298 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. August 7, 1911. PERMITTED EXPLOSIVE NO HARMFUL FUMES. Maximum Charge 36 2-73 Pendulum Swing* ozs. PATENT APPLIED FOR. SUPER-EXCELUTE No. 3. In dusty and gaseous mines this Explosive provides a larger margin of safety than any other Explosive on the Permitted List. THE BEST ON THE LIST Write for Samples and price to— CURTIS’S & HARVEY LTD..-“ST SELF-CONTAINED MILL Producing BUOYANT, MIXED or COARSE Dust at one Operation, from Run of Mine Shale. til > 1 § 20 MILLS SOLD THIS YEAR. Several Repeat Orders. WM. JOHNSON & SONS (LEEDS) LTD., Armley, Leeds Specialities : CRUSHING, GRINDING and SCREENING, BRIQUETTING, CEMENT and BRICKMAKING MACHINERY. MOORE BYE-PRODUCT PRODUCERS =^= FOR GASFIRING BOILERS —= IT PAYS to convert your coal fired boilers into gas fired boilers. We will guarantee P°un^s °f steam per Pound of Producer Fuel. Yield of Ammonia and Tar. Instal Moore Bye-Product Producers and Reduce your Fuel Bill by 30 % to 50 % Belt Pickings, Coke Breeze, Washer Rubbish, and all kinds of poor fuels can be utilised with unequalled results. -------- The only Producer Plant for Boiler Firing sold with complete guerentees. - CONOMY L™ 50, Wellington St., Glasgow. Write for literature and engineer’s visit to—