584 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN September 11, 1914. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ zone to the layers above; and, thirdly, it is required to be in sufficiently large quantity to act as an efficient carrier for the distillation products, these latter requiring an adequate medium for floating them away quickly, at the moment they are produced, from the hot zones of the chamber. An arrangement is provided at this discharge opening which enables spent material to be removed as often as desired without admitting air to the chamber. The feed- ing of fresh material into the furnace is performed quickly, the admission of air being prevented at the charging open- ing as much as possible, or, instead of a plain charging door or hopper, a feeding arrangement is preferably provided, which will permit of the' introduction' of charges into the chamber without air being admitted at all. In order to rob the gases of the last traces of condensates which may be present, in the case of volatile liquids, in the form of a fine mist, a mechanical separator is used, and it . is very advantageous to use or adapt the. circulating fan or pump as a mechanical separator in such a manner that the gases after treatment in a condenser, and- before being introduced into the chamber., are subjected to the mechanical separating action of the fan, which drives them, freed of the last remnant of condensates, into the furnace. Steam is pre- ferably caused to enter, below the zone of combustion and circulate with the gases evolved. By using steam in the circuit, it increases the weight of fluid, acting as a conveyor of heat, and also .the volume to support .the particles of oil but when it reaches the condenser it condenses and reduces the volume of gas to be dealt with by the fan or separator or both. Moreover, in some cases, depending also upon the material being treated, the steam has, as is well known, a chemical action, and by its use variations in the resulting products may be obtained. The accompanying drawing is. a diagrammatic sectional elevation, illustrating a suitable apparatus for carrying out the invention. (Five claims.) ___________________________ Exports and Imports of Mining Machinery.—The Board of Trade returns do not distinguish imports of mining machinery according to country or , origin. The following, however, shows values of imports .and exports in August :— August. Jan.-Aug: 1913. 1914. 1913. 1914. £ ,£ .£ Imports ................... 10,397 ..,12,650 70,257 ... 74,252 ....... Ex orts................... 72,050 .. 58,077 ...733,876 ...585,408 It should be noted that these figures do not include prime movers or electrical machinery. According to destination the value of exports was as under:— August. Jan.-Aug. To 1913. 1914. 1913. 1914. £ £ £ £ Countries in Europe... 8,719 ... 3,955 ... 74,140 ...118,113 UnitedStatesof America 199 ... 101 ... 2 3'26 ... 840 Countries in S. America. 6,05" ...10,238 ... 53,629 ... 39,302 British South Africa... 23,820 ...24,251 .. 310,546 200,385 „ East Indies .... 8,419 ... 5,325 ... 68,614 ... 55,571 Australia ............. 2,945 ... 2,171 ... 27,014 ... 31,869 New Zealand .......... 2,46'2 ... 2,056 ... 20.221 ... 10,138 Other countries _______ 19.436 ... 9,980 ...177,082 ...129,190 The following shows exports of prime movers, other than electrical:— August. Jan.-Aug. 1913. 1914. 1913. 1914. All prime movers (ex- £ £ £ £ cept electrical) ...... 838,701 ...543,532...6,755,057...7,588,401 Rail locomotives ...... 301,100.. 210,260..1,788,211 . 2,641,584 Pumping...... .................. 41,’1O... 22,741... 486,322... 335.298 Winding............. 7,141... 1,078... 16,905... 23,544 In August the imports of prime movers only amounted to £12,291 (.£226,061 in the eight months), of which £97-1 represents the value of pumping machinery imported. NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. 19254. Devices for separating magnetic materials from materials in which they may be present as impurities or foreign matter. H. H. Thompson and A. E. Davies. 19267. Explosives and the manufacture thereof. H. H. Stockfeld. (Powerite Explosives Company Limited, Australia.) 19269. Steam superheaters. G. V. V. Hutchinson and R. E. L. Maunsell. 19299. Rock drills. A. Robertson and J. Jackson. 