July 10, 1914. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 65 LOCOMOTIVES. COLLIERY HAULAGE ENGINES FOR AIR, STEAM & ELECTRICITY. FORGINGS & REPAIR WORK. OB COAL CUTTING MACHINES OF ALL TYPES. MACHINE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. londono^e YORKSHIRE ENGINE CO. LTD.. HEAD™n0RKS , Finsbury Circus, E.C. ' SHEFFIELD. Telegrams :—“ Engine, Sheffield.” Write ticulars 1 . Limited, Edgar Steel Works, SHEFFIELD. has many advantages over other The “EXHALL” OVERWIND PREVENTER (Jackson & Staley’s Patent). Any Engineman ca>n understand it after once seeing it in operation. (1). Effectually prevents the Cage being dashed into the sump boards when men are being lowered. rnUMMMt* if is ■: « 8 8 St (2) . The Engineman cannot start in the wrong direction. (3) . The Engineman cannot exceed any predetermined speed in winding. (4) . Steam is shut off if winding at high speed continues too near the end of wind. (5) . There are two independent mechanisms, either of which shut off steam and apply the brakes to prevent overwinding. (6) . After the action of the machine in preventing an over- wind it can be set ready for re-use by one man, and Winding can he Continued Within One Minute. Adopted by OVER 120 COLLIERIES, among which are The Lilleshall Co. Ltd.............. 8 machines. The Weardale Steel, Coal & Coke Co. Ltd. ... 7 machines. The New Hucknall Colliery Co. Ltd. . 6 machines. &c Sole Makers— NORTONS (TIVIDALE) LTD., Hecla Works, Tipton, ENGLAND.