August 7, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 295 The PROTO Self-Contained Oxygen Breathing Apparatus (Fleuss-Davis Patents) HAS BEEN EXCLUSIVELY ADOPTED BY THE LONDON FIRE BRIGADE. •■pwm' • c 1 The latest type of Emergency Motor Car built for the LONDON FIRE BRIGADE, and equipped EXCLUSIVELY with the “PROTO” APPARATUS, for work in noxious atmospheres. Also Makers of SMOKE HELMETS for Gob Fires in Mines, &c. OXYGEN RESUSCITATING APPARATUS. (Beware of automatic suction appliances for resuscitation work, which are strongly condemned by physiologists as DANGEROUS and INEFFECTIVE). OXYGEN COMPRESSION PUMPS (Hand, Belt, and Electri- cally-driven). GAS ANALYSIS APPARATUS, as designed by Dr. J. S. Haldane, F.R.S., etc., etc., etc. SI EBE, GORMAN & CO. LTD., “NEPTUNE” WORKS and 187, Westminster Bridge Road, LONDON, S.E. Telegrams—“ SIEBE LAMB, LONDON.” Telephone No.—HOP 251. F DOG SP/K£S TRAM NAILS ALBERT FROST&C?, HOWARD STREET, SHEFFIELD. TROST’S W PRTERT ,I GALVANIZED WIRE THESPEC/flLL/NES- WE HANDLE QU/CKESTDEUVERYGUHRMTEED WIRE: “RLFRO,SHEFFIELD' ’PHONE*. .<4366,CENTRAL. CODE*. fl.B.C. E9, V'.L f. ECONOMY By accurate tapering the life of the Pit Prop is more than doubled. — PATENT ---------- Prop Sharpening Machine The only machine which produces, at low cost, a prop no matter of what length or diameter, with a perfectly round or even point of any desired taper. PIT PROP SHARPENING MACHINE. ADVANTAGES Small cost of machine. Ability to produce a perfectly round or even point of any desired taper. Small amount of power required to operate. Automatic arrangement for disposing of the waste chippings. Saving of labour on account of the auto- matic feed. Capacity for an enormous output. --- Full particulars and prices from - F. OXLEY & GO.. ATHERSTONE. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. SAFETY