July 17, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 123 THE Latest Additions TO PERMITTED LIST. *•5 FIRED WITH A N" 6 DETONATOR FOR COAL MINES Samples and full particulars from the Company or any of their Agents. SOLE MANUFACTURERS : THE NEW EXPLOSIVES CO. LTD., 62, London Wall, London, E.G. Works : Stow market, Suffolk. Established 1865. SULLIVAN IRONCLAD ■a- ■ I ■" - IN A NORTHUMBERLAND PIT. (CLASS CH—8) Every British Colliery Manager who has been to see these machines in operation has ordered one or more. . MAY WE SHEW THEM TO YOU? Write for free Illustrated Catalogue 3063 K. SULLIVAN MACHINERY CO. (ESTABLISHED 1850), SALISBURY HOUSE, LONDON, E.C. giaiM Speciality Printing | for Coal and Iron Companies MOST Business Firms ap- preciate the advantages of dealing with specialists when buying supplies. The Specialist is able to save time, because he knows the buyer’s requirements. He is able to give the best prices, because he produces his speci- ality at the lowest possible cost. For the past 50 years we have specialised in the pro- duction of the various Special Forms, Books and Stationery used by Coal and Iron Companies. Practically all the Special Forms prescribed by The Home Office under the Coal Mines Act can be supplied by us from Stock. Any kind of printed matter for use by Colliery Companies can be obtained from us promptly and at competitive prices. Output Sheets, Books, Pay Tickets, Shipping Charters etc., etc. Letterheadings by all processes. On receipt of enquiry, we send samples, designs and quotation free. Will you write us to-day ? Telegrams— ** Seargcants. Abergavenny' Telephone— SMI P.O. No. 3. iiii m TkfctA ABERGAVENNY BRANCHES: LONDON, CARDIFF, SWANSEA