July 10, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 73 COLLIERY ENGINEERS At Home and Abroad appreciate the EXCLUSIVE MERITS OF THE = MARCUS = SCREEN CONVEYOR Read what our Friends Abroad say. Writing under date of November 26th, 1813, they say: -——---- “This Marcus has been running since the middle of June, giving no trouble at all. “The writer has seen a continuous stream of coal flowing over this Marcus for 60 minutes at a time without losing a stroke, or without interruption of the stream. “We have no hesitation in saying that after the installation of hundreds of shaking screens we regard this as the Most Remarkable Type of Screen we have ever had anything to do with.” HEAD, WRIGHTSON & CO. LTD., STOCKTON-ON-TEES. Makers of ~ • Coal Screening and Washing Plants, Coal Shippers & Hoists, Crushers, Elevators, Steel Headgears, 4c., Pit Tubbing, and Heavy Machinery Castings.