646 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. September 18 1914 _______________________________________________ COLLIERY REPORT BOOKS AND FORMS. New Forms, &c., recently issued under the Coal Mines Act. _____________________________________________________________________ Registered No. Please quote when ordering. H.O., 953 H.O., 34 H.O., 1187 H.O., 1217 H.O., 178 H.O., 479 H.O., 678 H.O., 906 H.O., 1861 H.O., 341 H.O., 10 H.O., 886 H.O., 316 H.O., 345 H.O., 1002 H.O., 748 H.O., 11 C.G., L. C.G., M. Cd. 6460 Cd. 7025 Cd. 7439 Cd. 7439-1. Cd. 7439-11. Cd. 7439-III. Cd. 7439-1V. Cd. 7439-V. Cd. 7439-VI. H.O., 403 C.G., F. H.O., 2 H.O., 6 H.O., 10 H.O., 15d (Metal.) H.O., 12. H.O., 15c (Metal.) H.O., 20 ff.O., 20a (Metal.) H.O., 23 H.O., 21 H.O., 22 H.O., 33 H.O., 35 H.O., 36 H.O., 37 H.O., 38 H.O., 39 H.O., 40 H.O., 41 H O., 42 H.O., 42a. H.O., 42b. H.O.,43 H.O., 44 H.O., 45 H.O., 46 H.O., 47 H.O., 48 H.O., 49 H.O., 50 H.O., 51 H.O., 52 H.O., 53 H.O., 54 H.O., 55 H.O., 56 H.O., 57 H.O., 58 H.O., 59 H.O., 60 H.O., 61 H.O., 62 H.O., 63 H.O.,71 C.G., 8a. C.G., 9c. C.G., 10a. C.G., 13c. C.G., 14 C.G., 14a. C.G., 14b. C.G., 15 C.G., 15a. C.G., 15b. C.G., 20 C.G., 24 C.G., 27 C.G., 28 C.G., 30 C.G., 31 C.G., 31* C.G., 31a. C.G., 32 C.G., 34 C.G., 35 C.G., 35a. C.G., 35b. C.G.,42 C.G., 43 C.G., 47 C.G.,48 C.G., 49 C.G., 50 C G., 50a. C.G., 50b. C.G., 50c. C.G., 50c* C.G., 50d. C.G., 51 C.G., 70 C.G., 71 C.G., 72 C.G., 73 C.G., 74 C.G., 75 C.G., 20q. C.G., 25q. STATUTORY BULES AND ORDERS, &c. Explosives in Coal Mines Order of September 1,1913 _________________________________________ The same (without Schedules). In Sheet Form for posting ___________________________________ Explosives in Coal Mines Order T>f November 13, 1913 _________________________________________ Explosives in Coal Mines Order of November 25, 1913 _________________________________________ Explosives in Coal Mines Order of February 10, 1914 ______ ____________ _______ Explosives in Coal Mines Order of April 7,1914 ______________________________ *____________ Explosives in Coal Mines Order of May 13, 1914 _______________________________________________ Explosives in Coal Mines Order of June 22,1914 _______________________________________________ List of Authorized Explosives, Jan. 1, 1914 _________________________________________ _______ Order relating to the keeping of Mixed Explosives in Registered Premises________________________ General Regulations dated April 1, 1913, as to Hours of Employment of Winding Enginemen Coal Mines (Reference) Rules, 1913 __________________________________________________________ Coal Mines : Safety Lamps Order, dated August 26,1913 (revoking all previous Orders) _______ Coal Mines: Safety Lamp Order, dated March 9, 1914 _________________________________________ Coal Mines : Safety Lamp Order, dated March 16, 1914 __________________________________________ Coal Mines : Safety Lamp Order, dated July 1, 914 __________________ ___________________ General Regulations dated July 10,1913, under Section 86 ___________________________________ Regulations and Orders (including all Statutory Rules and Orders in force November 1, 1913) General Regulations as to the Installation and Use of Electricity, with Explanatory Memorandum. Coal Mines Act, 1911. Pamphlet Form (large size)... Coal Mines Act, 1911. Pamphlet Form (small size)____________________________________________________ Coal Mines (Minimum Wage) Act, 1912. Pamphlet Form _____________________________ _______ Mines and Quarries : General Reports, &c., for 1910. Part 4. Foreign and Colonial Statistics _______ Mines and Quarries : General Reports, &c., for 1912. Part 1. District Statistics __________________ Mines and Quarries : Inspectors’ Report, Scotland Division (No. 1)___________________________________ Mines and Quarries: Inspectors’ Report, Northern Division (No. 2)___________________________________ Mines and Quarries : Inspectors’ Report, Yorkshire and North Midland Division (No. 3) _____________ Mines and Quarries : Inspectors’ Report, Manchester and Ireland District (No. 4a) __________________ Mines and Quarries : Inspectors’ Report, Liverpool and North Wales District (No. 4b) _____________ Mines and Quarries : Inspectors’ Report, South Wales Division (No. 5) _____________________________ Mines and Quarries : Inspectors’ Report, Midland and Southern Division (No. 6) List of Quarries in the United Kingdom for 1912 __________________________________________ _______ Coal Tables of Production, Consumption, Imports and Exports of Coal, 1911 _____________ ... ... Directions for Restoration of Persons suffering from Electric Shock. (20 in. by 30 in., and 10 in. by 15 in.) Mounted on Cardboard, 6d. each, carriage extra; Mounted and Varnished __________________________ On Enamelled Iron Plates (10in. by 15 in.) ______________________________________________ 3s. PRESCRIBED FORMS. Pamphlet Form. 2d. each. By post 2£d. Id. each. By post l|d. Id. each. By post lid. Id. each. By post lid. Id. each. By post lid. Id. each. By post lid. Id. each. By post lid. Id. each. By post, lid., 2d. each. By post 2id. Id. each. By post lid. Id. each. By post lid. Id. each. By post lid. Is. each. By post Is. 2id. 2d. each. By post 2id. Is. each. By post Is. 2d/ 4d. each. By post 4id. 2^d. each. By post 3d. Price 3s. By post 3s. 4d. Id. each. By post 2d. ___________________ 9d. each. By post 1 Id. _____________ 4d. each. By post 5|d. _______ ... Ijd each. By post 2d. ___________________Is. 6d. each. By post Is. lOd. ___________________ 7d. each. By post 9d. ___________________Is. 3d. each. By post is. 6d. ___________________ 8d. each. By post lOd. ___________________Is. ljd. each. By post Is. 4|d. __________________ 4|d. each. By post 6d. ___________________ 6|d. each. By post 8£d. ____________ ... 7d. each. By post 8|d. ___________________ 8|d. each. By post 10|d. ... ______________ 5s. each. By post 5s. 6d. ___________________ 6d. each. By post 7d. 4d. each. 3s. per doz. _____________ Is. each, carriage extra 2d. each, carriage extra. Reduction on a quantity. Mines and Quarries : Abstract of the Coal Mines Act, 1911. Sheet Form_________________________________ Mines and Quarries : Abstract of Quarries Act, 1894, and Factory and Workshop Act, 1901_________________ General Regulation as to Intallations and Use of Electricity: Daily Log Book ____________________________ Electricity Rules: Daily Log Book ... ____________________________________________ _______ Notice to Inspector of I utention to Introduce Electrical Apparatus____________________________ Electricity Rules: Notice to Inspector of the District under Rule 2 (ii.) _______ _______________________ Form of Register of Boys, Girls and Women Employed—Section 94 ______________________________________ Form of Register of Hoys, Girls and Women Employed—Section 6 ______________________________________ Form of Annual Return to Inspector of Division ______________________________________________________ Notice of Accident or Dangerous Occurrence___________________________________________________________ Notice of Accident, Books containing 100 Forms with Duplicates ____________________________ _______ Conviction Returns*________________________________________________________________________________ Register of Extension of Time ______________________ ___________________ _______________________ Form of Report Book for Inspection on behalf of Workmen—Section 16 ____________________________ Form of Book for Record of Measurements of Air Currents—Section 29 (2)_______, ... _________________ Form of Book for Daily Record of Damage to Safety Lamps—Section 34 (1) (ii.) ____________________________ Form of Report of Thorough Examination of Steam Boiler—Section 56 ______________________ _______ Form of Book for Report on Quarterly Internal Examination of Steam Boilers—Section 56 (1) (c) and (3)_______ Form of Book for Daily Report on Condition of Roads as to Coal Dust—Section 62 (5)_______________________ Form of Report Book for Firemen, Examiners or Deputies—Sections 64 and 65 ____________________________ Similar to H.O. 42. Suitable for use in large collieries, 2 Forms on a page* about 400 pages_________________ Similar to H.O. 42. Suitable for use in large collieries, 1 Form on a page, about 400 pages _________________ Form of Book for Daily Report of Examination of External Parts of Winding Machinery, Guides, &c.—Section 66 (a) Weekly Report of Machinery, Gear and other Appliances (other than Winding Machinery, Gear, &c.)