580 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN September. 11, 1914 EXPORTS OF COAL. COKE. AHO HAHUFACTURED FUEL FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM Daring August and the first eight months of 1912, 1913 and 1914 To August, 1914. August. Coal—Small. Coal—Through- and-through (unscreened). Coal—Large. All coal. Quantity (tons). All coal. Value {£). Tons. £ Tons. £ Tons. £ 1912. 1913. 1914 1912. 1913 1914. Russia .. 23,700 15,277 9,779 6,294 135,874 98,161 674,546 769,791 169,353 436,875 559,455 119,732 Sweden . 39,333 25,418 46,106 28,533 112,908 74,742 510,549 379,475 198,347 305,842 254,696 128,693 Norway.. 81,788 42,148 60,838 37,109 110,841 71,978 208,641 154,887 253,467 117,623 97,671 151,235 Denmark... . ... 68,477 40,048 57,260 37,209 117,282 78,377 282,101 248,746 243,019 167,228 165,482 155,634 Germany 51.263 26,910 54,110 31,562 26,653 17,344 866,437 798,177 132,026 454,715 477,690 75,816 Netherlands 64,680 38,410 72,983 42,828 27,633 17,411 183,044 168,862 165,296 102,731 108,271 98,649 Belgium 12,731 5,792 8,666 4,947 10,330 6,835 130,629 148 132 31,727 65,435 87,884 17,574 France 220,106 99,711 170,292 100,062 172,385 130,071 862,099 , 946,378 562,783 497,473 595,867 329,844 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 13,271 7,281 22,433 12,923 42,025 33,083 108,438 1 95,924 77,729 72,175 72,764 53,287 Spain and Canaries 31,156 18,097 61,958 39,339 79,464 61,435 261,492 ! 259,847 172,578 172,203 188,748 118,871 Italy .... 84,819 36,138 113,060 68,540 246,900 193,870 850,129 ! 665,618 441,779 553,115 470,248 298,548 Austria- Hungary — — 5,793 3,261 11,804 9.284 83,855 ! 64,286 17,602 49,793 43,279 12,545 trreece .. 717 395 17,799 10,203 10,837 9,101 81,612 1 36,080 29,353 53,089 28,436 19,699 Koumania 3,165 1.583 — — 11,272 10,180 19,271 ' 23,283 14,437 12,966 18,867 11,763 Turkey . 1,145 1,133 8,695 5,359 31,616 26,049 45,155 ; 24,787 . 41,456 32,187 22,282 32,541 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 13,726 6,954 54,745 33,878 93,174 72,703 363,314 ; 196,796 161,645 243,497 146,969 113,535 Algeria 9,948 5,260 9,071 5,592 9,628 ' 8,040 88,723 116,751 28,647 53,316 79,255 18,892 Portuguese West Africa — — 4,668 2,918 10,345 8,873 17,187 13,390 15,013 13,451 11,691 11,791 Chile .... 102 155 — — 17,618 14,211 38,863 21,039 17,720 31,bl 16,870 14,366 Brazil . 1,730 1,625 ' 4,84S 3,010 42,405 35,523 145,284 111,504 48,983 116,007 99,498 40,158 Uruguay 5,104 4,194 893 534 33,106 26,953 91,892 72,006 39,103 75,653 62,201 31,681 Argentine Republic — — — — 98,344 81,108 312,387 290,741 98,344 240,651 244,077 81,108 Channel Islands 27 21 2,230 1,399 9,097 6,453 21,235 16,004 11,354 14,301 11,456 7,873 Gibraltar 2,076 791 8,205 5,356 5,263 4,232 18,604 29,161 15,544 13,051 19,772 10,379 Malta .. 1,174 631 9,388 5,938 ■ 8,856 7,379 35,832 39,292 19,418 25,186 28,703 13,948 Aden and Dependencies — — — — — — 30,491 17,684 — 24,264 14,899 — British India 363 282 — — 1,283 908 9,614 10,057 1,646 7,171 8,658 1,190 Ceylon .. — — — — 5,232 4,578 12,795 7,037 5,232 9,993 6,333 4,578 Other countries 16,130 11,524 4,095 2,463 33,916 30,534 100,456 93,421 54,141 69,977 76,403 44,521 Anthracite 49,234 35,041 650 358 56,326 46,909 255,260 231,590 106,210 201,943 184,299 k 82,308 Total-* Steam 560,344 273,617 191,051 116,630 1,327,359 1,003,027 4,688,550 4,197,809 2,078,754 3,004,827 2,951,073 1,393,274 Gas 54,448 32,079 549,455 333,715 64,551 45,982 1,044,002 962,574 668,454 563,246 608,155 411,776 Household 23,151 12,898 276 151 65,233 41,613 189,420 137,375 85,660 111,680 91,913 54,662 L Other sorts 62,554 36,143 66,488 38,403 2,622 1,885 280,443 289,814 131,664 . 149,456 182,985 76,431 Total ... 