July 24, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 185 Collieries. We have systems at work in seams of 16 in. yielding an output of 5 to 7 tons per man per shift, and from Seams 3 ft. 9 in. an output of 14 tons per man per shift. We are certain a saving can be made in any mine that will pay for the outlay in three months, no matter what the total cost of the plant may be. The greater the length of face the greater the output, and we can deal with 400 tons of coal per shift on one Conveyor, and any length of face dealt with. The Mining Appliances System of Mining Coal has been adopted at many Collieries with most gratifying results to the Owners. Blue prints supplied showing our Systems and full details of cost, etc., free. We are Sole Proprietors of the “ EICKHOFF ” Patents. Any INFRINGEMENTS will subject offenders to legal proceedings forthwith. “EICKHOFF” PATENT ROLLER CONVEYOR. Only 9 inches lilglx. Telephone: 2401 Central. SHEFFIELD