—Section 66 (5) Form of Book for Weekly Report on State of Shafts in which Persons are Lowered or Raised—Section 66 (c) ______ Form of Book for Weekly Report on State of Airways—Section 66 (d)___________________ ____________ Form of Book for Reports on Places from which Workmen have been Withdrawn—Section 67 _________________ Form of Notice of Accident Causing Loss of Life or Serious Personal Injury, to be sent to Representative of Persons Employed—Section 80 (1) ___________________________________________ ____________ _______ Form of Notice Specifying the Period of Employment and Times Allowed for Meals of Boys, Girls and Women—Section 93 Form of Book for Horsekeeper’s Record and Daily Report of Horses under his care—Schedule III. (13)_________________ Register of Hours of Winding Enginemen ... ___________________________________________________________ Form of Book for Daily Record of Shots Fired—Explosives in Coal Mines Order______________________________________ Record of Readings of Barome’er and Hygrometer Coal Mines Act, 1911. General Regulations, in Sheet Form ____________________________________________ Coal Mines Act, 1911. The Abstract, the General Regulations, and the Explosives in Coal Mines Order. (For Officials superior t<> Firemen, Examiners, or Deputies)____________________________ ______________________- Coal Mines Act, 1911. The parts of the Abstract and General Regulations required to be supplied to :— Rpeistered No. H.O., 64 H.O., 65 H.O., 66 H.O., 67 H O., 68 H.O., 69 H.O., 70 Mechanical Engineers________________________' Firemen, Examiners, and Deputies! _______ Electricians and Assistant Electricians!_______ Winding Enginemen________________________ Banksmen_______ ________________________ Onsetters_______ ________________________ Horsekeepers and Drivers in charge of Horses|| Boiler Minders_____________________________ By post 4d. By post 4d. By post 2s. 7d. By post 2s. 6d. By post l|d. By post l|d. 3d. each. 3d. each. 2s. each. 2s. each. Id. each. Id. each. . ___ 4d. each, postage extra id. each, post free Id. each. By post lid. id. each, 25 for 4d., postage extra 2s. each, postage extra Id. each, post ; free 4s. each, postage extra 9d. each do. 7d. each do. Is. 6d. each do. Id. each do. 6d. each do. Is. 3d. each do. Is. each do. 4s. 6d. each do. 2s. 6d. each do. Is. 6d. each do. Is. 3d. each do. Is. 3d. each do. Is. 3d. each do. 9d. each do. Id. each do. Id. each de. 2s. 6d. each do. 8d. each. By post Is. 9d. each, postage extra 9d. each, postage extra 3d. each, postage extra ... id. each, 3s. per 100, postage extra Persons in charge of Ventilating Machines. Shot-firers §. Underground Workmen in “ Naked Light ” Mines.! Underground Workmen in t( Safety Lamp ” Mines.! Surface Workmen. Persons employed in Sinking Operations.! Haulage Enginemen and Persons employed in Hauling ...........................j Operations. Mines and Quarries : General Regulations for Facilities for Baths and Drying Clothes ______________________ Id. each. By post lid. * Conviction Returns can also be supplied in books of 20 Forms and 20 Duplicates, 3s. each, postage extra, t Nos. 57, 66, 67, and 69 conclude with Extracts from the “Explosives in Coal Mines Order of the 1 st September, 1913.” J No. 58 concludes with a Memorandum on the Electricity Regulations. § No. 65 commences with the Explosives in Coal Mines Order. || No. 62 commences with the Third Schedule to the Coal Mines Act, 1911. “COLLIERY GUARDIAN” SERIES. UNOFFICIAL FORMS. id. each, > 3s. per 100, postage extra. Mine Register_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Monthly Record of Ventilation _______ _______ _____________________________________________________ Fan Record and Readings of Meteorological Instruments. Books of 60 pages ______________________________ Daily Report of Examination of External Parts of Machinery. Books of 200 pages ________________________ Daily Record of Earth or Fault Detectors. Books of 200 pages _________________________________________ Earth or Fault Detectors. Daily Record. Books containing 400 Reports____________________________________ Earth or Fault Detectors. Daily Record. Books of 100 Reports, with Duplicates ________________________ Report on Electric Power Plant. Books containing 100 Forms of Report, with duplicates perforated _______ Report on Electric Power Plant. Books containing 100 Forms of Report, with duplicates perforated _______ Report on Electric Power Plant (Three-phase). Books of 100 Forms of Report, with duplicates perforated Overman’s Daily Report. Books of 200 pages __________________________________________________________ Report of Inspection of Ventilation, &c. Books of 200 pages _______________________________________________ Foreman Enginewright’s Daily Report to Manager. Books of 200 pages ____________________________________ Foreman Smith’s Daily Report. Books of 200 pages _____________________________________________________ Wagon Weighman’s Daily Report. Books of 200 pages___________________ ____________________ _______ Authority to Fire Shots and Carry and Use Detonators. Books of 100 Forms, with rules on back_____________ The same as C.G. 31, but without rules on back __________________________________________________________ Authority to Carry a Lamp Key. Books of 100 Forms ... ... _______ __________________ Authority to have Charge of Detonators. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils________________________ Appointment of Deputy, Fireman, &c. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils _______ _____________ Workmen’s Contracts and Workmen’s Deductions. Books < f 200 pages, Forms 35a and 35b combined _______ Workmen’s Contracts. Books of 200 pages_____________ ____________ ______________________________ Workmen’s Deductions. Books of 200 pages________________________________________________________________ Certificated Manager’s Daily Report. Books containing 200 pages _________________________________________ Certificated Under-Manager’s Daily Report. Books of 200 pages _________________________________________ Veterinary Surgeon’s Weekly Report. Books of 200 pages ___________________ ________________________ Daily Return of Early Riders and Damaged Lamps. Books of 200 pages ____________________________________ Accident Report to Manager. Books of 50 Reports and duplicates _____________________________ _______ Daily Record of Male Persons above 16 Employed Above and Below Ground. Books of 48 pages, covering 12 years Abstract of all Persons Employed, to facilitate the making of the Annual and other Returns. Books of 96 pages Register of Officials, with Particulars of Engagement. Books of 96 pages __________________________________ Register of Persons Employed, with Particulars of Engagement. Books of 96 pages ________________________ Register of Persons Employed, 24 Hours’ Notice. Books of 96 pages_________________________________________ Book made up of 48 pages 50a ; 24 pages each 50b and 50c; indexed for easy reference_______________________ Coal-cutter’s Daily Report. Books of 200 pages _____________ _________________________________________ Appointment of Winding Engineman. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils ________________________ Authority to give Signals. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils ___________________________________ Appointment of Horsekeeper. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils____________________________________ Appointment of Electrician. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils____________________________________ Authority to Operate Switchgear. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils______________________________ Appointment of Safety Lamp Examiners. Books of 100 Certificates, with counterfoils________________________ Forms under the Quarries Act, 1894. Daily Report by Foreman. Books containing 400 Forms of Report_________________________________________ Reports of Examination of Machinery, &c Books of 200 pages_______________________________________________ id. each, > 3s. per 100, postage extra. By post 3s. 4d. By post 3s. 4d. By post 3s. 4d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 6s. 5d. By post 6s. 5d. By post 6s. 5d. By post 6s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. 3s each. 3s. each. 3s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 6s. each. 6s. each. 6s. each. 6s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. _ „ „_________ 4s. each. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 8s. 6d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 4d. By post 4s. 4d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 2s. 3d. By post 3s. 4d. By post 3s. 4d. By post 3s. 4d. By post 3s. 4d. By post 3s. 4d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 4d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s. 5d. By post 4s 5d. 4s. each. 4s. each. 8s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 2s. each. 3s. each. 3s. each. 3s. each. 3s. each. 3s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. 4s. each. By post 4s. 5d. 4s. each. By post 4s. 5d. List and full particulars post free on application to THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnlval Street, Holborn, London, E.C.