746,731 389,778 807,920 489,257 1,516,091 1,139,416 6,457,675 5,819,162 3,070,742 4,031,152 4,018,425 2,018,451 Total (August 1913 > 1,457,554 829,238 1,190,371 743,497 3,171,237 2,445,690 — — — — — — Total (August 1912) 1,507,738 768,555 1,224,966 653,769 3,724,971 2,608,828 — — — — — — Coke — — — ■ — — — 108,948 113,423 68,498 93,525 101,988 53,356 Manufactured fuel — — — — — — 163,030 140,278 70,159 126,210 121,968 60,522 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel - — — — - — 6,729,653 6,072,863 3,209,399 4,250,887 4,242,381 ■' 2,132,329 • First eight months of 1914. First eight months. Russia .. 399,951 248,862 118,761 75,388 2,530,81> 1,780,582 2,515,825 3,794,188 3,049,527 1,627,983 2,751,743 2,104,832 Sweden.. 5o8,703 279,932 225,992 141,129 1,687,094 1,122,134 2,363,262 2,880,837 2,421,789 1,374,957 1,913,214 1,543,195 Norway.. 483,574 226,394 111,936 69,223 1,077,826 710,526 1,361,256 1,513,688 1,673,336 747,036 957,705 1,006,143 Denmark 447,899 256,867 463,413 296,266 950,158 635,152 1,687,562 1,937,492 1,861.470 971,129 1,270,714 1,188,285 Germany 1,730,436 925,701 2,241,061 1,325,609 1,285,268 842,721 5,213,106 5,950,248 5,256,765 2,683,117 3,510,721 3,094,031 Netherlands 477,729 271,329 425,110 261,183 278,232 182,227 1,182,927 1,389,990 1,181,071 630,801 866,506 714,739 Belgium 453,895 220,291 229,856 138,300 356,234 236,719 928,704 1,382,186 1,039,985 444,287 800,986 595,310 France .. 3,653,950 1,858,934 2,085,733 1,274,313 2,731,394 2,100,720 6,269,589 8,526,921 8,471,077 3,541,338 5,367,494 5,233,967 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 169,074 94,305 154,032 96,163 512,903 420,270 769,282 929,284 836,009 513,630 688,988 610,738 Spain and Canaries 386,943 229,073 693,346 439,277 1,150,888 929,472 2,132,394 2,474,504 2,231,177 1,430,386 1,810,279 1,597,822 Italy 916,485 417,762 1,441,189 915,527 3,501,903 2,853,682 5,693,589 6,339,031 5,859,577 3,773,821 4,543,374 4,186,971 Austria-Hungary 109,163 62,150 136,181 85,088 319,018 233,232 485,948 742,646 564,362 276,313 506,582 380,470 Greece .. 65,425 43,865 189,303 111,929 215,756 180,979 410,776 431,160 470,484 251,977 313,531 336,773 Roumania 58,932 31,974 29,702 18,417 129,584 116,726 114,075 119,414 218,218 79,254 96,442 167,117 Turkey.. 16,077 12,934 69,730 43,853 331,630 27<»,755 262,544 133,453 417,437 188,077 110,788 327,542 Egypt (including Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) 143,186 78,839 336,800 214,964 1,580,725 1,255,824 1,890,731 2,000,998 2,060,711 1,288,931 1,506,445 1,549,627 Algeria.. 170,075 92,442 280,569 176,559 290,250 232,223 615,961 885,736 740,894 364,007 607,017 501,224 Portuguese West Africa 34 42 29,504 18,425 85,924 74,811 201,136 171,458 115,462 164,072 150,137 93,278 Chile Brazil Uruguay Argentine Republic 3,922 30,044 26,272 51,622 4,810 24,640 19,991 46,426 4,375 37,746 893 4,209 2,940 23,816 534 3,157 344,054 839,30» 434,491 2,153,875 277,509 763,166 385,740 1,877,372 447,605 985,318 516,842 1,965,859 430,437 1,286,853 502,500 2,458,161 352,351 907,090 461,656 2,209,706 371,541 800,364 420,464 1,540,587 366,474 1,143,763 426,991 2,047,677 285,259 811,622 406,265 1,926,955 Channel Islands 926 693 16,674 10,699 89,708 66,173 114,950 107,324 107,308 79,973 78,246 77,565 Gibraltar Malta Aden and Dependencies 26,573 46,550 13,233 23,897 60,265 74,399 38,304 49,353 127,921 176,443 96,725 105,712 150,137 85,593 218,092 231,846 138,371 239,851 470,112 104,748 214,759 297,392 96,725 157,088 147,850 111,712 171,798 348,191 88,652 157,249 223,387 85,593 British India Ceylon Other countries 5,191 822 142,743 3,908 722 98,400 12,515 27,060 8,684 17,441 100,333 204,246 647,913 83,739 176,438 530,722 82,666 152,292 720,356 117,005 148,757 851,626 118,039 205,068 817,716 59,252 120,787 537,306 94,447 126,625 684,429 96,331 177,160 646,563 Anthracite Steam ... 