636 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. Septembek 18, 1914. upon the valve spindle can be arranged for turning this to vary the lead as required. In a modified construction the operating eccentric is carried by a counter shaft, which is driven continuously by intermediate gearing, such as chain gearing, from the main shaft of the compressor. Upon this countershaft improved control is provided for varying the lead of the valves consisting of an epicyclic or differential gear, through which the drive takes place, the planet member of which gear can be displaced to vary the lead. Fig. 1 is a plan view partly in section of a double com- pressor taken by way of example; fig. 2 is a corresponding view of a modified form. (Six claims.) HEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 19495. Artificial or block fuel. H. Faraday. 19503. Method and apparatus for the treatment of coal, shale, lignite, brown coal, and other carbonaceous materials. J. Moeller. 19504. Haulage clips. J. Hill. 19507. Composition and process for making pit props, pillars, and other articles. J. J. Fraser. 19508. Rolling, crushing, and grinding mill. J. J. Fraser. 19511. Steam boilers, such as locomotive boilers and the like. C. K. E. Bildt. 19515. Jigging trough and like conveyors for use in mines. Sir W. E. Garforth and G. W. Bousfield. 19523. Pit prop or support for the roof and sides in mining, tunnelling, trenching, and the like excavatory processes. G. Morris and L. H. Langrick. 19532. Travelling trolleys for overhead tracks or runways. Herbert Morris Limited, and J. A. Butterworth. 19536. Tram axle bearers. G. T. Jones. 19544. Rope clips for haulage purposes. G. Bates. 19557. Air pumps and compressors. H. A. Millen and V. 0. Simpkins. 19566. Processes for the manufacture of trinitrotoluene. Soc. Italiana Prodotti Esplodenti and F. Quartieri. 19573. Apparatus for regulating and controlling and/or indicating temperatures. I. Hall. 19575. Means for increasing the energy of stored compressed air. J. H. Hudson. 19578. Tipping apparatus for ordinary railway wagons or trucks. R. A. Holway and Perry and Company (Bow) Limited. 19597. Transporting apparatus more especially intended for charging articles into furnaces and withdrawing them therefrom. Wellman, Seaver and Head, Limited, and F. G. Smith. 19629. Field ambulance van. S. Bloxwich. 19633. Rotary compressor or exhauster. J. Johnston, and Globe Pneumatic Engineering Company Limited. 19635. Signalling devices. A. H. Clamp. 19637. Terminals for electrical conductors. A. J. Hedgcock, E. C. Mann, and W. T. Henley’s Telegraph Works Company Limited. 19642. Low temperature distillation retorts. E. G. Appleby. 19645. Means for compressing explosive substances and extracting the same from the moulds after com- pression. Soc. Italiana Prodotti Esplodenti, and F. Quartieri. 19652. Apparatus for generating or producing gas. W. R. Degenhardt. 19676. Miners’ safety lamps. E. A. Hailwood. 19678. Grate with automatic means for charging it and removing the slag. H. Brams. 19719. Steam superheaters. H. A. Stenning and J. H. Stirling. 19722. Purification, clarification, and sterilisation of water. W. E. Evans. (H. Neel, France.) Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on October 1.) 1913. 20476. Combustion of combustible mixtures. Kirke, and Bonecourt Surface Combustion Limited. 20561. Roller bearings. De Ferranti. 21377. Winches. Walker. 26604. Rotary pumps or compressors. Selas Lighting Com- pany, and Turner. 26821. Reversing gear for locomotives and the like. Casey and Cavin. 29851. Picks and other similar tools. Beveridge. 1914. 4223. Grips for cables, ropes, chains, and the like. De Carteret. 5339. Valve mechanism for locomotive and other Engines. Renaud. 7117. Process for treating carbonaceous material. Tozer. 8482. Method of making fissured water bearing strata watertight. Francois. 8611. Process for the recovery of tin by conversion into volatile tin compounds. Richards. 8680. Condensation plants for steam pumps. Akt.-Ges. der Maschinenfabriken Escher, Wyss et Cie. 13689. Automatic lubricating device for compressors. Akt.- Ges. der Maschinenfabriken Escher, Wyss et Cie. Complete Specifications open to Public Inspection before Acceptance. 1913. 25291. Apparatus for pulverising coal. Coyle. 1914. 15101. Rolls for use in manufacturing rolled bars. Stahl- werk Akt.-Ges. 16184. Gas holders. Maschinenfabrik Augsburg Nurnberg Akt.-Ges. 16191. Dumping receptacles. Fr. Krupp Akt.-Ges. 16981. Tar separators. Berlin Anhaltische Maschinenbau Akt.-Ges. ----------------------- Applications to Avoid or Suspend Patents or Licences.* No. and year of patent. Grantee. Name and address of applicant. Date of hearing. 5483/03 (Conveyors for coal, &c.) Baum Simon - Carves Bye-product Coke Oven Construction and Working Co. Ltd., 20,Mount- street, Manchester. Sept. 30 21897/04 (Hydraulic jigging machines). Ditto Ditto Ditto * Details of these patents referred to below are given elsewhere in this issue. