July 17, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 167 BUYERS ! COMPARE THESE ADVANTAGES with other WORM BLOCKS! 1st.—“Quick Lowering” with “Control” of Lowering Speed. 2nd.—Easy Lifting. 3rd.—Self-Sustaining. 4th.—Smooth Working. 5th.—Small Headroom. REALISE THIS That the Advantage of “ Quick Lowering ” eventually makes THE “ RYLAND ” PATENT the Cheapest Worm Block on the Market --- for* List Not 23 • m m m RYLAND STREET WORKS, I OUNGSj BIRMINGHAM Praise LOWER STEADILY, MEN ON -ower\ ^oown' ZERO/^x .. / RAISEX 1 STOP APPROVED WINDING SIGNALS complying with Rule 95, General Regulations, 1913. DAVIS’S Self-contained SOLENOID BELL WITH DIAL INDICATOR. System 102. Patent applied for No. 7241. Simple, Efficient, Inexpensive. MULTIPLE CABLES DISPENSED WITH. Can be worked off existing electrical or mechanical wires. Steel Underframe Railway Car- riages, Tramoars, and Wagons of every description for Hire and Sale by Immediate or Deferred Pay- ments. Ironwork, Wheels and Axles. WAGONS. Also Wagons with Oak Underframes. Makers of HYDRAULIC PRESSED BOSS and other WHEELS and AXLES. PRESSED STEEL BOGIES. Wagons for Hire, capable of carrying Six, Eight and Ten Tons, part of which are con- structed specially for Shipping pur- poses. Wagons in Working Order maintained by Contract. SECOND-HAND BALLAST WAGONS FIT FOR MAIN LINE TRAFFIC. Sole Manufacturers of Dean & Churchward’s “ EITHERSIDE BRAKE,” and Marillier’s Patent “INSTANTER COUPLING.” SEND FOR LIST 41 V. JOHN DAVIS & SON fTUrWl I Tn ALL SAINTS WORKS, DERBY ; & y' *^17, Victoria St., Westminster, London, S.W. Telegrams—“ Davis, Derby.” Telephone—240 Derby. Tlie Birmingham Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. WORKS: SMETHWICK BIRMINGHAM. Ltd., 9leu) 9ermitted 'SxpfoMed. Swale Powder. For Stone Work & Hard Coal. Faversham Powder No. 2. For Ripping and Coal. Melling Powder. All-round Work. Kent Powder. For Round Coal. *€otton 9ou)der *€o. Sf?td„ 24, WALBROOK, LONDON.