__ ___ _____ __ ________ __ _____ THE BRITISH EXPLOSIVES SYNDICATE, 1™ , have had the uridernoted.Explosives added to theEermitted List > 452 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. ______ ... August 28, 1914 CHARGE LIMIT TT f »^TTI JTTt PENDULUM SWING 16oz HLKCULllt 272in CHARGE LIMIT Til 1 > ff C PENDULUM SWING 32 oz In AMD rUWDtK^ Uhese Explosives ate specially suited lor use in stone or hard coat, ohames Tousder does not require to be thawed. HEAD OFFICE:- 124 St.Vincent Street, GLASGOW. AGENCIES IN ALL THE COLLIERY DISTRICTS The IDEAL Machine for Producing “TREFOR 1 STONE-DUST. BORING and Coaldust Explosions Preventative. MINING Go. Ltd H .ggBiPt • Lt ' • Saks--- ihwh<’« RICHARD SCHOLEFIELD " engineer ■ \IEEDb ENG. Correct Proportions of Dust in one operation. ", VARYING OUTPUTS. " DON'T take risks Write NOW. Particulars on application— RICHARD SCHOLEFIELD, Engineer, Burley Vale Foundry, LEEDS. (Soci6t£ Anonyme de Eorage et Entreprises Minieres), 41, RUE ROYALE, BRUXELLES. CONTRACTORS FOR DEEP BORINGS Wells drilled for petroleum in all parts of the world. Special outfit for coal borings to any depth and of any diameter (Vogt’s Patents). BREJCHA’S PATENTS. Boring to any depth without casings and without reduction of diameter. Speed record in England: Boring Heswall (Cheshire), 3,400 feet in eight months. Shafts sunk by freezing method Shafts sunk by cementing the watery grounds (cementing and sinking simultaneously). BORINGS MADE IN ENGLAND TO-DAY. Heswall (Cheshire) ____________ Furnace End (Warwickshire) Maidensole (Kent) ____________ Oxney (Kent) _________________ Bishopsbourne (Kent)____________ Ash (Kent)______________________ Great Missenden (Buckinghamshire) 3,416 ft. 1,600 „ 3,823 „ 3,800 „ 3,225 „ 1,966 „ 1,264 „