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LISTS RECEIVED. Mr. Chas. H. Blume asks us to ,state that he holds his usual large stock of “ Megomac ” ‘ and “Insulae” insu- lating varnishes at Mitcham, Surrey (where they are manu- factured), and can offer prompt delivery of same. Prices remain as usual. The Patent N.P. Pump Bucket (one ring design) is designed for fitting to pumps where the clearances will not admit of the standard two ring design being used. The makers are The N.P. Pump Bucket Company, 11, Queen Victoria-street, London, E.C. Messrs. J. H. Tucker and Company send us a handsome souvenir booklet, enlivened by views of their workshops at Hay Mills, Birmingham. At these works, in addition to tumbler switches—a speciality of this firm—are made a comprehensive range of light and power accessories, switch- gear, etc. The British Aluminium Company Limited (109, Queen Victoria-street, London, E.C.) send a leaflet testifying to the economy effected by the employment of aluminium feeders on an overhead circuit, the net saving in the instance illustrated amounting to 36 per cent, in cost of conductors. Facility in erection and jointing is a marked feature of bare aluminium conductors. Messrs. The Austin Motor Company (1914) Limited, who are doing “ business as usual,” in addition to pleasure cars, turn out from their Northfield Works large numbers of industrial vehicles, petrol-driven electric lighting plants, machine tools, etc. They already export a large proportion of their manufactures, and are open to extend their enter- prise in any similar direction. Messrs. W. D. Houghton and Company Limited (Sankey Bridges, Warrington) favour us with their latest wire rope catalogue. This is of a more than usually interesting character, containing a short history of wire ropes and useful notes on their use for various purposes, including mining. For the latter Messrs. Houghton supply round wire ropes, including a special construction of “ dead lead ” steel rope, which resists compression of the rope coils on itself on the winding dzum, and when used for haulage in connection with clip pulleys; locked coil wire ropes for sinking, etc.; mild steel guide -ropes; compound strand carrying ropes for aerial tramways; and galvanised strand for signals, etc. A variety of capels, sockets, and other wire rope attachments are also listed. Messrs. Ronald Trist and Company Limited send us a leaflet giving the results of two comparative tests carried out by the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, Paris, with the object of ascertaining the actual amount of saving in friction that it is possible to effect by the use of S. E. A. rings as steam and hydraulic packing in the place of other materials. The tests, which were carried out in comparison with plaited asbestos and plaited cotton respectively, showed reductions in rod friction of no less than 260 per cent, and 500 per cent. The S. E. A. rings, by reason of their form, exert of themselves no pressure on the rod; no gland tighten- ing is necessary, and even if deliberate causes, no friction on the rod unless the material is subject to pressure beyond its crushing limit. Each ring interlocks one with the other, and an expansion groove enables a reserve supply of lubri- cant to be stored, and at the same time permits the elastic action of the tongue. These rings, it may be added, are of English design and manufacture. Messrs. Holdsworth and Sons Limited (Bradford) send us some brief particulars relating to their Yorkshire boilers. The first Yorkshire boiler, it may be recalled, was 20 ft. long by 8 ft. 6 in. in diameter, and supplied all the steam required for an engine developing 585 I.H.P., the boiler efficiency being 70 per cent., and the over-all efficiency of the boiler and economiser 80’^ per cent. This boiler, it is stated, has continued to give excellent results. Sizes are now also working ranging from 13 ft. by 6 ft. to 24 ft. by 9 ft. 6 in., and up to 200 lb. pressure. It is claimed a 24 ft. Yorkshire will give the same evaporation for 9 cwt. of coal as a 30 ft. Lancashire will give for 10 cwt. Further, that with equal chimney suction and when using similar quality of coal, the shorter boiler will give an evaporation 15 per cent, in excess of the longer boiler, and, as a proof that these figures are more than justified, a comparative test made some time ago showed, it is stated, a 24 ft. by 9 ft. Yorkshire as giving 16’8 per cent, greater evaporation than a 30 ft. Lancashire, although the longer boiler was covered with non-conducting material, whereas the Yorkshire was not covered. We have received from Messrs. Marshall, Sons and Com- pany Limited (Gainsborough) a sectional catalogue dealing with their winding and hauling engines. The standard wind- ing engines comprise seven different classes. The self-con- tained engines are suitable for 100 lb. pressures, and are made with single and double drums, either loose or keyed to the drum shaft; the diameters range from 5 in. by 6 in. to 10 in. by 18 in. cylinders, and from 1 ft. 6 in. by 1 in. to 4 ft. 6 in. by 1 ft. 1 in. drums. The direct coupled engines are suit- able for pressures from 100 to 1401b., and are a series of long-stroke permanently fixed engines. A coupled geared engine