458 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. August 28, 1934. Wrought Iron and Steel Tubes. Special Joint These Tubes are specially suitable for use in Mines, being both light and strong. FITTINGS OF ALL KINDS SUPPLIED. Improved Albion Loose Flange Joint. for Collieries. Joints are easily connected, and a Tube can be removed without disturbing the run. STEWARTS and LLOYDS LTD., PRICE LISTS SENT ON APPLICATION. GLASGOW 4 1. Oswald Street. IIIRMINGH AIVS Broad Street Chambers. I.ONDONWinchester House. Old Broad Street. APPROVED MINERS' LAMPS, GLASSES. r Colliery Stores. W. E. TEALE & CO. LTD. SWINTON, LANC. Telegrams—“Teale, Swinton, Lane.” Telephone—No. 124 Eccles. JU fl! IMS C 8r ft Electrical Mining Plant Manufacturers, ■ 111 nULInEd Ob uU>, newcastle-on-tyne. Price 25s. net. ANNALS OF COALMINING AND THE COAL TRADE. By ROBERT L. GALLOWAY. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Prevent Colliery Explosions! It is far cheaper to provide means of preventing explosions than to suffer the enormous loss they cause. Stone Dusting minimises the danger. Stone Dust is easily and cheaply made if you have one of Allen’s Special Stone Dust Making Plants. They are simple, strong and self-contained. They have many advantages over other types of machines. If you do not vet know about them, write at once for details ! Edgar Allen & Co. Limited, Imperial Steel Works, SHEFFIELD. Climax No. 3 Haulage Clip. Patent No. 7750. SIMPLE. Adjustable for wear and tor varying diameters of Rope. FEW PARTS. Renewable wearing surfaces. Climax Tub Pedestals. Patent No. 17852. Plain, Roller, or White Metal Bearings. THOUSANDS IN USE. JOHN KING & C° 38, BOAR LANE, LEEDS.