; 5,000, 7s.; 1,800, 7s. 9d.; 2,100, 7s. 6d.; Rio Grande, 5,000, 25s.; Rosario, 4,200, 12s., Oct.; 4,000, 12s. 3d., Oct. 12; River Plate, 5,000, Ils. 9d.; 5,000. 12s., Oct.; 4,500, 12s.; 4,000, Ils. 9d.; Rio de Janeiro, 5,000, 13s., Oct.; 5,100, 12s. 3d.; Savona, 5,300, 7s. 9d.; Tunis, 3,200, 11£ fr.; 12| fr.; Valencia, 850, 10s., fuel; 1,600, 9s.; Villa Constitucion, 4,200, Ils. 6d.; 5,200, Ils. 6d. Zarate, 3,800, 12s. 6d. Swansea to Bayonne, 2,200 , 8 fr.; Barcelona, 3,200, 9s.; Rouen, 2,000, 7s. 9d.; 8s.; 1,200, 7s. 6d.; 1,500, 7s. 3d.; Cork, 600, 4s. 6d.; Honfleur, 600, 7s. 6d.; St. Malo, 800, 7s.; Bordeaux, 2,700, 7| fr.; Catania, 3,000, 9s. 3d. ; Civita Vecchia, 9s.; Caen, 1,200, 8s.; Taranto, 2,500, 9s. 3d.; 2,500, 9s. Grimsby to Gothenburg, 3,800, 6s. Wear to Lisbon, 3,500, 7s.; Bayonne, 3,800, 7s. 6d.; 2,350, 7s. 9d.; Oporto, 1,700, 9s.; 1,700, 9s. 3d.; Rouen. 1,700, 7s. 6d.; Civita Vecchia, 2,100, 10s. 3d. London to Limhamn, 2,300 , 8s. 6d., phosphates. Thames to Stockholm, 1,600, 12s., coke. Newport River to Carthagena, 2,600, 8s. 6d., fuel. Glasgow to Rouen, 3,000, 6s. 9d., steamer paying Clyde dues. Newport to Lisbon, 2,700, 6s. 9d., 350; 1,300, 7s., 100; Bordeaux, 2,500, 6| fr.; Huelva, 2,600, 7s. 3d. ; Rouen, 1,700, 7s. 9d.; Aguilas, 10s., Oct. Burntisland to Christiania, 1,250, 7s. Hull to Ghent, 1,500, 7s. 6d.; Bilbao, 1,700, 7s. 7|d.; Rouen, 2,200, 6s. 9d., Oct.-Dec.; Marseilles, 3,500-4,500, 9s., 600; Naples, 2,000, 9s. Methil to Christiania, 1,250, 7s. Goole to Ghent, 750, 8s. 6d. Blyth to Rouen, 2,000, 7s. 6d.; Halmstad, 1,650, 7s. 6d. Grimsby Coal Exports.—The official returns for the week ending October 2 show that a total of 18,639 tons of coal were exported to foreign ports. Exports were as follows ;— To Ahus, 1,694 tons; Esbjerg, 396; Gefle, 1,539; Helsing- borg, 2,036; Horsens, 1,209; Kertemindi, 644; Kallund- borg, 1,617; Landscrona, 2,008; Odense, 1,712; Skutskar, 2,221; Trelleborg, 1,840; Sannesund, 532; Ystad, 1,191. There was no coal sent coastwise. The total coal exported during the corresponding period of last year was : Foreign ports, 24,347 tons, and coastwise 1,753 tons.