July 31, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 271 No. 39. TH E COLLI ERY GUARDIAN MONTHLY LIST OF RECENT COAL LITERATURE I.—General. Nova Scotia : Report of the Department of Mines, 1913. Halifax, 1914. Reports of H.M. Inspectors of Mines for 1913 :—Scot- land, Is. 3d.; Northern, 8d.; Yorks and N. Midland, Is. l|d.; Manchester and Ireland, 4^d.; Liverpool and N. Wales, 6|d.; Midland and Southern, 8|d.; S. Wales, 7d. London, 1914. Second Report of the Royal Commission on Metalliferous Mines and Quarries. London, 1914 [Cd. 74761, Is. 9d. Coal Mining Profits and By-Products Recovery. “ Engineer,” July 3, p. 17. Effect of Panama Canal on World’s Coal Markets. F. R. Wadleigh. “ Coal Age,” June 20, p. 1000; July 11, p. 57. Historical Sketch of the George’s Creek Coal Region. R. A. Walter. “ Coal Age,” June 20, p. 995; 9 fig. Collieries and Income Tax : Hire-Purchase of Wagons. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 17, p. 137. Coal Mining in New South Wales. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 17, p. 142. Trade Unions in 1912. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 24, p. 199. Coal Mines Inspection in 1913. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 24 (suppl.), 24 pp.; 21 fig. State Acquisition of Prussian Mines. (Das Problem der Verstaatlichung des Preussischen Steinkohlenberg- baus.) —. Herring. 3 mk. Miners’ Wages in Germany During the First Quarter of 1914 (Die Bergarbeiterlohne in Deutschland im 1 Vierteljahr, 1914). “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 28, pp. 1124-1128. Output of Fuel and By-products in the Rhenish- Westphalian Mining District in 1913 (Die Bergwerks produktion des niederrheinisch-Westfalischen Berg- baubezirkes im Jahre 1913). E. Jiingst. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 27, pp. 1081-1094. The Lignite Output of Bohemia in 1913 (Statistik des Bohmischen Braunkohlenverkehres im Jahre 1913). “ Montan. Rundsch.,” vol. 6, No. 13, pp. 465-6. Statistics of the Output of Fuel in France during 1913 (Tableaux de la Production des Combustibles Mineraux). “ Annales des Mines,” ser. 11, vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 462-5. Report of the Mine Inspector for Alaska, 1912-13. “ U.S. Dept. Interior,” 10pp.; Washington. Mine Signboards. E. Higgins and E. Steidle. “ U.S. Bur. Mines Techn. Paper 67 ”; 15 pp.; 1 pl., 4 fig. II. —Education. The Engineering Departments at Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. “ Engineering,” July 3, p. 10. The Necessary Training of Mine Officials. P. J. Brennan. “ Coal Age,” June 27, p. 1048. (Paper read before W. Virginia Min. Inst.) The Moving Picture in Coal Mining. F. H. Kneeland. “ Coal Age,” June 27, p. 1036; 6 fig. Mining Laboratories of the University of Illinois. H. H. Stock and E. A. Holbrook. “ Journ. Western Soc. Engin.,” May, p. 459; 24 fig. III. —Geology. The Geology of the Northern Part of the Derbyshire Coalfield. W. Gibson and G. W. Lamplugh. “ Memoir Geol. Surv. G.B.,” 186 pp., 12 fig. and pl. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 10, p. 91; 4 fig. Note on a Dyke of White Trap from the Pench Valley .Coalfield, Chhindwara District, C.P. C. Fox. “ Rec. Geol. Surv. India,” vol. 44, 2, p. 123; 2 fig. Contributions to the Geology of the Provinces of Yunnan in Western China : IV.—The country around Yunnan Fu. J. C. Brown. “ Rec. Geol. Surv. India,” vol. 44, 2, p. 85; 1 pl. The Heswall Boring. A. Strahan. “ Summary Pro- gress, Geol. Surv. G.B.,” p. 95. On a Boring for Coal at Hemington, Somerset. T. C. Cantrill and J. Pringle. “ Summary Progress, Geol. Surv. G.B.,” p. 98. Borings in the Asturias Coalfield. Cuenca Carbonifera de Asturias : Emplazamiento de Sondeos. L. de Adaro. 