834,996 7,985,484 561,986 4,017,302 650 2,000,263 358 1.229,746 886,506 21,941,181 765,587 16,957,032 1,533,475 28,370,605 1,934,680 35,288,362 1,722,152 31,926,928 1,214,551 18,266,855 1,537,429 24,969,704 1,327,931 22,204,080 Totals Gas Household ; 476,718 300,170 269,420 185,315 6,357,613 5,524 3,946,369 3,430 701,509 670,280 488,136 447,722 6,791,847 991,688 7,587,554 1,160,811 7,535,840 975,974 3,574,407 585,976 4,625,791 758,541 4,703,925 636,467 _ Other sorts ' 928,828 554,393 1,136,304 676,638 31,135 22,579 1,985,249 2,349,201 2,096,267 1,056,251 1,458,524 1,253,610 Total ... .. 10,526,196 5,588,416 9,500,354 5,856,541 24,230,611 18,681,056 39,672,864 48,320,608 44,257,161 24,698,040 33,349,989 30,126,013 Total for eight months of 1913 ... 11,493,917 6,546,593 9,787,451 5,964,340 27,039,240 20,839,056 — — — — — — Total for eight months of 1912 ... 8,975,650 4,396,928 8,454,039 4,447,980 22,243,175 15,853,132 — — — — — — Coke Manufactured fuel — — — ■ — — — 583,034 990,258 712,698 1,363,324 694,061 1,324,937 470,506 767,791 686,363 1,165,114 585,851 1,151,760 Total of coal, coke & manufactured fuel — — — — - — 41,246,156 50,396,630 46,276,159 25,936,337 35,201.466 31,863 624 international difficulties which have arisen. It is suggested that United Kingdom firms transacting business with Japan should consult exchange bankers with a view to having their shipments to the Far Eastern markets financed. The attitude of the Japanese banks is exceedingly cautious. It is estimated that at present the stocks of dyes in Japan are sufficient for six months" requirements. The British Ambassador at Rome has also cabled. He says he is informed that the present moment would be a favourable one for a competent Italian commercial traveller or agent to go to Milan and obtain orders for goods hitherto supplied by Germany. Amongst such goods for which there would be a demand are carbons for arc lamps, magnesium, silica, bricks, and special types of steel. The London Gazette contains a proclamation making certain alterations in the Customs (Exportation Prohibi- tions) Act, 1914. The heading “ Manganese ” in the proclamation dated August 5 should read: “ Manganese, including ferro-manganese.” The exportation of iron ore is prohibited to all foreign ports in Europe and on the Mediterranean and Black seas other than those of Russia (except Baltic ports), Belgium, France, Spain, and Portugal. Amongst other articles added to the list of prohibitions to all destinations contained in former proclamations are tungsten, wolfram, ore, nitro-toluol, ammonium sulpho- cyanide, benzoic acid (synthetic) and benzoates, coal-tar products for use in dye manufacture, and dyes and dyestuffs obtained from coal tar. The first Prize Court since the Crimean War was held last Friday in the Admiralty Court. The first case was that of the German barque “ Chile,” which was in Cardiff, without cargo, at the declaration of war. She was ordered to be detained. The next was the “ Perkeo,” a full-rigged ship bound from New York to Hamburg in ballast. She was ordered to be appraised and sold, as was the schooner “ Else,” 223 tons. The same order as was made in the case of the “ Chile ” was made in the cases of the steamship “Nyland” (1,533 tons), the sailing ship “Angela” (122 tons), the galliot “Katharina” (137 tons), the steamship “ Rhenania ” (874 tons), the sailing ship “ Altje ” (63 tons), the steamship “ Serak ” (4,680 tons), and the sailing ship “Weser” (181 tons). All these vessels are German.