19334. Destructor furnaces. J. Thomas. 19338. Door operating gear for railway hopper wagons and for analogous purposes. J. H. Grant. 19339. Unspillable gas outlet for miners’ lamp and other accumulators. J. H. Rothwell and J. Roberts, trading as J. H. Rothwell and Company. 19342. Machine for discharging and charging gas retorts. A. A. Guest and W. P. Gibbons. 19351. , Gear cutting or generating machines. J; Ogden and Turbine Gears Limited. 19362. Steam traps. R. Parsons. 19363. Steam generators. E. Rodriguez and A. C. Kerr. 19364. Pit props. Stewarts and Lloyds Limited, and F. H. de Saulles. 19377. Reduction of. the effects of explosions in coal mines. L. G. Hill. 19379. Friction clutch devices for pulleys or the like. I. Mitchell. 19385.. Method of .manufacturing concrete pipes. W. J. Frame and G. A. Mower. 19388, Signalling devices for use in mines. W. Lochhead. 19392. Stills or evaporating plant for the distillation of tar, .pitch, oil, and like heavy liquids or viscous sub- stances. Sir K. I. Crossley and H. W. Brighten. 19399. Keys for holding down railway, tramway, and tram- road rails and the like in their supporting chairs. L. Green. 19402. Apparatus for cooling pistons. B. E. D. Kilburn. (Geb. Sulzer Akt.-Ges., Switzerland.) 19411. Concentration of ores. H. W. C. Annable and A. E. Roberts. 19416. Automatic colliery tram, spray, and dust destructor which will answer for air cooling, disinfecting, and watering roads. W. Herbert and J. Whit- combe. 19418. Regenerative furnaces. Drakes Limited, and J. W. Drake. 19421. Coal conveyor. W. H. Chambers and J. A. Geadon. 19430. Control device for rotary boiler feed pumps. G. and J. Weir Limited, and "W. Weir. 19435.' Gas scrubber. G. J. Marriott. 19437.- Composition suitable for mending tanks containing liquid hydrocarbons. A. G. Hopkins. 19438. Indicating and signalling devices for use in coal mines and the like. C. F. Jackson and J. F. Staley. 19150. Steam generators. W. A. Robertson. 19468. Air regulator for miners’ or cycle lamps. W. Thomas. 19469. Device for forming and maintaining an oil bath in the axle box keeps of locomotive engines or other vehicles. R. Jelley. Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on September 24.) 1913. 17773. Treatment of wet carbonised peat or the like. Rigby, and Wetcarbonizing Limited. 18463. Pumps. Lake. 19433. Valves. Akt.-Ges. Brown, Boveri et Cie. 19542. Double rope grabs or the like. Midgley. 20180. Hauling or winding engines. Fowler. 20325. Vehicle for lifting and transporting cable drums and the like. Blake. 20459. Method of and apparatus for clay getting or mining. Leech, and Standardised China Clay Company. 21079. Cylinder or ball mill for use in grinding potters’ material and the like. Maddock, and William Boulton Limited. 21289. Brick kilns. Drayton. 21678. Construction of electric switch. Aldous and Camp- bell Limited, and Archer. 21736. Arrangement of flaps in pumps, more especially in explosion water lifters. Akt.-Ges. Brown, Boveri et Cie. 22849. Elastic fluid turbines. Warwick Machinery Com- pany (1908). (General Electric Company.) 23050. Valve controlling devices. Davy. 23786. Compound fluid pressure engines. Chorlton. 24318. Appliances for localising the effects of mine explo- sions. Balfour. 24403. Furnaces. Swan and Parker. 24949. Means for cutting out and re-inserting the resistance in electric motor controllers of the drum type. Marvin. 25609. Manufacture of hollow metal rods and the like from billets or ingots. Lloyd. 26284. Construction of water tube boilers. Soc. Anon, des Etablissements Delaunay-Belleville. 26860. Straightening and hardening of twist drills and other steel articles. Strong. 28566. Steelyard weighing apparatus. W. and T. Avery Limited, Hill and Munro. 29040. Means for lubricating conveyor belt idlers, haulage rope supporting rollers, and the like. Woodman and Stone. 1914. 434. Condensers. Akt.-Ges. Brown, Boveri et Cie. 3339. Furnaces for the heat treatment of metals. Russell and Lord. 5303. Catch devices for boring rods. Nederlandsche Maat- schappij tot het verrichten van Mijnbouwkundige Werken (firm of). 8278. Manufacture and production of chain links. Johnson (Dodge.) 8297. Steam cranes. Florence. 8785. Water gauges for steam boilers. Bellis and Ishman. . 11839. Manufacture of tanks. Guest and Lenox. 