on similar lines is also supplied. In this case the bed plates are provided with extensions bolted to planed faces on the ends for carrying the winding drums; the drum shaft is supported rigidly parallel to the crank shaft, and is carried in massive bearings accurately fitted with brasses. The range in dimensions is from 12 in. by 24 in. to 18 in. by 36 in. cylinders, and from 6 ft. by 1 ft. 8 in. to 10 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. drums. A vertical winding engine is also illustrated —these, either mounted or stationary, are fitted with barrel or drums. A plant specially designed for South African conditions comprises a locomotive multitubular boiler, double-cylinder “ undertype ” engine, and winding gear. The plant can be supplied with or without the crank for driving pumps for pumping water from the mine. The winding drums are erected on a steel girder framing, which forms a rigid and strong foundation, and as one end of the framing is bolted to the engine frame, a true fit in the gearing and smooth running are ensured. Instead of the winding drams being mounted in a steel framing, making the engine and drums self-contained, the drum shafts can be carried on brickwork piers or timber foundations, thereby making a somewhat cheaper arrangement than the self- contained type. “ Undertype ” compound engines can be used in place of double cylinder engines, and they are suit- able for working pressures up to 150 lb. per sq. in. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. %* Any of the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price nam^il post free. Railway Accidents Report for 1913, 3d.; ditto, Summary for three months ending March 1914, ll|d. Trade of the United Kingdom for 1913, Vol. 2, 4s. 7d. The Prevention and Relief of Distress Memorandum, 7|d. Consular and Trade Reports, 1913 : Portugal, Laurenco Marques, 4|d.; Northern Territories of the Gold Coast, 3d. Bills : Bills of Exchange, Id.; Trading with the Enemy, Id.; ditto, as Amended, l|d.; Legislation (Suspension dur- ing the War), Id. Statutory Rule and Order : Courts Emergency Powers Procedure Rules, l|d. Unemployment Insurance Regulations, Id. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. The Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Company Limited, 1864-1914. London : The Business Statistics Company Limited. The Black Diamond Year Book, 1914. ’ Chicago : The Black Diamond Company. Price, $5. “ The Engineering Magazine ” (Vol. 47, No. 6), September, price Is.; “ The Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa ” (Vol. 15, No. 1), July, price 3s.; “ Employes’ Magazine,” September (pub- lished by the Lehigh Valley Coal Company); “Trans- actions of the Institution of Mining Engineers ” (Vol. 47, Part 5), price 6s. THOMAS SUMMERSON & SONS LTD ALBERT WORKS, DARLINGTON. Sidings Contracted for Complete. MANUFACTURERS of SWITCHES and CROSSINGS, CHAIRS, SPIKES, FISH PLATES, PLATELAYERS’ TOOLS i GENERAL CASTINGS. FISH PLATES and BOLTS for various sections of Rail kept in Stock Books on Goal Mining Specimen copies can be seen at the Offices of the “ Colliery Guardian.” s. d. Analyses of British Coals and Coke. By Allan Greenwell, F.G S., and J. V. Elsden, F.G.S., D.Sc. (Lond.) ........IO O Annals of Coalmining and the Coal Trade. By B. L. Galloway. First and Second Series. 16s. each net, or the two volumes together ........................................ n*»t 25 O Coal-Cutting by Machinery in the United Kingdom and America. By Sydney F. Walker and A. 8. E. Ackermann. Two vols., lOs. net, or separately................... 5 0 Coal Dust Experiments, British. A Record of the First Series of Experiments conducted by the Committee appointed by the Mining Association of Great Britain ... (by post, lOs. 7d.) 10 O Coal Dust Experiments, French. Abstracted Translation. (Bv post. Is. IJd.) ................................... 1 O Colliery Manager’s Handbook. By Caleb Pamely (postage extra) ... ................................. npt 25 O Colliery Manager’s Pocket Book, Almanac and Diary. Publi-hed annually in November ... Clocn 2s., rto»u 3s., Calf 4 6 Electricity as Applied to Mining. By Lupton, Parr and Perkins 12 O Haulage and Winding Appliances used in Mines. By Carl Volk................................................ « O Mechanical Engineering of Collieries. Bv T. C. Futers. Vol. 1. 21s. net; Vol. 2. lOs. 6d. net; Supplementary Vol., lOs. 6d. net (postage extra). Miners’ Nystagmus: Its Causes and Prevention. By T. Lister Llewellyn, M.D , B.S. (Lond.) .....(post free) 6 3 Mine Surveying (Treatise on). By Bennett H. Brough ... 7 6 Mining Formula. By T. A. O’Donahue, M.E., F.G.S., &c., Cloth IO 6 Also in five parts, paper covers ..............each 1 6 Practical Coalmining. By T. H. Cockin ................. 4 6 Practical Stone Quarrying. By A. Greenwell, Assoc. M.Inst.C E., and J. V. Elsden, D.Sc.(Lond.), F.G.S............. m-t 12 6 Recovering Coalmines after Explosion and Fires. By W. E. Garforth.................................. Cloth 1 6 Ventilation (Colliery). By J. Stanley James............ 2 O THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C