302 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. August 7. 1914 W. G. Allen & Sons (tipton) Ltd., TV I rr’"D A t> JI Tn A rUiTjL'Ct.' at.iWQ TTDTnv ” TELEPHONE—No. 37, TIPTON. « • s • / ♦ HAULACE CLIP. ©. ' : > ta! |©&si G>EH? T so”5- ’HOW LONG DOES THE LEAD IN PACKING LAST UNDER MODERN STEAM PRESSURES INHERE IS A^* PACKING THAT GIVES' LONG SERVICE /■ BECAUSE IT IS Z ■ ALL HEAT RESISTING /f WHY BUY LEAD AT THE PRICE1 OF PACKING? GREENE, TWEED & Co., Sole Manufacturers, Queen Anne s Chambers Westminster, London, S.W. is the packing for true economy, because it does not weigh heavily, and its own lubricant makes it last and give long service. Try a Free Working Sample. PALMETTO’ OPEN BRIDL.E. also in. Box Xose- PONGARB Perfect Eye & Head Shield. Light! Comfortable I Durable ! Reasonable ! Sole Agents : LEGARD & SOY, Pit Pony Harness Makers and Contractors, LEATHER MERCHANTS, ’PHONE 11. Barnsley. NOBODY’S SAFE from an outbreak of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING OF COLLIERIES. T. c. Xers Vol. I., Price 21s. net. Vol. II., Price 10s. 6d. net. SUPPLEMENTARY VOL.-Price 10s. 6d. net. The Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30 &31, Fumival-st., Holborn, London, E.C. fire. Don’t let yourself be lulled into a False Feeling of Security—get the real protection of the “ NEW ERA ” 30-GALLON CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINE. Equal to thousands of gallons of water. 'll “ Your own FIRE ENGINE on your premises.” ALWAYS READY FOR INSTANT USE. Don’t wait for a fire—write now— to-morrow may be too late. Write for full particulars. The Valor Co. Ltd. ASTON CROSS. BIRMINGHAM. TURNER’S FODDER PREPARING MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, etc. COMPLETE PLANTS SUPPLIED FOR PREPARING FODDER FOR ANY NUMBER OF HORSES. - ZSB =.„ COPVftlCHT Turner’s Oat Crushing Mill, No. 12. MINE ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS ARE INVITED TO APPLY FOR ESTIMATES AND PLANS FOR PLANTS TO SUIT THEIR SPECIAL REQUIRE- MENTS. Turner’s Bean and Maize Kibbling MUI, No. 14. tGI COPYRIGHT. Catalogues on application. E. R. & F. TURNER, LTD(151) IPSWICH.