12012. Starting transformers. Atk-Ges. Brown, Boveri et Cie. 12270. Furnace working openings through which hot gases are discharged. Rockwell. Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection before Acceptance. 1914. 14863. Dumping receptacles. Fr. Krupp Akt.-Ges. 17003. Process for the manufacture of pure trinitrotoluene from crude trinitrotoluene. Oberschlesische Akt.- Ges. fur Fabrikation von Lignose Schiesswoll- fabrik fur Armee und Marine. 17163. Steam or gas turbines. Akt.-Ges. der Maschinen- fakriken Escher, Wyss, et Cie. 19199. Rolling of gear teeth. Anderson. ___________________________ GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *** Any the following publications may be obtained on application to this office at the price named post free. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1914 : No. 1228, National Insurance, Subsidiary Employment, No. 3, Ijd.; No. 1230, Bill of Exchange, ljd.; No. 1266, National Insurance, IJd.; No. 1267, ditto, lid. Infantile Mortality in Lancashire, Report, Is. 6Jd. Board of Education : List of Technical Instruction Courses, 1912-13 and 1914, 4d. Acts, 1914: Articles of Commerce Returns, etc., Id.; Housing, No. 2, Amendment, Id.; Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, Temporary Rules, Amendment, Id. ; Customs Exportation Prohibition, Id. Boiler Explosion Report, No. 2308, at Celtnen Colliery, Monmouth, 4Jd. Employment of Military in Cases of Disturbances Report, Id. Consular and Trade Reports : Society Islands, 2d.; Gambia, 2d.; Aleppo, 2Jd. Southern Nigeria Mineral Survey Report, lid. Bills : Patents Amendments, Id.; Currency and Bank- notes, Id. ________________________ PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Fergusson’s Percentage of Trigonometry or Plane Trigonometry Reduced to Simple Arithmetic ; with a short description of the percentage compass. By John Coleman Fergusson. London : Longmans Green and Company. Price, 3s. 6d. Business Life : Hints on Office Management. By W. J. Parkins. Bristol : H. R. Allenson Limited. Price, Is. net. “ Journal of the South African Institution of Engineers ” (Vol. 13, No. 1). August, price 2s.; “The Naturalist,” No. 692, September: “ Trade of the Union of South Africa, South and North Rhodesia, and British South Africa for June 1914,” price 3s. 6d.; “ Cassier's Magazine,” September, Is.; “ I.C.S. Student,” September. __________________________ Partnership Dissolved.—The London Gazette announces the dissolution of the following partnership :—S. W. and C. Dailey, carrying on business as quarry proprietors and stone merchants at Binegar, Somerset, under the style of C. Dailey and Company. Grimsby Coal Exports.—The quantity of coal exported from Grimsby during the week ended September 4 is shown by the officials returns to be as follows :—Foreign : To Aalborg, 1,534 tons; Ahus, 1,487; Barcelona, 1,355; Chris- tiansand, 565; Copenhagen, 2,898; Drammen, 900; Esbjerg, 1,224; Gefle, 2,003; Gothenburg, 2,678; Karlscrona, 469; Langesund, 543; Malmo, 1,553; Trelleborg, 1,402; Trondhjem, 3,700; and Westervik, 695—total, 23,006 tons. Coastwise : To Southwold, 32’tons. The totals for the corre- sponding week of last year were : Foreign, 20,929 tons; coastwise, 530. THE “ PROTO ” (“) RESCUE APPARATUS, fflk THE ALL-BRITISH APPARATUS -! — is — THE safest apparatus in the world. N° Injector employed. Always under positive pressure, there- r fore no danger of drawing poisonous air into breathing circuit. °Ur “ BULLETIN ” of actual work done in serious cases will be sent free on , ' Ji* request. For further testimony as to the efficiency of the “ Proto,” please see Mr. J. R. ALLOTT’S paper read before the Institution of Mining Engineers on 5th June, 1913—copy sent free on request. ____________________________ E2S SAFETY LAMPS, LAMPROOM FITTINGS, Enamelled Notice Plates, -- APPLY - PROTECTOR LAMP **’®T||(0 CO. LTD., ECCLES. _________________ ALFRED ALLEN & SON Mnkers of ___________________ If colliery' Air pipEST SIEBE, Telegrams—° Siebe, Lamb, London.” & CO. LTD., “ Neptune ” Agent for North America and Mexico-H. N. ELMER, 1140, Monadnoch Works, LONDON, Telephone No.—251 Hop. Block, Ghicaco. S.E. pt and COLLIERY TUBS In IRON, STEEL and WOOD. Lower Gornal, nr. Dudley. Telegrams—“ Allen, Lower Gornal.” Telephone—106 Dudley.