80 pp., 3 maps. Madrid : A. Marzo. Natural Resources of Canada. F. D. Adams. “ Canad. Min. Journ.,” June 15, p. 419. (From Pres. Addr. Roy. Soc. Canada.) Petrified Plants in Coal Measures (Uber pflanzliche Versteinerungen im Steinkohlengebirge). H. Willert. ” Bergbau,” vol. 27, No. 24, pp. 434-437; 6 illus. No. 25, pp. 453-456; 17 illus. Geology of the Northern Part of the Derbyshire Coal- field. W. Gibson, C. B. Wedd, and others. “ Memoirs, Geol. Survey Engl, and Wales,” 186 pp.; 6 pl. and 12 fig. 3s. Resins in Palaeozoic Plants and in Coals of High Rank. D. White. “ U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper 85 E,” 83 pp.; 5 pl. Contributions to Economic Geology, 1912.—Part I : Metals and Nonmetals except Fuels. D. White. “ U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull 540,” 563 pp.; 60 fig. IY.—Mine Surveying. The “ Eagle ” Theodolite. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 26, p. 1479; 3 fig. Dip Chart. H. Bancroft. “ Bull. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,” July, p. 1767; 2 fig. Y.—Mining Technology. Relation of Falls of Roof in Collieries on the Middleburg Coalfield to Weather Changes. C. J. Gray. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 3, p. 22; 2 fig. (From “ Proc. Chem. Metall. Min. Soc. S. Africa.”) Rock Temperatures* E. J. Moynihan. “ Journ. Chem. Metall. Min. Soc. S. Africa,” May, p. 455. Types of Journal Bearings for Mill Use. H. A. Megraw. ' “ Eng. Min. Journ.,” July 11, p. 61. Short Manual of Mining (Kurzer Leitfaden der Berg- baukunde). F. Heise and F. Herbst. 250 pp., 334 illus. J. Springer, Berlin, 6 mk. YI.—Working of Minerals. Longwall Machine Mining. J. F. K. Brown. “ Can. Min. Journ.,” July 1, p. 435. (Read before Min. Soc. Nova Scotia.) Opening a Coal Mine in Nova Scotia. C. M. Odell. “ Can. Min. Journ.,” July 1, p. 441. (Read before Min. Sect. Can. Soc. Civ. Engifi.) Anthracite Mine Engineering. G. W. Engel. “ Coll. Engin.,” July, p. 753; 8 fig. Longwall Mining in Ohio. W. G. Burroughs. “ Coll. Engin.,” July, p. 729; 6 fig. (Jeffrey machines at the La Belle Shaft Mine at Steubenville.) Western Montana Coalfields. L. A. Palmer. “ Coll. Engin.,” July, p. 721; 4 fig. Some Recent Developments in Electric Coal Mining Machines. S. B. King. “ Bull Am. Inst. Min. Engin.,” June, p. 957; 13 fig. (Deals mainly with the Sullivan machines.) What Shall be Considered Maximum Recovery. A. W. Herse. “ Coal Age,” June 27, p. 1051. (Paper read before W. Virginia Min. Inst.) Experiments on the Designing of a Coal Cutting Machine Suitable for Use in German Seams (Studien und Versuche zur Konstruktion einer anpassungsfahigen Schrammaschine fiir den Abbau unter Beriichsichti- gung der Flotzverhaltnisse des deutschen Kohlenberg- baues). Dr. Beissel. “ Bergbau,” vol. 27, No. 25, pp. 456-459; No. 26, pp. 474-477; No. 27, pp. 493-495. The Book Cliffs Coalfield, Utah. R. S. Lewis. “ Bull. Amer. Inst. Min. Engin.,” July, p. 1729; 9 fig. YII.—Boring, Shaft Sinking, and Tunnelling. Exploration Maps for Diamond Drilling. W. Meyers. “ Min. Eng. Wld.,” June 27, p. 1197; 2 fig. Hammer Drills v. Reciprocating Drills. P. B. McDonald. “ Canad. Min. Journ.,” June 15, p. 417; 1 fig- Sinking the No. 2 Ickern Shaft by the Aid of Electric Winding Plant (Das Abteufen des Schachtes Ickern II. mit Hilfe elektrischer Forderung). H. Bruns. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 28, pp. 1119-1123; 7 illus. The Anschutz Instrument for Measuring Deflection in Boreholes (Der Bohrlochneigungsmesser von Anschutz). K. Haussmann. “ Gliickauf, vol. 50, No. 27, pp. 1074-1076; 4 illus. Sinking Through Solid Strata by the Petrifaction Process (Das Durchteufen fester Gebirgschichten nach dem Verstinerungsverfahren). A. Schwemann and G. Schneiders. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 25, pp. OSS- OSO ; 6 illus. Drilling Wells in Oklahoma by the Mud-laden Fluid Method. A. G. Heggem and J. A. Pollard. “ U.S. Bur. Mines Techn. Paper 68,” 27 pp.; 5 fig. YIII.—Explosives, Blasting. Explosives in Coal Mines. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 10, p. 88. (New Order adding six explosives.) Missfires During Shot Firing in Sinking Shafts (Uber Versager bei der Schiessarbeit in Abteufschachten). K. Jentsch. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 20, pp. 1140-1156. Shot-Firing Accidents in the Dortmund District, 1000- 1012 (Die Unfalle beim Gebrauch von Sprengstoffen auf den zur Sektion 2 der Knappschafts-Berufs- genossenschaft gehdrigen Werken Wahrend der Jahre 1000 bis 1012). W. Mertens. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 26, pp. 1032-1041; No. 27, pp. 1076-1081. IX.—Timbering, Packing, etc. Arching in Collieries. R. G. Clark. “ Proc. S. Wales Inst. Engin.,” vol. 30, 3, p. 355; 18 fig. The Preservation of Timber, and its Importance in Mining (Die Konservierung des Holzes und ihre Bedeutung fiir den Bergbau). T. Wolff. “ Bergbau,” vol. 27, No. 26, pp. 470-481; No. 27, pp. 405-6. Hydraulic Goaf Packing at the Sagor Colliery (Das Schlammverfahren in Sagor). J. Pauer. “ Montan. Rundsch.,” vol. 6, No. 13, pp. 449-456; 1 illus. X.—Surface Arrangements. Equipment of Mine Machine Shops. F. A. Stanley. “ Eng. Min. Journ.,” July 11, p. 54; 8 fig. (Deals with Anaconda, Calumet and Hecla, Bunker Hill and other shops.) The Denbo Mine of the Reliance Coke Company. “ Coal Age,” July 11, p. 73; 3 fig. (Power is furnished from coke breeze.) Indiana’s First Electrically Operated Coal Mine. W. F. Core. “ Coal Age,” July 11, p. 52; 0 fig. (Describes No. 1 mine of the J. K. Dering Coal Com- pany at Clinton.) Allerton Bywater Collieries. H. F. Smithson. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 47, 3, p. 434; 1 fig. Ledstone Luck Colliery. J. C. Linneker. “ Trans. Inst. Min. Engin.,” vol. 47, 3, p. 442. The New Weston Colliery. W. Z. Price. “ Coll. Engin.,” July, p. 726; 4 fig. (Mine situated near Shenandoah, Pa, with natural drainage.) Ledston and Peckfield Collieries. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” July 10, p. 41; 4 fig. The Engineering Opportunities of Our Coal Mining Fields. A. Allen. “ Journ. Western Soc. Engin.,” May, p. 413; 9 fig. XI.—Winding and Haulage. Electrical Winding Plant at the Bowdon Close Colliery Colliery Guard.,” July 3, p. 17; 6 fig. Underground Locomotive Haulage Costs. A. Barjot. “ Colliery Guard.,” July 3, p. 37. (From Ann. Mines Belg.) Gasoline Motors for Coal Mine Haulage. R. J. Lee. “ Bull. Canad. Min. Inst.,” July, p. 97; 1 fig. Proper Voltage for Underground Electric Mine Haulage. G. L. Perrin. “ Min. Eng. Wld.,” July 4, p. 17; 3 fig. (Paper read before Nevada Ind. Safety Conf.) Endless Rope Haulage for Inclined Plane at a Slope Mine. A. D. MacFarlane. “ Ind. World,” July 6, p. 803. (Paper read before W. Va. Coal Min. Inst.) Changing Hoisting Ropes ’End for End. C. T. Rice. “ Eng. Min. Wld.,” p. 1199; 6 fig. Recent Developments in the Design of Jeffrey Electric Locomotives and Coal Cutting Machines. S. B. Belden. “ Bull. Am. Inst.,” June, p. 977; 46 fig. A Simple Method of Calculating the Resistance of Bonded Rail Joints. V. Rhea. “ Coal Age,” June 27, p. 1044. (Formula and tables are given, by the use of which the resistance of any compressed terminal bond may be ascertained in terms of feet of unbroken rail.) New Type Electric Locomotive for Mines. E. W. Jansen. “ Sibley Journ. Eng.,” June, p. 341; 4 fig. (Boehm loco.) Multi-Speed “ Cascade ” Winders on the Rand. “ S. Afric. Eng.,” June, p. 121; 3 fig. Mechanical Face Conveyors at the Osterfeld Colliery (Erfahrungen mit mechanischer Abbauforderung auf der Zeche Osterfeld). H. Grahn. “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 26, pp. 1025-1027; 2 illus. Automatic Hauling and Tipping Devices in Mines (Selbsttatige Fordereinrichtungen im Bergbau). F. Konecznv. ” Montan. Rundsch," vol. 6, No. 12, pp. 421-24. The Lott-Davies Safety Pit-Cage Appliance. J. Lewis. “ Proc. S. Wales Inst. Engin.,” v. 30, 1, 2, p. 2225: 4 fig. Hydraulic Balancing of Cages at Bank (Note sur uno Balance Hydraulique pour la Monoeuvre des Cages aux Accrochages). C. Juvent. “ Publ. Assoc. Ingen. Mons," v. 7, 3. p. 127: 4 fig. XII.—Signalling. B.E.M. Signalling System. “ Colliery Guard.,” June 26, p. 1477; 3 fig. XIY.—Ventilation. The Development and Theory of the Pitot Tube. A. H. Gibson. “ Engineer,” July 10, p. 29; July 17, p. 59; 13 fig. Tests with a Hohenzollern Fan (Versuche an einem Hohenzollern Ventilator). F. Gerkrath, “ Gliickauf,” vol. 50, No. 28, pp. 1123-1124,