_ VICTOR POWDER July 10, 1914, THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 113 "nr, Biggest Pendulum Swing 296 on New Permitted List of Explosives 18 OUNCES No Thawing Required Fumes Trivial * No Insensitiveness Defect NOBEL- GLASGOW TV vfl S ft IT. 11 Patented 1902, 1906 and 1910. AiitoiniLtic The 1911 lever has large lateral stops and a wedge-shaped head. Drop-forged shells (two sizes), levers (four sizes), catches and couplings. SMALLMAN -«»< HAULAGE CLIPS. New Model: Nine Sizes. tllustrated Catalogue. Clips can be had without catches. Patentee and Sole Manufacturer:— JAMES W. SMALLMAN, HUHEATON, England. “ UNEEDUS STEEL ” For Hard Rock and Coal. Drills and Coal Cutter Tools, made from above giving every satisfaction. -- GIVE n A TRIAL. -- E. W. HODGSON & Co. 24, Norfolk Row, SHEFFIELD, TYNOS. “Bitromarc” Solution A highly efficient Bituminous. Anti- Corrosive Black Enamel Paint for Iron and Steel Structures, Corrugated Iron, Ships’ Holds, Bunkers, &c. SOLE PROPRIETORS s S. T. TAYLOR & SONS, Tynos Works, SCOTSWOOD-ON-TYNE. Tel. No.: 65 Central. Tel. Address: “Compo, Scotswood" LIMITED. SANDYCROFT CHESTER. WRIGHT’S FORGE & % ENGINEERING GO. LTD. THE AVONSIDE ENGINE CO. LTD. BRISTOL. FINEST WORKMANSHIP. BEST MATERIALS. WORKS LOCOMOTIVES. --- Sole Mairufacturers. ------ NEPTUNE FORCE, a 57, BISHOPSCATE, TIPTON. “ LONDON, E.C.